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Bitter Orange
Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
100 posts | 82 read | 4 reading | 130 to read
From the author of the prize-winning Our Endless Numbered Days comes a suspenseful story about deception, sexual obsession and atonement From the attic of a dilapidated English country house, she sees them - Cara first: dark and beautiful, clinging to a marble fountain of Cupid, and Peter, an Apollo. It is 1969 and they are spending the summer in the rooms below hers while Frances writes a report on the follies in the garden for the absent American owner. But she is distracted. Beneath a floorboard in her bathroom, she discovers a peephole which gives her access to her neighbours' private lives. To Frances' surprise, Cara and Peter are keen to spend time with her. It is the first occasion that she has had anybody to call a friend, and before long they are spending every day together: eating lavish dinners, drinking bottle after bottle of wine, and smoking cigarettes till the ash piles up on the crumbling furniture. Frances is dazzled. But as the hot summer rolls lazily on, it becomes clear that not everything is right between Cara and Peter. The stories that Cara tells don't quite add up - and as Frances becomes increasingly entangled in the lives of the glamorous, hedonistic couple, the boundaries between truth and lies, right and wrong, begin to blur. Amid the decadence of that summer, a small crime brings on a bigger one: a crime so terrible that it will brand all their lives forever. Praise for Swimming Lessons 'Thrilling, captivating, sophisticated suspense' Sunday Times 'Bewitching and page-turning. An extraordinarily smart and satisfying read' Paula Mclain, author of The Paris Wife 'A compelling portrait of flawed humanity, with all its secrets, silences and deceits. Excellent.' Mail on Sunday
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I have now finished reading all of Fuller‘s books! This one is middle of the pack for me but still a pick. I liked the twists in the last two chapters but it got a bit dull in the second act.

Frances has come to an English manor to assess the property for its new American owner. There she meets a couple also hired by the American. They have a weird dynamic, and the woman spins an unbelievable tale of love and loss that ensnares Frances.

youneverarrived Which book is your favourite now you‘ve read them all? Gorgeous photo 💕 7mo
ErikasMindfulShelf Which one is your favorite? I really liked Swimming Lessons. 7mo
Megabooks @youneverarrived unsettled ground. I still think about it a lot! Thanks! 💜 7mo
Megabooks @ErikasMindfulShelf unsettled ground but I really enjoyed swimming lessons too. The only pan was her latest. 7mo
ErikasMindfulShelf I have Unsettled Ground on my shelf. Need to get to it. 7mo
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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This was so atmospheric that it was almost easy to see how Frances got so wrapped up in Cara and Peter. The food all sounded absolutely amazing and I'm a sucker for a story with a big, old house.

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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Yay! Look what was at the post office for me this morning @BarbaraBB Happy holidays and best wishes to you xo

BarbaraBB Yay! I‘m happy it made it to you in the end. Happy new year! 😘 1y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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My current read.

I randomly took this book off my shelves to make room for another book I was shelving. I looked at it, shrugged, and decided it was as good a choice as any to read next. The vagaries of the reading life! 😆

LeslieO I love when that happens. 2y
LeahBergen @LeslieO I take it as an omen. 😆 2y
Suet624 Its time had come. 2y
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Tamra Why not? 🤷🏾‍♀️ 2y
jlhammar It was meant to be! This is the only Fuller I haven't read yet. Looking forward to it. I prefer your cover with the cracked plate. Excited that she has a new one coming out next year (US pub date currently 6/6/23) 2y
LeahBergen @jlhammar I‘ve only read Swimming Lessons. The new one sounds interesting! 2y
EvieBee Loved this one! Hope you enjoy. It‘s very you. 2y
tpixie Great cover! Fun to find an unexpected book on your shelf! 2y
Cathythoughts I can hardly remember it now. But I gave it a pick and I remember enjoying 👍🏻♥️ 2y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Wow, did not anticipate half of that 😃😱😳.
What a fantastic book, and so unexpected to this reader!

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Really absorbed in this! The hot weather is reflected in the story too. 🕶🌞🌞☀️

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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The only one by Fuller I've not read.
It's a good opening.

