The Secret Common wealth is the peeerfect autumn/winter read. Full of cosy conspiracy and fantastical escapism. #philippullman #bookofdust #secretcommonwealth #amreading #fantasy
The Secret Common wealth is the peeerfect autumn/winter read. Full of cosy conspiracy and fantastical escapism. #philippullman #bookofdust #secretcommonwealth #amreading #fantasy
I can‘t recommend this book of essays enough! Pullman is matter of fact, fun and full of the love of storytelling ♥️ #philippullman #hisdarkmaterials #onwriting
“I was a woman who loved a woman, chief among the womanly sins, like barrenness, and thinking.”
#amreading #internationallesbianday #lgbt
It‘s getting into spOooooOky season! Fans of Gone Girl and true crime will get on well with Ann Rule‘s “Heart Full Of Lies” #amreading #truecrime #annrule
A fascinating and vital portrait of the lives of women striving for independence, freedom and safety in Victorian London. #19thCentury #History #TrueCrime
“I read with my mouth hanging open, like I could spoon sugar out of all those books” #historicalfiction #18thcentury #19thcentury
Christie never disappoints:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Such a pleasure to return to the world of His Dark Materials after so long. One of my first loves and a story that forever binds me to memories of reading with my Granny ☺️♥️📚 #BookofDust @PhilipPullman @PenguinUKBooks #amreading
I‘m only a chapter or so in and this book has surprised me. It‘s wonderfully detailed prose makes it a real pleasure to read while the premise has a hint of the magical.
Just started. VERY excited! #truecrime
John Douglas is everything you want him to be: full of energy, specialist knowledge, humour and compassion. Oh and his wife sounds like a freakin badass. #truecrime #mindhunter
A really fascinating read and a departure from the usual pattern of true crime. Rules work is thoroughly researched, sensitive and compulsive. #truecrime #annrule
“So, simply then, here is my formula. What do you want more than anything else in the world? What do you love, or what do you hate?”
I can‘t recommend this joyful book of essays enough. It‘s truly gorgeous and inspiring. #writing #onwriting #raybradbury
Mac the Cat decided to help choose my next read. After much consultation we‘ve gone for The Wych Elm! #tanafrench
Learning about cults can only ever be enhanced by the spring weather. Really brings out that commune vibe.
I‘m really enjoying this so far: detailed, well researched and quick paced. #SSDGM
#amreading #nonfiction #truecrime
These words from #DonnaTartt stir me to write each time I read them. #Writing #WritingCommunity #Quote #literaryfiction
Originally written in a letter from Mary to her sister Everina in 1787.
#18thCentury #Biography #Wollstonecraft
“When rest came, it was as thin as a reed and easily snapped.”
If you‘re looking for a replacement for The Secret History shaped hole in your heart this can‘t fill it but it certainly does a damn good job. Think Shakespeare students gone rogue 🤴🏾🍷💋📚
I‘m just tucking into this mystery-historical fiction hybrid. Lots of interesting details & two very different protagonists! 🕯📚🗝
Having fun imagining Met Gala outfits as book covers! Rebecca was one of my first loves so this counts as very high praise!
Had to share these vintage volumes I unearthed at my local clearance market. Someone‘s a murderino for sure!
One of my all time favourites. The book I push on everyone I know. Donna Tartt has that rare magical gift of combining compulsive storytelling with intricate attention to word craft.