I got this one at the library and time is running out!
Today is my first day back to work after being on vacation for a few days. We‘ve also had a big snowstorm, so I think some morning audiobook listening is deserved 😎
I‘m on a work trip, and I‘ve had this one on my TBR list for so long. Naturally, I had to pick it up on my way back to the hotel room. 📖
I read “Anne of Green Gables” for the first time two years ago, and since then, I‘ve become obsessed with everything Lucy Maud Montgomery and Anne Shirley. 💛
I have to clean this morning before company comes over to celebrate the holidays early… so why not listen to this western romance while I tidy?
I got this book awhile ago and meant to read it but never got around to it. It takes place in December and it‘s so cold and snowy here so I think it‘s now time.
I used to love “One Tree Hill” when I was a teenager. I saw this one came out so I put a hold on it immediately and it‘s finally my turn…
So I‘ve read the first two in this series, and now I‘m on the third. I have to admit that this series is somewhat of a guilty pleasure…
I came home to this book at my door. My friend sent this to me from across the country. Time to get reading!
I‘ve been sick this past weekend and my lovely friend dropped me off a care package including the book and blanket! Perfect reading for spooky season…
As a librarian, and book nerd, I have to admit I was curious about this one. I‘m actually quite enjoying it. It‘s a little dose of much needed book joy 🥰
I love Stephen King, but I want to try and read some horror books that aren‘t written by him. I was suggested this one, so let‘s see how it is…
I‘m almost finished this one.. usually books don‘t scare or creep me out but this one is creepy! Listening to it is definitely making it creepier! I feel like I may need to listen to it again to catch everything.
I‘m excited to read this one and then maybe see the movie? 🧐
This audiobook just came in! I hope it was worth the wait😌
I‘ve been listening to this one for about three months. It‘s so wholesome and feel good. I don‘t want it to end, but I have less than an hour left to listen. Alas.
So, apparently, I am on something of a Stephen King kick lately. I was going to listen to a different audiobook but I think it‘s been a Stephen King kind of a day!
I‘ve been waiting for the moment all weekend when I could finally sit down and crack this one open!
Picked this gem up on my first trip to Maine..
Getting ready for my first trip to Maine…
I have to admit, I love the title. I think this is hilarious. “He‘s not fake…he‘s Canadian.”
So far, it‘s cute.
I‘m about a third of the way through this odd duck. I don‘t quite know what to make of it but I‘m enjoying the oddity thus far. 🧐
I preordered this on Audible and it was delivered this morning. I can‘t wait to finish work so I can listen to this one!
Okay, so I usually don‘t love romances. That being said, I really loved this one. It was fun and quirky and I actually liked the main characters and their banter.
I‘m loving the witty banter in this one!
It also helps that the main character loves literature and works in a university library. Apparently, I‘ve been really into romance novels lately… 📚
I‘m currently 35% of the way through this and I‘m really enjoying it!
I‘ve already completed my 2023 reading challenge but I think I can read one more before the end of the year.
Just finished this one yesterday…I would give it 3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ because I‘m still thinking about it the next day. I do have mixed feelings about it though.
Well at least this one can counter “IT.” It‘s much more light hearted 😂
I usually don‘t like romance novels at all, but this one was light hearted and fun to listen to. I think I enjoyed this one more than the first.
Mama Cat and I enjoyed this one. We would say ⭐️⭐️⭐️. It‘s satirical and odd but I‘m still thinking about it.
My sister recommended this one to me. I‘ve heard really great things.
I‘m still making my way through this one.. my understanding has improved but I must say I‘m struggling with idioms. 🙄
I have no words… so powerful… I don‘t know how I feel with this one. I‘m not even half way through yet…
Found this one at a little used bookstore. I got to say hello to Seamus, the cat, and now I am curled up by the lake ready to get reading.
I‘m half way through this one and … wow.. it‘s lyrical and beautiful.