I'm a fan of this description.
I'm a fan of this description.
Well, I loved the #ShadesofMagic series. It revved up my creative side, and I felt like it did a good job of not leaning too far into fantasy tropes. But then again, what do I know? I don't read a lot of fantasy lol.
I hope they make the Maresh family brown-ish in the movie adaptation!
Just finished reading the second in the #ShadesofMagic series, and I have to say that I've been turned into a major fan! I feel like I flew through this book because I just had to know what was going to happen. I already have the next one, so time to dive back into these magic Londons.
#fantasy #AGatheringofShadows
My current read as I'm really feeling fantasy lately, though I'm also open to suggestions on essay collections because I am looking for inspiration as I bat around the idea of putting together my own.
#CurrentlyReading #ADarkerShadeofMagic #RecsWelcome
The book haul from when the husband and I went to Print Bookstore in Portland two weeks ago. Currently reading "The Geek Feminist Revolution" and not sure how I feel about it. It's very angry!
The husband and I bought the new box set of the #DarkTower series. I'm so excited to jump back into Mid-World, and even more excited to see what they do with it in the movie this summer!!
"This, I think, is the crux of evil in this world, Majesty: those who feel entitled to anything they want, anything they can grab."
Page 190
#FreshInk I got my first tattoo on Friday, and OF COURSE I had to honor my favorite book. This is the second ace that Eddie receives, and Father Callahan's story is one of my favorites of all the people Eddie helps. I'm so happy with my choice, and thank you Markus Zusak for creating a book that is basically perfect and therefore worthy of being etched into my skin forever!!
#BookishTattoos #NerdyTattoos
This seems relevant. From Hunter S Thompson's Rolling Stone coverage of the 1972 election.
#homework #gradschool #amreading
This is my bookish distraction for tonight as we all wait for the results. Anyone else going the book route, or is everyone boozing it up?
Bought myself the Exclusive Collector's Edition because sometimes you just have to #TreatYoSelf. I don't care if it's too obvious: I LOVE this book, and Rainbow Rowell is like a perfect, irreplaceable writing angel who always reacts in some way when I tweet at her.
#EleanorandPark #YA #fave
My next read, from the TBR pile. Not to be confused with my next read, from the Rereading pile (which is #CharmedThirds). I also need to start #HoldingUpTheUniverse. . . I'm very behind on my reading. I blame being employed.
Started this today. Will it live up to #MonstrousAffections, which basically changed my reading life? We shall see!
#AmReading #YA #ShortStoryCollections #horror #thriller #spinetingling
So the hubs and I blogged about this book (and its movie adaptation) today. Peep it (blog link in my profile), but keep in mind that we were not huge fans of either. They can't all be winners!
I'm super excited to read this! I loved #AllTheBrightPlaces so much; that book ripped out my heart (in a good way). So I can't wait to see what Niven has done in her sophomore effort; from what I hear, this is equally successful in terms of having all the feels. #YA #ReadMoreYA
In honor of the illustrated edition of #ChamberOfSecrets being released today, my husband and I made a podcast sorting #ASOIAF characters into Hogwarts Houses and saying what their favorite class would be. Check out our #blog at marriedwithbookshelves.com to listen and maybe read one of our posts!
A #shelfie in honor of my husband's birthday. He loves #StephenKing. Tagging IT because it's his favorite and the bottom book on the left (this cropped itself much more than the original picture...)
Picked this beauty up today. I'm sure I'm going to be heavily distraught by the end because I'm #TeamTheron and he's all demon-possessed now (spoilers from ILF, sorry) . . . #FrostLikeNight
My #patronus, apparently. I was hoping for a panda. I also finally took the Sorting quiz for #Ilvermorny, and I got #Pukwudgie. Seems right.
Working on my blog post about #ATorchAgainstTheNight.
This section is #highschool realness.
Doing a reread of the #JessicaDarling series to inspire me in my own writing, which I hope will be this meets Rainbow Rowell. My bestie has confirmed the latter, so I need more of the sass that Ms. Darling (and author Megan McCafferty through her) conveys.
Got this book to do some preliminary research for a #fantasy novel I want to write (and that the husband wants to write with me). Some interesting stuff, but I will definitely need more information! #MythicalCreatures #inspiration #writing
Doing a causal reread of this book. I came across it in high school when I began rooting around in the Fiction and Literature section of Barnes and Noble. I was surprised by the racial component and even more surprised that I still liked the book even with that aspect. Will it hold up now? Let's find out!