Great murder thriller with an amazing ending that I couldn‘t put down. Get ready for a twist! Highly recommend!
Great murder thriller with an amazing ending that I couldn‘t put down. Get ready for a twist! Highly recommend!
Broke my string of cute rom com books with this great one! Short read, with descriptive tales of cases in a rural ER. Love the detail of the patients, making sure to truly show them as PEOPLE not just a diagnosis/prognosis, and the complexities as a physician to treat them in the most humane and compassionate way possible. Highly recommend for those interested in medicine!
Very sweet story! Quick read full of charming characters and an adorable plot line! 3 characters coming into their own in different ways in the city that never sleeps!
Cute, very easy read. Main character Daisy is a bit hard to like at the beginning (on purpose), but stick through the first bit and you‘ll get an adorable love story. Fun way to spend a Spring weekend!
There‘s living. And there‘s living in the past. I just really want to live. What good would it do me to spend my time dwelling on something I can‘t change?
At some point, doesn‘t it have to become about our own choices? Aren‘t we ultimately responsible for what we decide to be?
great story of love, forgiveness, inclusivity, and breaking free of what‘s “right” or traditional. Highly recommend, but definitely not for those looking for an easy light-hearted read!
Such a cute love story!! Twists and turns throughout to keep it fresh, fun friends and characters, and relatable to any young adult! Recommend to any hopeless romantic out there 😊 stayed up late to finish, putting off finishing grading and lesson planning for tomorrow until I was done! Worth it! #teacherlife
Been out of the reading game with the craziness of teaching and coaching softball, but enjoyed some Saturday morning reading with the best donut (Spudnuts in Arkansas). Loved learning about another side of WW2, full of courage, love, politics, and family!
Started the year with some nostalgia, while flying back home after the holiday season! Very fun read, it‘s been a very long time. Embarrassed to say I‘ve never finished the series (past book 4) so looking to knock that out this year :)
Relaxing, drinking coffee, eating a true New York bagel with schmear, reading my new book and taking in all the New York City madness after this New Years adventure!! Happy 2019 everyone!
Initially picked this up because it was free on Prime Reading and needed something light. This book EXCEEDED expectations. Very sweet story that was hard to put down, read all in one sitting! Very heart-warming, lovable, more complex characters with amazing, sarcastic banter and chemistry, with the best wise grandmother. Highly recommend as your next light-hearted romance book!
But you need to figure out how to love the life that you have, while you work on the life that you want.
Book finished at 94%!! Wanted those 6 extra percent to actually ANSWER some of the plot lines! VERY slow to build, lots of character and scene descriptions. About halfway through, plot picks up and is very well done. Interesting to see the sequel that is planned to come out in late 2019!
To bail or not to bail?? Struggling to get through the beginning of this book. Very slow to build. Anyone else go through the same? Is it worth continuing?
Absolutely loved this story! Four young immigrant women in North End Boston working through the struggles of building a better future for themselves, while navigating love, religious differences, and traditional feminist roles. Highly recommend!
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. - Italian proverb (each chapter begins with one!)
Enjoyed the stories. Not all hit home (as many are tailored towards moms), but loved the honesty and the overall message that only you have the power to change your life. Here‘s to reflecting and pondering those 2019 resolutions now!
I am still here because I will not let a nightmare have more power than my dreams. I am still here because I didn‘t allow the hard time to make me weak; I willed it to make me strong!
My ability to imagine my dreams in intricate detail is one of the biggest reasons I‘ve been able to achieve them.
Set goals, not time limits... as long as you‘re working toward the things you hope to accomplish, it shouldn‘t matter if it takes you a month or a decade.
Something that stood out to me as a teacher: her advice for reaching your dreams “you‘ll get there by not giving up when you hear the word no... use the no you hear as an indication that you should try an alternate route”.
And on the days that seem the hardest, you‘ll remember that - by an inch or a mile - forward momentum is the only requirement.
Just started reading while waiting in the airport to fly home for the holidays! Here‘s to hopefully catching some more wisdom! “You, and only you, are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are.”
“Brave doesn‘t mean you‘re not scared. It means you go in even though you‘re scared” “What‘s the point of having a voice if you‘re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn‘t be.”
Amazing story! I teach at a Title 1 high school (with a “white flight” school nearby), and this book so accurately portrays the hardships many of my students face. Would absolutely recommend to anyone that wants a look into our country‘s current climate, and how it affects everyone, especially the Little infants!
Finished grading semester exams. Now for a moment to relax and catch up on the book that many of my students have been loving!
Quick read! Enjoyed all the twists and turns as more of the story unfolded. Felt like the ending was a bit rushed, but tied everything together nicely. Definitely is set up for a sequel.