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The Sandman 1
The Sandman 1: Preludes and Nocturnes | Neil Gaiman
An occultist attempting to summon and imprison Death instead traps her younger brother Morpheus, the Sandman, who, after eventually escaping imprisonment, must regain his lost objects of power while on an arduous journey. Reprint.
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C2E2 this weekend and while I didn‘t make it, I did send my husband and daughter with a list of tasks to accomplish. Fortunately, they succeeded in the most important one—getting a sketch from Dustin Nguyen, one of my favorite comic artists. He drew Dream from The Sandman and honestly, I can‘t look away. Love it and now sorta feel like I might have to revisit the comic soon.

IndoorDame Gorgeous!!!! 4mo
rwmg Have you watched “Dead Boy Detectives“ on Netflix? It's the later adventures of the two schoolboys from (edited) 4mo
TracyReadsBooks @rwmg I haven‘t watched it yet but it‘s on my list! (edited) 4mo
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I was going to save these for tomorrow. But Dream kept calling to me. I loved it!

CatLass007 Great book by a brilliant author and artist. I‘m glad you enjoyed this one. 8mo
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I wanted to like this but found I'm just not into this. I listened to 2 hours of it and am moving on.

#Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Some books just aren't a good fit!! 9mo
CatLass007 I didn‘t like it the first time I listened to it a couple of years ago. In fact, you listened much longer than I did. But this year I gave it another try, remembering how much my Mom loved listening to the old radio dramas when she was a girl. So I decided to listen with fresh ears and it really made a difference. I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. I‘m sorry you didn‘t enjoy it, but I‘m glad you gave it a good effort. 9mo
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The only Death for me is death from sandman! Sandman is one of the best things in all of literature for me - and I will argue at grad school to defend that idea. I haven't made myself watch the netflix show yet because I'm so precious about the books I worry I could never enjoy it, but the two characters I remember seeing the casting for and thinking 'yep I can get on board with that' are Death and Desire. #scarathlon #skeletoncrew #autumplease

MinnieTimperley The TV adaptation is very good. 10mo
IndoorDame The tv adaptation is really well done 10mo
kwmg40 I need to reread this series! 10mo
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The Sandman: An Audible Original | Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs
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I bought this audiobook when it was first released in 2020. I was experiencing a lot of loss and upheaval at the time so I didn‘t actually start listening to it until Act II was released in 2021. I didn‘t get very far. I felt that the music and sound effects were too distracting. I was disappointed because I‘m a huge Neil Gaiman fan. But I wasn‘t completely surprised because it was based on a comic book series. (cont)

