This is the first of a new series for middle grade that I absolutely LOVED!! It has darker humor comparable to Lemony Snicket, very fun and funny. Pick this one up Dec 8th. Thank you to Simon & Schuster for the finished copy to review!!
This is the first of a new series for middle grade that I absolutely LOVED!! It has darker humor comparable to Lemony Snicket, very fun and funny. Pick this one up Dec 8th. Thank you to Simon & Schuster for the finished copy to review!!
This was excellent! A very unique story told from the perspectives of three women told in both the late 1700s and modern day about an apothecary that dealt in deadly poisons. Really enjoyed it! This one releases in early March, don‘t miss it! Thank you to Harper Collins for the ARC!
Daaaaang this book was so good and intense!!! Be prepared for some pretty unlikeable characters but that‘s what makes this story so great! I loved it!!
Wow!!!! I tore through this memoir/true crime book. This is such a bonkers story and a serial killer I had yet to hear about. If you love true crime, this is for you! Many many thanks to Simon & Schuster for the advanced copy. This will definitely be one to pick up when it releases in early March!
I loved every single bit of this classic by Lawrence Durrell. This is only the first of the Alexandrian Quartet but I definitely plan on reading them all as time allows. This was one I really had to take time with and soak in every word. Just beautiful. 💜💜💜
Meant to post this ages ago! Loved this book! Highly recommend this AND the show. Really enjoyed it!
What an incredible and fascinating memoir this is. I will forever hold it dear. This is not a book I normally would have chosen, but so grateful that I did. I highly recommend it. You will be captivated from the first page until the end. What I wouldn‘t give to sit down with this woman and have a conversation. 💜👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Such a beautiful story! I decided to read this after starting the HBO series. So glad I did! 💜💜💜
Oh my goodness this is sooooooooooooo wonderful!!!!!! I LOVED this story so much! This is my first of hers to read and I have just been blown away. Please pick this one up when it releases in October. Grateful to Macmillan for sending me a copy 🙏🏼. What a beautiful novel 💜💜💜.
This was my favorite Alice Feeney novel yet. I LOVED this twisty murder mystery. When Christine Dalcher said “Feeney has single-handedly made the bookmark obsolete,” she was NOT mistaken!
I can easily say that this is (so far) my favorite of the year. It‘s such a wonderful mix of so many things. One moment side-splitting funny, the next deeply moving. I really really enjoyed Memoirs and Misinformation. 🙌🏼💜🙌🏼
I really enjoyed this female-empowering mystery about second chances. I wasn‘t able to put it down!
I couldn‘t have read this book at a better time. An absolutely wonderful story of man who hears of a shaman that can heal everything wrong with you in three days, and the journey and process that then enfolds. Beautiful, moving, deep, and so much more. I LOVE this book! 💜
This is incredibly devastating and heart breaking. That being said it is also beautiful in its own right. I‘ve yet read an author that evokes the emotion in me that Jeanine Cummins can. This was so distressing it had me physically shaking. I‘m saddened her family had to endure all it did but I‘m happy knowing she‘s made an impact with this book.
Man this memoir about domestic abuse was really really good!!! I could NOT put this down!
Grady Hendrix is my favorite, my absolute favorite!!! It really amazes me how he can write about something as overdone as vampires and still provide a fresh, unique, and scary story! He‘s done the same with his novels in the past and I continue to look forward to ANYTHING he puts out. Loved this story about book clubs, stay-at-home moms, the 90s, and of course....a vampire ☠️😈☠️
This was a pretty heavy book but I thought it was done very well!! Told from different perspectives this story is one that will haunt me for awhile. It deals with domestic abuse and the secrets that we carry.
A moving story of a girl in foster care. It was beautifully written and I loved the ending! Definitely for the older middle grade readers.
I flew through Demi Moore‘s moving memoir. I really admire the strength and courage it must have taken to put this out there for the world to pick apart. I loved this so much!