Bookbuyingaddict Just finished ✔️ unsettled ground it blew me away !! 2y
jlhammar That's the only Fuller I've not read as well! Must remedy that. Look forward to your review! 2y
rachaich @Karons1 wasn't it good. 2y
rachaich @jlhammar I'm on page 100 and thoroughly absorbed :) 2y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I love everything Claire Fuller writes. This has Daphne du Maurier feel.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I'm a big Claire Fuller fan. Her books have such well-developed characters. They're full of believable motives & behaviors. I loved Swimming Lessons & Unsettled Ground. I appreciate this book more the longer I sit with it. The narrator is a masterful story teller & the way the story unfolded kept the pages turning because I needed to know what happened! It's not my favorite of her books though. 3.5 stars rounded to 4 Because I love her writing.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Just managed to finish the tagged book, which was my #bookspin for December, in time. Very good too, I'll post more another day. I'll take four books read and another in progress for December, it's more than I thought I would manage. I've started a couple of new books over Christmas but I'm going to put those on my January list so I have a head start on the next year if that's not cheating too much!

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Not a bitter orange but grapefruit sold by local FFA kids. I look forward to it every winter and citrus makes me think of Christmas time. The book has 3 characters dealing with self doubt and inner fantasy life. They are all very well described. And I felt like I was living at Lyntons with them for a little while. Maybe not such a good place to be.🙀

Chelsea.Poole My mom gets me a box of grapefruit every year from our local FFA as well! I‘m with you, reminds me of Christmas time 🎄 🍊 3y
TheSpineView Love the oranges and grapefruit this time of year! 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I‘m really enjoying the story and writing style. This is the second book I‘ve read by Fuller. #wintercosy. #AVeryMerryReadathon. #adventathon

Texreader Wow that is pretty amazing stuff right there. 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Overall I enjoyed this story of a creepy, sinister abandoned country house and it‘s three temporary residents, there to catalogue it‘s contents and architecture. Throughout there were secrets and mysteries just lurking as our three main characters become obsessed with other. It‘s intense and claustrophobic, although some elements didn‘t quite work for me and it didn‘t really all pull together as I wanted. A really atmospheric read though

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Eggs Excellent 📙🍊🧡 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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#kindledailydeals got me again.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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3-30-21: My 33rd finished book of 2021! Frances is remembering her time in the summer of 1969 which she spent at the dilapidated country estate called Lyntons. A quiet and unassuming women, Frances, who has just lost her mother, meets Cara and Peter who are at Lyntons for the same purpose as Frances, to survey the house and gardens for an American buyer. It‘s only a month but what a month it turns out to be. One that will change Frances‘s life.

GidgetsTreasures75 I really enjoyed this story! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👍🏼📖#️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Is there anything better than your first outdoor reading session in the spring, basking in the sun and warmth, after a long and cold winter?! ☀️ 📖 ☕️

LeahBergen Nope! 3y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻 ☀️ 3y
ju.ca.no Nothing better😍 3y
Liz_M Perfection! 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Quite a few mediocre books this week (with the exception of On Top of the World.) Hopefully the coming week brings the wow factor! 🙃

Cinfhen You‘re still on a reading frenzy!!! Awesome 🤩 3y
Cinfhen I love the cover for 3y
MicheleinPhilly OMG, please come spoil Good Neighbors for me on my post. Hated it so much I had to bail! Help a girl out, Steph! 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Started @emilyhaldi ‘s pick for the previous round of #darguschfamilymarkupbookclub. Somehow we have two rounds going on simultaneously. 😅

And I broke out one of my very favorite bath bombs to start off the weekend. Lush‘s Turmeric Latte.


LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves so I‘ll be interested to see what you think. And what the HELL is a cheese mask like?? 😆😆 3y
Soubhiville Cheese mask? Sounds weird... Was it relaxing? (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB A cheese mask? That sounds horrible to be honest but then I don‘t like cheese and hate its smell so that might be part of my aversion 🤣 3y
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Kalalalatja I‘m with the others, please explain that cheese mask 😅 3y
Simona I‘m curious about cheese mask too🧐 3y
emilyhaldi Loving these comments 🧀🧀🧀 curious to see what you think of this one 😅 3y
Reviewsbylola Ok, so I got the cheese mask in one of my monthly sheet mask subs. I do Beauteque and Facetory and I can‘t remember which one it was in. But it was an amazing texture, with the serum being a little thicker and viscous. I realize that doesn‘t sound extremely appealing but trust me, it felt great. And thankfully it didn‘t smell of cheese. 😅 @LeahBergen @Soubhiville @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja @Simona @emilyhaldi 3y
Soubhiville 🤣 the smell was my concern. I‘m glad you liked it. 3y
LeahBergen @Soubhiville That was my concern, too 😆 3y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Um. What?