CatLass007 How could such a visual medium be translated to one that is a completely audio medium? When I tried to return it to Audible, I had passed the one year limit. This month I decided to try to listen to it again. I really enjoyed it. Sometimes the music was too loud, the way a TV commercial is too loud, so I‘d deduct points for that. But over all, it‘s definitely a pick. (edited) 1y
CatLass007 @5feet.of.fury I like your handle. If I weren‘t already CatLass007, I could call myself almost.5feet.of.fury 😁 1y
5feet.of.fury @CatLass007 😂 thanks! My friend used the nickname for me in high school and I always liked it haha I could also be a cat lass 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ 1y
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CatLass007 @5feet.of.fury Good to know that you too are an ailurophile. I don‘t think anyone has ever given me a nickname. In the 5th grade a friend called me Booby Bond, but that didn‘t stick, thank God. My Dad gave me a whole slew of nicknames when I was growing up: Clem Kadiddlehopper (after the Red Skelton character), Clem, Clementine. None of those stuck either. My first two years of college, my friends in chorus had a running joke about me, (cont)⬇️ 1y
CatLass007 “Stand up, Jane.” Which prompted the inevitable “I am standing.” But no nickname. At one job back in the early nineties, the Director of our department gave everyone a nickname. Except me. He‘d just walk by my desk and say “Bond,” in his best Sean Connery voice. I never really thought of that as a nickname because it is my name. When I joined a Fiber Arts group about 10 years ago, the instructor for the group was a woman named Jane and, (cont)⬇️ 1y
CatLass007 at the time, that Jane was co-teaching an art therapy class with another woman named Jane. In order to distinguish the two, students chose to give them nicknames, Fiber Jane and Art Jane. When I joined the Fiber Arts group, they tried to call me Crochet Jane, but not even that nickname stuck. Everyone just started calling me by my first and last names as if it was all one word, that did stick. And, now that I think of it, that‘s what (cont)⬇️ 1y
CatLass007 some people started calling me at the job where everyone seemed to get a nickname. I still can‘t decide if it‘s a nickname. Hmmm… 1y
WJCintron I LOVED it!! 1y
CatLass007 @WJCintron I‘m glad 😀 I really enjoyed it when I decided to take a chance and give it another try. Before I tried starting to listening to it a second time, I thought of how Mom talked about listening to old time radio shows. She loved them! So that‘s how I started thinking of The Sandman Audible adaptation. Thanks, Mom. 1y
WJCintron @CatLass007 😃🙌 He‘s amazing! 1y
CatLass007 @WJCintron Neil Gaiman has been a favorite of mine for years. I‘m still not sure how JK Rowling got away with ripping off Gaiman‘s Books of Magic. But that‘s another post. 1y
WJCintron @CatLass007 Agree! She broke my heart into so many pieces. 😢😭 She was an inspiration to me as a writer. I thought of her as such a strong woman. Now I don‘t even want to see her name. Funny how easy someone can disappoint us to the point of no return. Right? 1y
CatLass007 @WJCintron Right. My favorite actor used to be Kevin Spacey. One of my favorite writers/producers for TV and movies was Joss Whedon. And my brother and I grew up with Bill Cosby. I saw an article a while back in which Wil Wheaton discussed separating a problematic artist from their art. I‘ll look it up and if I find it, I‘ll share it in a separate post. I can‘t remember all the content. (edited) 1y
WJCintron @CatLass007 😃🙌👍 1y
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I‘ve read this a couple times and never got around to reviewing it. I really like the storyline and characters. Dream and Death are my favorite. Love that John Constantine was included. Some pretty good artwork, too.


#WinterReadathon #WinterCosy #Readathon

Andrew65 Can‘t go wrong with Neil Gaiman. 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
WJCintron I LOVED those. I need to watch it! Did u? 2y
JessClark78 @WJCintron I watched the whole first season. I really liked it. I liked the cast and thought it was visually stunning. There was an additional episode added afterward that I haven‘t watched yet. 2y
WJCintron @JessClark78 😃🙌Awesome! I need to watch it soon! 2y
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Switching over to graphic novels for a little bit. I‘ve read a few of these but never finished the series. I wanted to give them a reread after watching the Netflix series.

#WinterReadathon #WinterCosy #Readathon #SeriesRead2022

Andrew65 Love Nial Gaiman. Enjoy ☃️🎅🏼☃️ 2y
TheSpineView ❤️ Gaiman 2y
DieAReader 🤓📚🎄☃️ 2y
Crazeedi Merry Christmas!❄💖 2y
JessClark78 @Crazeedi Merry Christmas!🎄✨ 2y
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Ooo I know I‘m getting sucked into this comic series !!! I mean it‘s Gaiman so that makes sense. #DoubleSpin book

#ReadMyRoom #NotAnotherGraphicMonday

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This is my #DoubleSpin book. Considering visiting the audio afterwards. I love Gaiman.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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I will never not revisit this comic. Gaiman lives on another plane and he gifts us his musings. An occultist tries to trap Death, but ensnares her little brother, Dream. For 70 years he is held captive. When he gets free…well, good luck. I absolutely LOVE the issue at the end of this volume: The Sound of Her Wings.

