Late to the game, as usual... 😅😁
#thisorthat #libraries #bookstores #supportlocalbookstores #romance #fantasy #choices
Late to the game, as usual... 😅😁
#thisorthat #libraries #bookstores #supportlocalbookstores #romance #fantasy #choices
First bookhaul of 2022 at my fave local bookstore! 📚🖖
Back from the island and missing the sea... 🌊
Therefore posting the book purchases during our holidays on our favourite German Frisian Island. 😊⛱
#bookhaul #holidayreads #beachreads #islandholidays #indiebookstores #supportindiebookstores #localbookstores #supportlocalbookstores #islandlife
I finally got my Libro books in order! Now I can better focus on the books I should be reading first (for my job's "book club"), if I could get through all the 2021 books before the end of the year (and there's more to come...) I would be amazed at myself bc woah ?? so many! #bookseller #supportlocalbookstores
Imagine my sadness as I realize this book doesn't come out until JULY. Still, I recommend if you want something fun(ny) but also murder, investigation, and dogs. It's not as elaborate as Baldacci but I'd argue more entertaining, I'd probably read anything #AndyCarpenter for years to come 😂😂 Also fourth wall broken!! 🤣🤣 And the narration 💯💯 #mystery #humor
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
I'm so late but here is my #bookspin bingo for June! I enlisted my mom to give me my random numbers and here are the titles I'm hoping to get through (well, not all but a good chunk hopefully!), which are all audiobooks via libro: http://libro.fm/referral?rf_code=lfm135487
Let's see how it goes, so far so good though? My coworker has me motivated!! @TheAromaofBooks
Stopped by a local book store on a family trip to Carlsbad. We‘ve been doing this a lot this summer - safe to say it‘s a new family tradition. 💕#supportlocalbookstores
Stopped for donuts to be less crabby and stumbled on iconic Chicago bookstore, Unabridged Bookstore. #supportlocalbookstores #bookhaul #coffeedonutsandbooks
Today we spent sometime taking leaf pics. Well my friend did. I wandered over to visit the Galaxy Bookstore. The bookseller helped me find some books by Vermont authors. A book of poetry and short stories. As well as a southern gothic book - one of my Kryptonites. #vermontleafpepping #supportlocalbookstores