Feeling rich in my at-Home spa
Every December I relisten to all the Harry Potter books. Jim Dale just reads to me constantly- even to sleep. #holidaytraditions
The boys are waiting to start rereading Harry Potter but first we must finish this last fall read.
Day 29 of the 30 Day Readathon is a short book so here is a short but never a light read with Oyeyemi. And still going strong on witches...sort of. #30DaysofReadathon #day29 #shorties #heavyhitters #witching
Gang, the exact page I was at in the audiobook was already marked off. Maybe I'm tapping into my own witch powers. #spooky #bookwitch #witchywomen
Getting some badass lady witchy books for fall. And while not intentional, I think Edna and Hillary would totally fit in with their neighbors. #witchywomen
Nailed it. 💋💋 Right? Right?
Evelyn Hugo is a famous actress known for her chest, her blonde hair and her seven husbands. She picks Monique Grant, a little known writer, to finally write her tell-all biography.
This is a fun little fake-scandal book that attempts to encompass and show all the nuances of being a famous lady.
Excited to start this one. I'm hoping it catches the nuances of aging female friendship and womanhood. Too much?
The #dreamofthe90s is alive and kicking today.
Tackling that #FALLSTACK with a long weekend jumpstart. Windows wide open and lounging on my new-old, beautiful, weird bird and flower couch.
Some morning skulls for this "beach read" with a seriously ominous vibe and the historic (and a little creepy) Dakota hotel.
A little something to enhance your reading. Remember in Lucky Boy how Soli rides "The Beast" and those women throw food to them - well here's a new documentary about that train and those women, las patronas.
"Cruising the library is not simply a metaphor but a method, inspired by José Esteban Muñoz's Cruising Utopia, for understanding the ways in which the library inhibits intersectionality and intersexuality by reducing bodies of literature lot disciplined, discrete subjects distributed across the library." #damn #litemorningreads #knowyourprivilege
Good morning loves from my new backyard! A great breakfast read is an epic that spans cultures and generations...ok it's a great all-the-time, can't-put-it-down read.
Cozy murder mystery with a donut theme...yes, please. More donuts please!
A late but wonderful birthday gift from old friends. Can't wait to Victorian era Kama sutra. 😉
A badass short story collection about relationships, sisters, magical realism and hope and warmth in dark cold places. ❤❤❤
Time to reread Magician's Nephew ... or let man of my Shakespeare diction dreams read it to me.
Stopped for donuts to be less crabby and stumbled on iconic Chicago bookstore, Unabridged Bookstore. #supportlocalbookstores #bookhaul #coffeedonutsandbooks
Sometimes you want to watch your books
Three chapters in and loving this (what I call) #ladieswholunch / jazz era novel. I haven't even gotten to the mystery yet. But it already reads like Gossip Girl meets The After Party but with 20s slang. You know...that awesome sweet spot.
For my fellow #murderinos - read this book about a fascinating cold case and learn about these poor #sweetbabyangels. #myfavmurder
Fall book title and cover game is on point this year. #judgeabookbyitscover
A souvenir from my trip to Denver and visit to the Molly Brown house which is the new center of the Venn diagram of my #badassladies collection and my teapot collection. #votesforwomen
#tbt to my Wisconsin vacation mandatory indie bookstore trip. Because that's how I vacation...with Spotted Cow on tap and trips to the nearest indie bookstore.
When your sister finally gets around to that book you recommended you must creep. Jane Steele is a badass retelling of Jane Eyre. Normally, I do not like retellings/adaptations. But this one is delightfully tongue-in-cheek. A fun quick read with a self awareness that is sharp and humorous.
"Look to yourself. You free. Nothing and nobody is obliged to save you but you...You young and a woman and there's serious limitation in both, but you a person too." ❤️❤️❤️??
Half the 8am holds list which means I earned these 2 cookies already.
When it's your job to put the book in the collection but you want to stash it for yourself...#hidinginplainsight
Learning a lot about my white privilege.