batsy I recently started revisiting this series from scratch since the library has digital copies. I think I stopped at vol. 3 and need to continue. The way this whole world is constructed is pure genius. 2y
AshleyHoss820 @batsy I feel that way, too! It‘s just so intricate. Just when I think I have things figured out, Gaiman reminds me why he‘s the master. It‘s amazing. ☺️ 2y
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The Sandman: An Audible Original | Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs
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I wasn‘t sure how comics would translate into the audiobook formats, but apparently one should never doubt the brilliance of Neil Gaiman. This production is amazing. The cast is incredible (hello - James McAvoy as Morpheus? 😍). The storylines are complex, and I‘ll be honest, I probably only followed them as well as I did because of the Netflix series, but I‘m still looking forward to listening to Act II. So good.

julesG Perfect review! I was cautiously optimistic when going into this the first time. The narrators/voice actors did a great job bringing the GNs alive. 2y
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anniebannanie Love it!! 2y
DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 2y
TheSpineView Fantastic 2y
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Catsandbooks 🙌🏼👻❤️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
DaveGreen7777 Some of the dialogue from that volume still haunts me… “Why are you doing this?” “Because I can!” 😱😱😱 (edited) 2y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 2y
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The Sandman: An Audible Original | Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs
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Performance wise: amazing! Production wise: amazing! But overall it didn‘t really jive with me in this format. At times it was hilarious, scary, disturbing… and then at times, it dragged to the point where I almost zoned out. I did zone out on the last chapter (pictured), and barely listened. It was just to get it done.


The Sandman: An Audible Original | Neil Gaiman, Dirk Maggs
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Let‘s try this experience! It‘s slightly spooky right? 👻

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LiseWorks I like the series on Netflix 2y
TheSpineView @LiseWorks I have not watched the show. 2y
Eggs A new one to me! 2y
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Lizpixie Oh you have to watch the series! I have a few Sandman books & I adored the show. It‘s not quite like the books but Gaiman was hugely involved so it works wonderfully. And I‘m a tiny bit enchanted with Tom Sturridge🤩 2y
TheSpineView @Lizpixie Good to know! Thanks! 2y
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I didn‘t know much about this series before reading the first volume, only that it‘s a cult classic.

In the past a group of people are trying to get control over Death, but they get something else. And this has consequences, people not sleeping and people only sleeping. For many years, they keep this creature captive. When he finally becomes free, he goes on a hunt to find his lost possessions.

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The clue to getting a happy ending in a story.

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I have begun my Sandman journey, and I‘m loving it already! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

KristiAhlers Enjoy the ride! 2y
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I laughed for a solid 5 minutes after reading this.

Remember when a large group of BBC Sherlock fans believed that there must be a secret episode coming - that they wouldn‘t just leave it like that? GOOD TIMES!


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I read the first few books in university (just a few years ago 🤣🤣), and I finally decided I need my own copy. This is the book from the Canadian chain Chapters, and it has the first 20 stories included. Good bang for my buck.

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Just wanted to show a closer glimpse of the Barnes & Noble special edition of this, as it's super beautiful! 😍💕📚

vivastory Stunning! 2y
BooknerdsLife What a gorgeous cover! 😍 2y
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Soooo...I did a thing! 🙊😂

I read couple of graphic novels in the series way back in the day, but never finished the series. I'm watching the Netflix show and loving it so far, so I decided to take the plunge and read the whole story this time. These are the collected volumes, which contain all ten of the original graphic novel series, plus some extras. Barnes & Noble has been having a sale, which also made this hard to resist! 💕📚

vivastory I read the original series in HS. I checked out the first 4 volumes from the library last week so I can revisit them soon. I hope to watch the series soon. (edited) 2y
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I‘ve not read the comics but I was expecting it to be more scary and less cheesy… (I‘m only 2 episodes in tho, so things could change!) excited to see Jenna Coleman!