This book was creepy and meandering and also good. I have strange feelings about this novel. Similar to "Mexican Gothic" in that there is a creepy house, unexplained phenomena, and loads of slow burn to the end.

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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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3.5☆ An atmospheric, suspenseful story of obsession. A slow burn. I really enjoyed the story structure and Fuller's writing. Her prose were methodical and brimming with suspence. The atmosphere she builds with her words really shines! Throughout she gives us this underlying feeling of dread, slowly building to the climax. I didn't particularly like any of these characters though, they were all so full of longing and desperation.

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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller

If anyone was looking to snag this one its on sale for 2.99 for your kindle!

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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My favorite candy is now at Cracker Barrel. They only have it once a year and it runs out fast. It‘s actually not pumpkin flavored but sour orange. 😋 🤤
Now it‘s time for a little ghost story and treats.
My first read for #scarathlon2020 #teamharkness
1 point

StayCurious Ooh, looks good! enjoy! 4y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Brilliant dark novel set in the summer of 1969. Middle-aged Frances takes a job at a remote country house with the wild couple Cara and Peter. Told in retrospect, we know something awful happened, but what and is Frances a reliable source of info? Loved it! https://cannonballread.com/2020/08/bitter-orange-elcicco/

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I have conflicting feelings about the book! Not pick and not so-so!
This is not a mystery, not a thriller, this is a drama! The plot reveals to us the story of a naive woman with mental problems, with problems in communication!
But there is a plus-the book didn't leave me indifferent! After reading it, I was left with bitterness and pity for the main character! 🍊🍊🍊

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I really like the cover! 📕🍊😍
Most reviews of the book are so-so.😔
I decided to check it out!🤨
#currentlyreading #coverlove

Megabooks Agree!! 4y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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This mystery leaves a little something to be desired... And is atleast 50 pages too long. But it did make for a fun mark-up bookclub read! I enjoyed being able to express my annoyance with these characters right there on the page 😝📝 Passing on to @Mdargusch to read next 🤗

Reviewsbylola If I hate it I‘m going to be mad. 5y
emilyhaldi I think it's more up your alley than mine @Reviewsbylola but I guess we'll see 😜 5y
i.z.booknook Beautiful picture 😍 5y
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BarbaraBB I was disappointed by this one too. I had such high expectations after 5y
Cathythoughts I agree “ so-so” not as good as 5y
Mdargusch Woohoo! I can‘t wait for the snarky comments! 🍊 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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#NamasteNovember - Orange Covers: Confession - I am absolutely lackadaisical when it comes to searching my bookshelves for books to fit photo prompts. I am overjoyed when the answer is on the first shelf that I look at. And when there is no fitting choice instead of searching further and deeper, I fall back on creativity that works in any small way - like my choice for this prompt...Orange Cover became Oranges ON Cover.🍊Yay, prompt covered!🧡😊

Eggs Love that cover 🍊💗👏🏻 5y
UwannaPublishme 😁👍🏻 5y
readordierachel Perfect! 5y
BarbaraBB Your edition has a gorgeous cover! 🧡 (edited) 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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#BookReport 47/19

I finished three books I had forecasted last week: the wonderful Lonely Passion, the okay Bitter Orange and the not-for-me Doctor Moreau.
I also was able to fit in one more: the heartbreakingly beautiful Waiting for Eden.

All in all, another good week!

tpixie great job!!!🥳🥳🥳 5y
JennyM A great week. I must try the Ackerman. 😘 5y
BarbaraBB @JennyM I just reviewed it. It‘s great 💔 5y
Cinfhen Looks like a very good week with some mixed results 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I loved Swimming Lessons and had been looking forward to another novel by Claire Fuller. Unfortunately Bitter Orange is promising in its set-up, scenery and characters, but in the end it didn‘t deliver.
It's the story about a complicated friendship between three people (a couple and a single woman) taking care of an old mansion. Add a vicar, some ghosts, some lies, a few timelines and you have the ingredients of an amusing read, no more no less.