I enjoyed Stephen King‘s newest novel about an institute that experiments on children showing signs of telekinesis and telepathy. I liked this more than his earlier novel The Outsider but it‘s still lacking that old spark he used to have. It‘s worth the read though! 👍🏼
Oh dear Jason Arnopp how I love you, let me count the ways....I loved his first novel Last Days of Jack Sparks and I LOVE Ghoster too!! He‘s one of my favorites writing in the genre of horror and I can‘t wait until the next! Check out Ghoster when it releases this month on the 22nd. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 💜😱💀👻
This is a tremendous piece of work. I have never been so emotionally involved in a story. This is a book that truly EVERYONE needs to read. This is the best I‘ve read this year by far!!!!! So so so much love for American Dirt!!! 💜💜💜
This was such a beautiful fantasy!!! I loved it!💜
#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush Day 1 - Seven covers in seven days with no explanation and tag someone new every day. Tagging @H.Louise
This was ok......I really wanted to love it but the ridiculous drawn out action scenes killed it for me. It wasn‘t horrible, just not for me.
I LOVED this book!! This is Stephen Chbosky‘s first adult debut and it‘s in the genre of horror so I couldn‘t be happier! LOTS of creep factor here, biblical references, and a strong mother/son bond. As much as I loved this book, this is not for everyone...
Spontaneously combusting children is the premise here - as crazy as that sounds it comes across completely normal. This is a hilarious and endearing novel about what it means to be family.
I absolutely loved this book! Ninth House is Leigh Bardugo‘s Adult Fantasy debut. I found myself actually putting this down because I didn‘t want it to end 🤣. It definitely ends on a cliffhanger so there will be more! Be prepared for some major triggers, ghosts, gore, magic, and secret societies 😈.
This was very different from what I had expected. It is an excellent coming of age novel! Beautifully written 💜.
I sincerely hope that everyone reads this book as soon they can! It releases September 10th!! Malcolm Gladwell has done a PHENOMENAL job! This was my first of his to read and I‘m just completely blown away.
I thought the author did a great job providing an insight into these women‘s lives. I wasn‘t as shocked as a lot of people were by it. This definitely reads like fiction and is completely unputdownable!
Man this will definitely throw you for a loop!! The Need is an excellent thriller/drama (not sure what to call it exactly 😂) with major Dark Matter undertones. I loved it!
This is Joshilyn Jackson‘s first thriller and I thought she did an excellent job! This is a fun summer read about the lengths people will go to to hide their deepest darkest secret.
The Butterfly Girl is the sequel to Child Finder, a novel I LOVED!! This was just as good if not better. I am in love with Rene Denfeld's writing 💜.
I cannot put into words what an absolute must read this is. This is an incredible and haunting novel based on very real events and places that will and should stay with you long after finishing it.
I was able to get about three quarters through this one and then just couldn't do it any longer. There are really funny parts but the majority is so all over the place and at times overally detailed that it was very hard to stick with it.
I really liked this one! It's a unique story with LOTS of sci-fi type body horror.
I loved this book! A beautiful story of courage, food, and independence!! 💜
Literally just finished this book in my hotel room at a book conference. This is INCREDIBLE!!!! So much kick ass, skeleton-fightin, bloody battling, hilarious fun! I‘ve never read anything like it before and am beyond impressed by the world the author has created. Cannot wait to read this again, yes AGAIN💜🙌🏼!!!
This was sooooo good. There are so many facets to this story and stood out to me as wonderfully unique. Highly recommend!
This was a devastating but oh so beautifully written novel. I loved it.
I loved this book! Loved it!!! While the story wasn‘t the happiest to follow, I thought Sally Rooney did an excellent job creating characters you never want to leave.
I absolutely loved this book! This was a fascinating history about the true crime book Harper Lee worked on and never finished.
This was a powerful family drama/thriller. Very well done 👍🏼!
This was a terrific thriller! The author did a great job of creating a creepy story without excessive gore. It was a great story and one I‘d recommend to anyone looking for a new thriller in August 👍🏼.
Devouring Gray was a fun supernatural/fantasy that I think most teens would enjoy!
I really enjoyed Golden State! It was a good change of pace for me, and I‘d recommend this to anyone looking for a new dystopian type novel.
This was very well researched, written, and overall just excellent! I‘ve become obsessed with this story as well. I followed this with the podcast and the HBO documentary. I‘m eagerly awaiting what and if anything will happen to Elizabeth Holmes.
Whoaaaa. Ok I ended this in a pile of tears. It was very unexpected since it had me literally laughing out loud for the majority of it. This was a wonderfully unique, hilarious, and moving dystopian novel that I couldn‘t recommend more highly!!!! 🙌🏼🦅💜
Whoaaaa this was one twisted thriller!!! I loved Alice Feeney‘s previous novel Sometimes I Lie and I have to say I loved this one even more!!