This year I've been reading many books about books or books about libraries. This one is one of my favorites. It is so exceptionally thoughtful and rich.
This year I've been reading many books about books or books about libraries. This one is one of my favorites. It is so exceptionally thoughtful and rich.
I've been reading this for months now in-between other books and at times I can't spare more than a few minutes. I'm sorry it's over, but I've got Shirley Jackson's letters to read now.
I've seen Goodman on her television shows which are lovely, but her books are even better. If the shows aren't your cup of tea, she really is a talented and engaging writer, so I'd push you in that direction.
I enjoyed this book. If you want a primer in British ghost stories this will do it for you. The slippage between the ghost stories and the landscape and Parnell's memories was some times not what I wanted. I'd get invested in thinking about something and then whisked in a different direction. I suppose the point was this is how memory
works, but all the same it was sometimes a bit much.
This was my favorite of the series. I prefer the ones that focus more on Franny and Jet, and this one did a fair amount of that. I'm sorry the series is over, but also glad to have the final story. A perfect October read
I love this author, and I wrote about graverobbing and resurrectionists in my dissertation, so this should be a book I love. But I don't. A friend gave me a late birthday gift book, and I just sorta forgot about this one. That's about the most damning thing possible. Oh, well. I left the bookmark in place, so I can come back.
This is exactly the haunted house book I wanted this October.
I picked this up because it was written by one of my professors from back in the day. It's just such a lovely, fascinating, and engaging read. If you don't just love reading books but love thinking about books, I highly recommend this one
Here is my start to the spooky season. I've read this before, but it's been a bit. I enjoyed it even more the second time around. I'll be picking up some more spooky titles soon that have been on my wishlist for awhile. I can't wait.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats #spooky
Interesting read. I'm reading this for the unit I'm prepping for my students. If you're only going to read one, I'd suggest Marianne Wolf's book Reader, Come Home instead, but they're a great pair.
Can't get my sweet cat to look at the camera anymore because she's deaf now. Oh, well. She's cute looking into the distance, too.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
Frankl's personal story is compelling, but I'm not sure his theory is effective. Basically it's the idea that there is meaning to suffering and once a person finds that, then their suffering is eased. So, he says there is a correct way to suffer, and I'm not really into telling people how to process or endure their trauma. I also don't believe there is some greater purpose to being abused in some way. So ...
I'm not going to create my own language, but I'm an English nerd, and I thought this was a really good time. Peterson is pretty funny as well.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
This book looks at cryptids and aliens, but mostly it's looking at the people who are searching for them and asking why. This is the second one of his books I've read, and I'm about to order the third one.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
This book is just incredible. I'll certainly be reading it again, but it is an exceptionally emotional read. So... Be ready for that.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
I can't say enough about how much I love this dude's books. His blog (The Inky Fool) is also worth your time.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
It didn't end like I thought it would. In spite of that ending, it was much funnier than I expected.
This is an excellent book for anyone trying to make sense of the religious teachings they were taught as children, as I have been doing for years. I highly recommend this.
If I had known what this was about, I would have picked it up earlier.
I can't say how I got this far without having read this, but I have read it now. It's as excellent as everyone says it is, and nothing happens, as everyone also says. I'm still reading through her diary slowly in between other books. That's a slow read because I want it to be. I'm not looking forward to that one ending.
Such a good look into the context of the life of Emily Dickinson. I can't recommend it enough.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
I really loved this book, especially the narrative choices. The grandmother's ending seemed off to me, but otherwise I loved it.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
This is my second time through this one. It's summer time and the right time to be thinking about ghosts, in my opinion. If you're looking for something more about the history of why ghosts are with us from a more psychological perspective rather than just looking for something spooky, then this might be up your alley.
