^ my dad texting me this morning about how great this series is. I love how close my father and I have gotten since we started reading books together. Thank you C. J. Box and Lee Child!
^ my dad texting me this morning about how great this series is. I love how close my father and I have gotten since we started reading books together. Thank you C. J. Box and Lee Child!
This is why I love this author and this book series. He has decided not to make a tv series after the ideas weren‘t aligning with the books. I have so much respect for him.
I‘m pretty much obsessed with this Cj Box as its all about Nate, but I‘m am taking a quick break to post a new chapter. Hopefully this isn‘t taboo but if you‘d like check out my story on Wattpad called The Gifted. I‘ve worked really hard on it and would love some feedback!
I don‘t even know what to rate this book, I mean I read it. I did not put it down and I would have put it down if I had not been interested or hadn‘t liked it. But it made my skin crawl.... the plot was so out there and not at all what I expected. Try it out but be forewarned.
My favorite Dan Brown book! I was just as scared as the characters! (This book also officially got my boyfriend into reading)
A kid I babysit gave me this book to read and I finished it in two days. It is so thought provoking and emotionally touching. Every child needs to read this book. Wait, I take that back. Every person on this planet should read this book and learn how your words and judgements affect others. Can‘t wait to borrow the second book ;)
This is the 2nd one in the series and I have to say I‘m really getting into this author. He‘s a unique writer who is amazing at dialogue (at least I think so). I‘m excited to pick up the 3rd book in the series.
Creepy and smutty and so good. I couldn‘t put it down.
My boyfriends mom bought me this and I picked it to read at the beach and found it was so difficult to put down. This book is so beautifully written. Anne Brontë does an incredible job of getting into the psychology within relationships.
Went to the beach this past week and I'd say I did pretty good at the used book stores!
I just randomly picked this up from The Strand after seeing the author so many times and I have to say.... I didn't like it at first. I thought the main character had unrealistic lines and actions but as I'm getting through it I like him and the book more and more. #stickwithit
It wasn't my favorite Reacher yet, but the ending was great. Just had a slow start to it.
I started reading a chapter each week to the little girl I babysit and it's like a dream come true. #peterpan #akiss #wendyjohnandmichael #mrsdarling
Nothing like some good Sunday morning train reading....
I go through whole range of emotions every time I pick up Jane Eyre. I love it so much.
So excited to be rereading Jane Eyre! #janeeyre #charlottebronte #offtoLowood
While I wait for some more Jack Reacher novels thought I'd try this one out! It's been sitting on my shelf for too long!
This is the last Reacher in the box of books my dad sent me! Looks like I'm going to need another box very soon.... #jackreacher #makeme #leechild
Starting the next Reacher before ballet class! #jackreacher #leechild
I don't know if Mufasa is excited about me starting another Jack Reacher.... but I am!
Put down Savage Run by C. J. Box for a little while I write with this guy in my lap!
Going through some problems with my boyfriend, so as he goes to work i am going to forget everything and jump into this book. Maybe even finish it today :)
I've been carrying it around with while I finish my current book! Can't walk around empty handed....
And the journey continues.... it's going to take me a couple days to get through this one, but I'm excited.
I got over halfway through the book before I didn't even know where the story started ended or was going. It's probably a great book, but I'm not going to lie when I say it actually terrifies me. The way it's written and told was too creepy and confusing for me unfortunately. I hated putting the book down, but I couldn't follow it.
My dad and I started this series after reading a bunch of Lee Child novels with Jack Reacher. At first I was like, this guy will never compare to the beast of a man that Jack Reacher is, but somehow he does. Through pure luck and perseverance, Joe Pickett saves the day and you as the reader are cheering him on the whole time. Read it. You will love it.
Certainly one of Kate Morton's best. The emotions and people were so tangible to the reader. It was beautiful.
I did not find this one as one of her best, but I also had read several of her books prior to this one, so I may have over done myself on Kate Morton in such a short period of time.
I cried on the train while reading this book and that was the second time I've ever cried for a book.
I picked up this book in a dollar bin not thinking much about it and then couldn't put it down after I started it. Read it and you won't regret it!
I remember sitting in my butterfly chair for two straight days one summer, two years ago, drinking earl grey tea and reading this book. Now whenever I have a cup of earl grey my stomach knots up reminding me of this book. It's a good sign when you still get emotional about a book you haven't read in years.
This will forever be my favorite book. I feel this book and the character watching me as I pass my bookshelf. The characters feel so real, when they feel sick you do and so on. I often think back to several of her characters on a daily basis just because they are so intriguing.
This book is incredible. The way Justin Cronin guides you through this apocalyptic world is ingenious. I could barely put it down!