Great, but all to short, journey with mr. Palomar. Thoughtfull insights in the art of describing life, earth, elements, charcuteri and cheese among others.
#calvino #cheese #beer #beerandbook #lifeonpaper
Great, but all to short, journey with mr. Palomar. Thoughtfull insights in the art of describing life, earth, elements, charcuteri and cheese among others.
#calvino #cheese #beer #beerandbook #lifeonpaper
Second try on this one...
#flaubert #fiction #beerandbook #booksandbeers
Getting close to the end of this one and the holiday. Perspectives for the future found in both.
#whitehead #booksandbeers #booksandbrews #neilyoungon33rpm #history #fiction #fictionforthefuture
Important book on how to save democracy. Short, sharp and seriously handing out flashbacks. Though I like the book, I can't help thinking he is preaching for those allready saved. Also I tend to think that examples from other times and places than Germany, Soviet and Eastern Europe. Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Iran, as examples.
#tyranny #nonfiction #democracy #history #culturalhistory #politics #president #beerandbook #booksandbeers
Great book which explores long forgotten nations, states, colonies and what have you on the basis of a stamp collection. It proves the importances of postage stamps as cultural artifacts for state building and nationalism. Easy to read, it lacks the heavy and pounding analysis of the iconography of the postage stamps.
#culturalhistory #postage #stamps #beerandbook #longgone #history #nonfiction #culture #pseudoacademia #denmark #norway
Fantastic found @kramerbooks in Washington D.C.
Looking forward to good hours with theese famous pedestrians.
#history #nonfiction #culturalhistory #pedestrianism #walkers #sports #entertainment #usa #kramerbooks
Hææh, kvækkede stemmen. Jeg tænkte det nok. Jeg tænkte nok, at jeg skulle finde dig her, din lille lort.
With some lacks, a fine book about hunting, forests and royal culture in a European perspective.
#history #culturalhistory #denmark #nonfiction #hunting
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