Particularly good for anyone who has been an adjunct, which I have. As a warning, the protagonist's miscarriage informs much of the book, so if you're in a place right now where that would be upsetting, skip this one. Overall, I found it well written and difficult to put down.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
This fits in with my lives of women summer reading list. Fascinating.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
I have a real love/hate relationship with Jodi Picoult's books. But this one is squarely in the love camp.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
This book was such a pleasure to read. This is my definition of the perfect summer read. I'll need to look up her other books.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
An interesting look into the life of an "ordinary" SS official not in the einstazgruppe and how involved someone supposedly just filing paperwork was in the Holocaust. Written by a Jewish Historian, this gives a nuanced look at the second world war.
#catsoflitsy #litsycat
I'm enjoying this so much. It'll take awhile though. It's the sort of thing I want to save for when I really need it rather than reading it every day.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
Finished this book this morning before work. I have to say it wasn't quite what I expected, but I enjoyed it and felt the ending appropriate.
I've read about Virginia but not all that much about Vita. This book is full of Vita's letters and diary entries. I just got lost in it. I'm so glad I happened across this one.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
Not nearly as far along as I should be in this book, but it's been difficult concentrating this week.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
Sissy is stepping up as my new reading companion, but she's confused why Jude isn't on the sofa with her. They spent about 90% of their time together here, and I think it's going to take her some time to adjust.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
Today we lost our sweet Jude. Here's an old picture from when he was in excellent health. I've lost my most loyal reading companion, and I'm just not sure what to do.
#catsoflitsy #litsycat
Not my favorite literary biography. I'm not sorry I finished it, but I don't think this will be a reread.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
Not a great shot here because the power is out and I'm reading by the light from the window. So far this is a good read and will likely be useful information for me at work.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
This book has more than one might expect and includes information on Victorian dressing, mourning customs, and cooking. That's my idea of a good time.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
It seems I'm in a mood to reread things. It's probably an indication that work is a bit much right now. Anyway... Enjoying this again. I just left The Drawing Room and heading into The Parlor (some of my favorite chapters).
This is my second time through this one. It's so short but also so thoughtful and enjoyable. How could an exploration of Virginia Woolf's life be anything else?
I just loved this book. I thought I already knew everything about Jane Austen, but I was wrong. Female friendships are at the center of this book, and that is something I truly enjoy, especially biographies.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats #litsycat
This is an excellent book, and many women will see themselves and their own experiences in these pages. I certainly did. I can't recommend it enough.
If you are interested in learning more about mental illness, schizophrenia specifically, I highly recommend this book. The treatment of the subject is nuanced and sympathetic, and it's just exceptionally readable.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
This book is fascinating so far. I have a little trouble keeping all the brothers straight in my mind, but it's somehow also not confusing.
I don't remember the last time I devoured a novel this fast. Maybe Baldwin's Another Country? This book is incredible. Go seek it out.
My reading companion here is in serious agreement with me.
#catsoflitsy #litsycats
I waited for months for this to come in from the library. So far it's just as good as I thought it would be.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
If you want to read a book about owl antics, and I do, then this will do nicely. But if you want gorgeous prose about nature, you're going to have to go back to Annie Dillard or Rachel Carson. Also, the anthropomorphism is a bit much at times. I do believe animals have richer cognitive lives than many people think, but this goes a bit far at points.
#litsycats #catsoflitsy
Ultimately disappointing. I got through half of it and just gave up. So much of what the author includes feels tangential. It just doesn't feel like there's enough information here to justify the book.
Now to get going on this one. I can't go visit my friends in New Orleans this year -- obviously -- but I can still connect with one of my favorite cities.
If you want to read essays about True Blood, The Road, and A Rose for Emily all in one book, then I'd say this is the book for you.
It's a rainy Valentine's Sunday. Time for some creepy literary criticism.
This was not an easy book to the read, but I read it because I work with teenagers. I think it's a useful read for those who work with kids. It provides more signs to look for to realize when they need help so I can then refer them to the professionals. It is quite challenging to get through though just because of the subject matter.