TrishB Pretty much what I thought! 5y
Kalalalatja Agreed! 5y
Liz_M Nice Mitford mug. 5y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M I should have taken the picture before it was empty of course ☺️ 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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It's a pretty good read, a bit dark I suppose but I wish the house has been a bigger part of the book. The characters were all good, but not as interesting as the house. Too many unrevealed secrets.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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The audiobook is beautifully read by Bianca Amato, but the story and characters left me cold. A lonely woman becomes entangled with a seemingly golden couple. There are secrets and lies. It felt too familiar. A pleasant enough way to pass the time, but I don't think it will stay with me. That cover tho 😍

Cathythoughts Yes great cover 👍🏻I have it a pick at the time , but looking back I‘d give it a ‘so-so‘ too 5y
Redwritinghood Agree! I expected more from this book. 5y
readordierachel @Cathythoughts Certainly not a bad book. Just not wonderful 🤷‍♀️ 5y
readordierachel @Redwritinghood Me too. She's a good writer but it felt kind of pointless in the end. 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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This one had serious Daphne DuMaurier/Shirley Jackson vibes. Much like The Haunting's Nell, MC Frances responds to an unusual job opportunity at a remote country house soon after her mother dies. She becomes involved in a tangled relationship with the couple living there, and eventually the skeletons start to come out of the closets.

KarenUK I loved this one! Love Claire Fuller... 💕 5y
WhatWouldJaneDo @KarenUK this is the first time I've read her, I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for her other books! Do you have a fave? 5y
jhod Swimming Lessons is my favourite of hers! 5y
Cathythoughts Yes I loved Swimming Lessons ... this one not as much 5y
KarenUK Swimming lessons 💕💕💕 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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This one will sit with me for a long time.. atmospheric, slow burn best read on hot summer days. Artfully written.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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This cover is everything 🥵😱🙋🏼‍♀️💕🎉

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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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This was okay, but not as compelling as Fuller‘s other books. It took too long to get going and the end felt a bit rushed. Fuller‘s writing is beautiful and atmospheric as always, but the story lacked something.

#Booked2019 #FoodorBeverageontheCover

Cinfhen Yup, exactly how I felt and @Simona did too! It was a bit disappointing after 5y
ShyBookOwl Love the cover 5y
BarbaraBB What a pity! I‘m in no hurry to read it now! 5y
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Cathythoughts I gave it a pick at the time ... but looking back , So-So is the best description 5y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts definitely a pity, because Fuller can write! But where her first two books were page turners for me, this was a bit of a slog to get through. Maybe expectations were too high 🤷‍♀️ @ShyBookOwl it is really pretty, and there‘s a kind of foiling in the oranges, but I couldn‘t capture it in a pic 👌 5y
Simona @Cinfhen Swimming Lessons is still in my TBR pile, but after Bitter Orange I don‘t feel any rush to read it ... 5y
Cinfhen Swimming lessons was good @Simona much better than Bitter 🍊, but I don‘t think you need to rush to read it... 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Reading and eating 👌

I had my last day at the center for rape victims, and I‘m ready for a long weekend before I start my new job on Monday. My colleagues gave me a gift certificate to books as a goodbye gift, which I‘m so excited to use! I haven‘t bought books since January, and I‘m feeling the pain 😅

squirrelbrain What great colleagues! Good luck for Monday! 5y
TrishB Best of luck for the new job 👍🏻 5y
youneverarrived Enjoy your weekend and good luck for Monday ♥️ 5y
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LeahBergen Yayyy for your new job! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
JennyM Have a great weekend break before you start the next chapter! So excited for you 😘 5y
BarbaraBB Exciting times! Enjoy & take care of yourself 💜 5y
minkyb Enjoy it all! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Enjoy your weekend 💕 5y
Kalalalatja @squirrelbrain @TrishB @youneverarrived @LeahBergen @JennyM @BarbaraBB @minkyb @erzascarletbookgasm thank you all 💕 it feels a bit bitter sweet, since I loved my job and my colleagues, but there just wasn‘t money for a paid position. Hopefully, the new job will be just as interesting and my new colleagues will be just as kind 🤞 5y
ephemeralwaltz Congrats on the new job!! I'm glad you're meeting so many new people - you're probably taking a lot from this experience with you. PS. I'm going to spam-like your posts now. 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Just finished this today and not sure if I like it or not. Very dark but one I‘ll probably be thinking about the next few days.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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While the writing is crisp, clear and evocative the story was (intentionally) numbing. I WANTED to know what the big secret was even though I didn‘t have any care for all the characters involved. Fran,a woman on her deathbed is looking back at an event that altered her life. Potential was there but I agree @Simona not even close to what Penelope Lively created with Moon Tiger. Thanks for sharing book with me 🧡