Laughterhp I watched the first episode last night. I‘m also waiting to see Jenna Coleman! 2y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Laughterhp, she‘s worth the wait! Sadly not a big role. 2y
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I‘m slightly late to the party (I kept putting off watching cause I was so worried I‘d be disappointed) - but I‘m actually really enjoying this ambitious adaptation. Is it perfect? Not quite. Is it better than I expected? Absolutely. I‘ve got minor quibbles (and 4 episodes to finish off), but I‘m comfortable saying I like this adaptation and kudos to Netflix for pulling it off. 😄
What does everyone else think?

vivastory Starting this weekend! 2y
AllDebooks I'm enthralled, think they've done a great job, considering the weight of fan expectations 2y
Lizpixie I loved it! Binged the whole thing the other day after my back went. Yes, there are problems but I think overall it was excellent. The casting was superb, the actor playing the Sandman has that otherworldly look that is perfect & I really loved Death as well. And Stephen Fry as Fiddlers Green was 🫶 2y
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Liatrek I loved it ❤️ Episode 5 was just what did I just watch in a good way. I need to read the books now. 2y
Eyelit @vivastory nice! Hope you enjoy! 2y
Eyelit @AllDebooks right?!? I was hesitant because Netflix did me real dirty on Persuasion, not to mention some so-so comic book adaptations in the past… but I think Neil Gaiman really kept them to task, thankfully 2y
Eyelit @Lizpixie sorry to hear about you back - hope it‘s back to good soon! The casting is phenomenal, I agree! 2y
Eyelit @Liatrek yes! Ep 5 is my fave for sure! They got all the right notes from those particular stories in the comics 2y
AllDebooks @Eyelit I think you can really see the amount of inout Gaiman had, thankfully 2y
Tera66 I loved it! ❤ 2y
batsy I was a bit apprehensive about this, but less after hearing some good things. I hope to watch it soon. 2y
Zoes_Human I have three episodes to go, and I‘m very pleased. Desire is perfectly cast, and I love what they did with Lucien(ne)! 2y
Eyelit @Tera66 I‘m glad to hear it! 2y
Eyelit @batsy hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think when you‘re done 🙂 2y
Eyelit @Zoes_Human agree on all points! 2y
archaeolibrarianologist I've been impressed with their ability to adapt it so well. The casting has been phenomenal for the most part. 2y
BooknerdsLife I love it, especially the cast and totally binge watched it in one go! 🙈 2y
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I was on episode 5 before I realized why the Sandman adaptation felt so weird to me. Sandman is my Thing in a way few stories have ever been my Thing. Over the last 20 years, I‘ve reread it so often I can‘t rate it anymore, spent ages considering ever aspect of its makeup, memorized huge swathes of it, pushed tons of people to read it, and discussed it with everyone who took my advice and dove in. It‘s more than special to me. ⬇️

xicanti The adaptation is well-cast and visually impressive. It makes interesting changes that push the characters into channels that work better for TV and help establish the story‘s place in the wider DC TV Universe. I can see why so many other people are so excited about it all. I liked it myself.

But it didn‘t land the way I wanted it to because for all that, it doesn‘t FEEL like my Sandman. It‘s got a different vibe. ⬇️
xicanti It‘s a totally subjective thing. I‘m sure lots of other people see this as exactly their Sandman because it captures the feel THEY‘VE always got from the comics. I‘m sad I‘m not one of them.

(And, on a nitpicky note, I really wish the Corinthian‘s eyes were as creepy onscreen as they were on the page, and that Dream didn‘t have such human eyes. Eyes are SUPER IMPORTANT to this series.)
wanderinglynn I haven‘t watched it yet, but I did watch some interviews Gaimen did talking about the challenges of adapting the series. Fascinating how they did it. I can‘t wait to watch it. 2y
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LibrarianRyan i so binged this. i read book 1 years sgo but that was it 2y
xicanti @wanderinglynn I haven‘t seen any recent behind the scenes coverage, but I remember a big debate a decade or more ago as to whether it even WAS adaptable. I think that was probably when a movie was still more likely than a show, but I can still kind of see them grappling with it via all the exposition in the opening episodes. 2y
xicanti @LibrarianRyan I feel like an awful lot of people binged it last weekend. 2y
Eyelit Omg I so agree with you about the eyes! I laugh-cringed whenever the Corinthian took his glasses off cause those teeth were more comical to me than scary… and Morpheus should have also had modified eyes imho 2y
xicanti @Eyelit right? They barely even registered as teeth instead of, like, kinda off eyes. 2y
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Netflix Sandman is so good.

