Well, I finished 4.75/7 of my October #tbr... not too bad, but let‘s see if I can do better in November. ☺️
Well, I finished 4.75/7 of my October #tbr... not too bad, but let‘s see if I can do better in November. ☺️
#ChapterCheckIn ... We finally got to meet the Glassmakers and they are absolutely disappointing! We thought they were going to be a super advanced race, but they really aren‘t at all.
#books #booklover #bookworm #booknerd #reading #reader
#ChapterCheckIn... Oh! Things are getting very interesting... the Bamboo is communicating with the Pacifists (third generation) and they‘ve figured out how to respond. Very cool!
Also, poor Higgins! He just wants a wife and children to call his own!
#books #booklover #bookworm #booknerd #reading #reader
#ChapterCheckIn ... chapter two starts out about 30+ years later and they are calling the latrines “gift centers” because they donate waste to friendly plants which is WAY weird if you think about it.
Interestingly, for all that they wanted to get away from earth thinking, these Parents (the original colonists) sure are stuck in their ways.
Also, conspiracies abound!
#books #booklover #bookworm #booknerd #reading #reader #sciencefiction
This #chaptercheckin is for the first chapter of my much anticipated read “Semiosis.” There are still many questions I have about what is going on, but I‘m enjoying each little tidbit as they are revealed, lol!
I‘m SUPER curious about the snow vines and what effect they will have on the future of the colony.
#bookstagram #books #booklover #bookworm #booknerd #bookphotography #reading #reader
And so, the new (and final) semester at Southwest Tennessee Community College begins!
#collegelife #textbooks #music #musicappreciation
It‘s not bad, but it‘s not great... My least favorite of the series thus far and I‘m not exactly sure why. #confused
I love the cover and chapter headers! They make me chuckle every time I see them. 😊😊😊
“...Bridger would be perfectly happy in Michigan if he wouldn‘t have to explain himself to everyone for the rest of his life.”
Aw, kid, I totally feel you on this one. 😢
Marin‘s thoughts and feelings here hit a little too close to home here. I spent almost two years in a deep depression, dealing with anxiety so bad that I sometimes couldn‘t convince myself to get out of bed... I hope her world starts getting brighter.
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Day 2 of the #BookmentsJune challenge was “triangle” and, while I was originally going to take a more literal approach, I decided to choose one of my favorite books that just happens to have a love triangle in it!
#bookstagram #books #instabook #booklover #bookworm #booknerd #bookphotography #reading #reader #bookphotochallenge #bookchallenge #junephotochallenge
My June #TBR list includes these wonderful titles and I can hardly wait to read them all!!!
Lol, I almost didn‘t get this posted in time. 😂
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I loved this whole bit! How absolutely chill Amber is about her fathers because it‘s totally normal in her world. 😁
“Between Mother Nature and human nature, disasters are inevitable.”
“Scootch.” Grey began to chuckle. “It‘s a perfectly good word!” There were lots of amazing words that had simply slipped out of use over the years.
When you treat your belongings well, they will always respond in kind.