TrishB Same! I only gave it a so-so too! 5y
Kalalalatja All the meh reviews are really making me hesitate to pick this up, even though I loved her other books 😕 5y
Simona I liked atmosphere in the story and I wasn‘t hugely disappointed by the mystery side of the story, but the priest character was so unnecessary and clumsy plot device ... and the structure was so predictable and because of that - for me very boring 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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Cinfhen Something was just off with this book and it hardly felt original @Simona @TrishB I was hoping for me since I loved 5y
Cinfhen @Simona is it ok if I send this book to @Kalalalatja I‘d love to keep the sharing spirit alive 🧡 5y
Simona Absolutely‼️ I hope that you will like it @Kalalalatja 😘 5y
Kalalalatja You are both too sweet Cindy and @Simona, thank you! I‘ll love to give it a chance 😘 5y
Cinfhen I‘ll send it out later this week @Kalalalatja @Simona 💕💕💕 5y
emilyhaldi I just bought this for our next round of family mark-up book club....And see that you gave it a pretty bad rating 😬 but I'm hoping maybe this is one of those instances where we have opposite book tastes 😆🤞🏻 5y
Cinfhen It was disappointing and not very memorable @emilyhaldi I don‘t think @Kalalalatja liked it either 😬 5y
Kalalalatja It was okay for me, but I feel like Fuller has written better books. But in my drunken-birthday-haze atm, I can‘t remember why I didn‘t love it 😅 @emilyhaldi (edited) 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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It‘s calling to me @Simona 😁

Crazeedi ❤ the photo! 5y
Cathythoughts ♥️👍🏻 5y
Kalalalatja Lovely photo! 5y
Simona I hope that you will like it 😘 5y
KarenUK I really love Claire Fuller‘s writing.... hope you enjoy! 🤞💕 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I liked the writing, but the story just never really came together.

Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Surprise!! More #bookmail and the worst part is darn Amazon delivered it while my husband was still home. Whoops 😬

mjdowens I got mine delivered today also....of course my husband was home to receive it also-oops😳 5y
Reviewsbylola Omg I always pray my packages come when my husband is gone. 😆 5y
ravenlee Last time I got a Book Outlet box it was sitting open when my husband got home. I told him I did swap shopping. He said, “so this is all for swaps?” and I said, “well...most of it” and he just sighed and rolled his eyes. Like it was a surprise or something? 5y
TheLibrarian @mjdowens @Reviewsbylola @ravenlee I love how we all want our husband‘s not be home when our book packages come 😂 5y
Reviewsbylola Or really any packages. 😂😂😂 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I‘m a thriller junkie and I love a setting as a character, so this story should have been my jam. I really appreciated the writing, but this story about three unusual people sharing a dilapidated English mansion just didn‘t pull me in. Although I finished it, I found myself not at all anxious to get back to reading it each day. This usually means I‘m not in the right head space at the time. I may try again in the future.

Book_Fairy_Mary Hmmm... This one's on my list as well, but maybe I won't rush to it. 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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On the train back to London (with a stop to pick up forgotten suitcase from airport!) after a restful, relaxing and fun #readingretreat. So great to meet more Littens and see again old friends, in an amazing setting. Thanks so much again Mitch for organising... Am totally up for another one!

@Mitch @Oryx @squirrelbrain @julesG @scripturient @RachelO @Leniverse @eraderneely

Loving this book and the house in it has a library just like Gladstone's!

tpixie Great quote!! Gladstone 5y
jhod Yes! Quite a man! @tpixie 5y
tpixie I've just been stalking and scrolling through the wonderful weekend you had on your #readingretreat #LitsyMeetUp. Amazing effort you all made to do it! Amazing space!! Just wonderful all around!! 🥳📚🥳 5y
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Oryx Really nice to see you again. Safe trip back 5y
julesG Safe travels. Looking forward to seeing you next time, at the latest. 5y
rockpools Lovely to see you! Hope you‘re almost home by now. 5y
eraderneely Wonderful to see you again. Looking forward to next time. 5y
Cathythoughts Sounds fab 💕💕💕 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I enjoyed this book, it started slow but it soon started to pickup after the 3 main characters meet and start interacting with each other in this abandoned mansion where they will be working for the summer. There is just something mysterious and sinister in the house that starts penetrating their subconscious and you just know it‘s not going to end well.