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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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Okay, who else is absolutely loving this Netflix adaptation?! I've been a fan for ages, and was a little worried about how they might adapt the series for the screen.

No spoilers, I'm just over halfway thorough, but I'm really delighted with what they've done with it so far!

KathyWheeler I‘m so glad to hear this. I love the graphic novels and have the absolute editions, but I‘ve been both excited for and leery about the show. 2y
batsy What @KathyWheeler said; I've been leery too but it's great to see quite a bit of positive reviews. I'm slowly re-reading the graphic novels and am pretty excited to give the series a try soon. 2y
tessavi I watched the first two episodes and enjoy it so far. I should read the graphic novels some time 🤔 2y
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JessClark78 I watched six episodes yesterday. Loved what I‘ve seen so far. 2y
KathyWheeler I watched two episodes today and really like it. 2y
Eyelit I‘ve got 4 eps left and I‘m really liking it 2y
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I've just seen the first episope on Netflix.. 🤩🤩 just WOW!!!! That was a very good start.

Literary_Siren I‘m excited to start it! 2y
JessClark78 I watched six episodes. I‘m loving it so far. 2y
La_Cori @JessClark78 I watched four episodes and the last one with Lucifer and the duel in Hell was excellent 🤩 I'm a little bit scare of ep.five with John Dee, I still remember the comics 😱😱 2y
JessClark78 @La_Cori The episode with Hell was great. I was a little worried about the diner scene in the John Dee episode. There was a couple brief cringeworthy moments but it wasn‘t too bad. 2y
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I just started reading the graphic novels! I had no idea Netflix was adapting this.

Tera66 I just binged the whole thing, I loved it🖤 2y
UglyOldBat Woah! 😲 2y
WJCintron It‘s amazing!!! 🙌 I need to finish it!! 2y
WJCintron They are so good! You‘ll love it!! 2y
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The god of dreams is mistakenly imprisoned by a cadre of occultists and imprisoned for decades. Dream eventually escapes but is left weakened. To return to his former glory and control dreamworld again, he seeks his three personal objects which were stolen from him. Beautifully written fantasy! 🌟

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Coming August 5th!!!

So. Excited.

AmandaBlaze Awesome! 2y
Christyco125 That seems sooo long from now. 2y
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This is a good story with excellent artwork, but moves along a bit slowly. The narrative jumps from character to character at times and tends to feel disjointed; sometimes making it difficult to follow.

However ultimately it is a great read, with interesting concepts.

I wouldn't say it's perfect but it's a good start to a series.


wisherwishinguponastar I remember being really confused by the first volume, too. If you decide to keep going though there are some awesome stories in this series! 2y
BookMaven9 Honestly listening to this one in my car was amazing! All the folks doing the voice was the best thing ever ! 2y
braddsibbersen Definitely the weakest of the collections, still finding its way. The next one is fantastic 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @booksellerofyourdiscontent @braddsibbersen Thanks guys, I was having doubts about whether to actually continue. 2y
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The Sandman Act II. A stacked cast and top notch production. I have to admit though, I think I liked Act I better. 😬 If I ever were to get into comic books, this series would be where I'd start. #Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft

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How can I even write a review worth of this genius.

I have just completed the first of eight in the Sandman series and boy and I‘m so happy I listened to this on audio versus reading it. The narration (Neil Gaiman), the cast (so much goodness) is beyond the best audio Ive ever listened to!

If you are a fan of the Fae folk, and mythology well then this is definitely for you!

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This is incredible! I'm only at disc 2 but I love it so much already!

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I got into Gaiman's Neverwhere & Sandman comics in a big way when I was in college. There was something dark, subversive, mysterious & enigmatic about the worlds he created, but I was nervous about revisiting it & whether I'd feel the same. While some of the writing & plotting seems a bit derivative now, I still enjoyed the weird & twisted journey of the 1st volume. It was also more violent than I remembered! Look forward to re-reading the rest.

