“Come morning I found the day as I have found every other day — without relief or explanation.”
“Come morning I found the day as I have found every other day — without relief or explanation.”
Getting ready to start this and pretty pumped! My mountaineering obsession is growing rapidly!
Okay here we go since @heyLM tagged me and then bugged me to do it. 😂
1. People who don‘t turn non-essential lights off when they leave the room or house. Ugh!
2. Pie unless we‘re talking cheesecake. Then cake.
3. I‘m pretty sure it was a bird named Mickey? But he doesn‘t count. First pet was a cockatiel named CC.
4. Romance - blech! Unless it‘s Danielle Steel (guilty pleasure hahaha)
5. I choose @rather_be_reading !
The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well. #harrypotter #tattoos
Those feels when your dog loves your fave book. #dogswhoread #velociollie
A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock. Harry looked behind him and saw a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. He had done it. #firstpost #harrypotter