Penny_LiteraryHoarders I find her books are like a slow burn. Their impact starts to settle in and stay on your mind well after you've finished. I haven't read this one yet, buy I do own it. 😊 5y
Lidia I know what you mean @Penny_LiteraryHoarders . Just like Swimming Lessons 5y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @Lidia yes! For sure! I still think about that one!! 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Something lacking in this book and I don‘t really know what 🤷‍♀️ it felt very predictable and like I‘d read a version many times. I love the authors writing but I didn‘t love this one.
Using for #foodorbeverageoncover #booked2019

Cathythoughts Yes I think I liked it , but was happy when it was over ... I agree , something lacking ... still I enjoyed well enough. I believe the other book Swimming Lessons is very good 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts I loved Swimming Lessons (but without wanting to spoil anything don‘t you run off and buy!) 5y
Redwritinghood I felt similarly. There was nothing really wrong with it that I could point to, but overall it left me feeling blah. 5y
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Cinfhen I‘ve seen so many similar reviews @Simona posted something similar☺️too bad it wasn‘t as good as Swimming Lessons but at least it worked for a prompt. 5y
TrishB @Redwritinghood exactly 👍🏻 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen true! 5y
Cathythoughts Oh 🤔🤞🏻ok ... I‘m getting excited though ... just in case...😬😍 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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Frances, a dying woman, reflects on her past - one summer that forever change her life. What I like about this novel is a very vivid setting. Old house with its own story, excessive easy-breezy life on a bright, hot summer in the countryside when dark past/secrets starts slowly creeping to the surface ... While I liked atmosphere, some parts of the story, and especially one character, felt very unconvincing and unnecessary plot device. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cinfhen Great photo and your review leaves me feeling curious....think I want to read it 🧡 5y
Simona @Cinfhen If you want to read it, I can send you my copy. 5y
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Cinfhen Yes, please!!! 😘😘 5y
Simona @Cinfhen I was at post office today and the book is on its way. Expected delivery time is from 10 to 14 days 😘 5y
Cinfhen You‘re so sweet xx thank you!! I‘m bring Dope Sick back for you ❤️ 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I liked this one. A woman who seems to be close to death reflects back on one summer, hinting at something that might have happened. #foodintitle #foodoncover #halfbloodbingo

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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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I finished my spring list for #booked2019 today. Mostly because it had a huge crossover with #halfbloodbingo which I was determined to finish this month.

Cinfhen Nice!!! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great picks! 5y
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Bitter Orange | Claire Fuller
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#Booked2019 #FoodOrBeverageOnCover
Brilliantly woven page turner story. Loved the characters.. Francis, Cara, Peter, & The House... a nice touch of eeriness. I did get a bit impatient with the ending ( going on a bit ) ... but a great read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.. only 3 ⭐️because I found myself thinking towards the end ... *what will I read next ?? *... I had left the building/ ( book) ... still ! A definite pick. And will read more of this writer 👍🏻

TrishB Cool 👍🏻 definitely using this one and I thoroughly recommend her other one! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Sounds good, and well done ✅ 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB yes! I‘ll definitely read Swimming Lessons & I‘ll look forward to your take on this one 👍🏻♥️ 5y
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Cathythoughts Thanks Jessie ... it was really good ( I‘m also afraid of hyping books up 🤷🏻‍♀️) And Thanks ✅😊 5y
Cinfhen I really loved Swimming Lessons but I‘ve seen to many 3 star reviews for this book. I‘m gonna wait for a #KindleDailDeal 🧡Thank for your honest review, Cathy!!! And congrats on another prompt!!!! 5y
Tanisha_A Nice review! And, I love that cover! ☺️ 5y
Cathythoughts @Tanisha_A thanks! I know !! This cover is even nicer than the other cover ... I felt very aware of the cover as I was reading this book & always admired it when the book was closed.... such a lovely cover indeed (edited) 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen thanks Cindy ! It really is good ... I‘m looking forward to Swimming Lessons ... ♥️👍🏻 5y
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