Emilymdxn I just did a complete reread this year and loved it so much! I was about 17-18 when I read it the first time and I feel like there was so much I didn‘t pick up on 3y
batsy @Emilymdxn I'm really looking forward to continuing the deep dive! I'm appreciating different aspects of this too compared to before. 3y
Kammbia1 I read the entire Sandman series back in the 90s when it first came out. I was a huge comic book reader back then and Sandman was different than the typical stuff. It would be interesting to re-read the series myself. 3y
batsy @Kammbia1 It was indeed! Just out of the box from the usual comics stuff. I'm only at the 2nd volume re-read now but it's holding up well :) 3y
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Here is a bit of fan art I‘ve made that was inspired by my experience reading Neil Gaiman‘s The Sandman series. It‘s a self-portrait composite photo created from many layers. I took all of the photos used in this image myself.💕

I can‘t help telling everyone The Sandman is FREE on Audible until Oct 22. I love the comic books, and the Audible version has great cast including James McAvoy, and is narrated by Gaiman.

#audiocrafting #fan_art

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This book is more gruesome than I remembered. 😅 I feel kind of bad for suggesting it as a book club read. At least two members couldn‘t finish it. I enjoyed it, but it certainly isn‘t Gaiman‘s best work.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Meh, it's good to spice up book club once in a while. 3y
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Though I‘ve read this a few times before, I hadn‘t realized the irony of following up Smoke Gets In Your Eyes—a journey to death acceptance—with a story about people attempting to stop death forever! At which, of course, they fail, though not for the usual reasons.

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#LittensDressedInBlood – Enter Sandman – Need I say more? 😆

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#littensdressedinblood #neilgaiman #thesandman #scifi #fantasy #graphicnovel
#September 10 Prompt: #entersandman #Metallica

I think this book fits perfectly! First three volumes. 📚 I‘m gonna read it in October. I LOVE that song too! It took me back to my teenage years. 😂🤣😂

MidnightBookGirl I probably need to read this too! 3y
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Listening to the absolutely incredible Audible 🎧 📖 version of Volumes 1-3 of The Sandman while driving to Williamsburg Va today! I haven‘t read the graphic novels in years, but I am extremely impressed with how well it is translating to this format. With James McAvoy as Dream though, how can you go wrong?

Hestapleton I got this while it was feee on audible and I need to bump it up my list! 3y
alisiakae @Hestapleton so did I! I think it is actually still free until October. The 2nd installment is coming out soon. 3y
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As always, The Sandman crew knocked it out of the park with a big ol‘ nightmare. Can‘t wait to go get the next one!

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I have read a few graphic novels before but this is the first in the comic world for me. I loved Gaiman‘s insane creativity & way with words. I didn‘t like how confused I sometimes was or the straight horror aspects, especially the gruesomeness of “24 Hours.” I didn‘t love it until the last story,& in the afterword Gaiman says that‘s the only one in this first collection that feels like his own voice. So, I think I will read the next collection!


Wow, I loved Vol. 1, had to force myself to put it down and go to bed 😆 . I haven‘t read a comic/graphic novel in almost 5 years. Gaiman never disappoints, so I don‘t know why I am surprised that I enjoyed it so much. On to Vol. 2 🙌🏾

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“People things dreams aren‘t real because they aren‘t made of matter. Of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories, of puns and lost hopes...”

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 #litsywelcomewagon 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳🌹🥳 4y
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This isn‘t my usual thing but graphic novels almost always get me hooked!

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Y'all know Sandman is my favorite comic and Just early this morning they finally released some casting announcements.

I. Love. Every. Single. Choice.

Especially Lucifer! 🥰

Holy balls I can't wait! 🤩🤩🤩

Readergrrl Meee toooo!!! Love Sandman! There‘s a great independent book store in Punta Gorda, FLA called “Sandman Books” after these comics! Love both!!! 4y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Readergrrl Haha. That's awesome! 🤘 4y
julesG This is going to be epic. Or really bad. Please don't let it be bad. I've still got nightmares from the trailer for Pratchett's Going Postal. 4y
vivastory Brienne of Tarth is Lucifer! Week. Made. 4y
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