You can find me on booksta most of the time these days ☺️
You can find me on booksta most of the time these days ☺️
I have not been a JP fan for many years but this book has been sitting in my Audible account for a long time and I didn‘t want to see it in my list any longer so I decided to tackle it.
Finished it today and that reinforced for me that I am still not a JP fan. I wavered the entire listen whether it was going to be an 2 or 3 star rating; then I came upon a crap ending after sticking w/the mediocre story, so 2 stars it is. Also, terrible narrator.
First book choice of the newly formed book club of some of my closest friends. We call ourselves the “Book Bitches”. There are 4 of us and for this round we submitted old favorites. This was my friend Em‘s. Next month is Anne of Green Gables and that was mine 💚
Been listening to this for a bit now. Forgot to update here. I almost always think the visual reading of a book is better than the audio version but in this case, I‘m glad I am listening to it. 👌🏻
Finally going to stop putting this one off…
This is pretty poorly written, IMO. Might become a DNF. We shall see.
New read and new book sleeve. It‘s mermaid tail 🧜♀️😍
This one has been waiting forever in my Audible account for me to get to.
Forgot to update when I started listening to this one. Finished 2/20. It was decent but won‘t be something that stands out in my memory.
It was a short story as promised. It was cute and sweet, though nothing memorable.
I can only listen to audiobooks while doing mindless things so I‘ve been listening to this since October. SO ready to be done with it so yesterday I fired up my Kindle for the first time in quite while and now I‘m reading it with my eyeballs as well. The sync functionality between the two is fantastic! This is the first time I‘ve ever read and listened to the same thing at the same time. (This is a reread before I read ACOSF for the 1st time.)
Finished The Love Hypothesis and am now picking Tomorrow back up ❤️
I promised my bestie I‘d start this as soon as I‘d arrived, so Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is waiting in the wings for a few days (as much as it kills me to set it aside).
Did anyone else preorder this? KM is one of my favorite authors ❤️
First book of 2023
Fantastic. I couldn‘t put it down.
Now I‘m sad it‘s over.
80 pages in and already loving this one so much!
This was a struggle to do! I‘m going to miss that blue box this month. #botm
Some days you just need to spend with a new book under a blanket.
I never would have read this had we not seen the musical this summer. Both were amazing.
This novel was so good. But…it was a lot. And, a lot dark, often. But so, so good.
Grateful as always, to be shown my white privilege and be given the opportunity to learn.
September #BOTM picks. With this box I will have the entirety of the Practical Magic series in hardcover! 👏
This will be my first read of Sarah Addison Allen!
Went to the local bookstore today - Sherman‘s of Maine. Highly recommend ❤️
REALLY enjoying this read!!! It‘s been on my TBR shelf since 2013. I‘m regretting waiting so long!
Next up…
(Anyone else hate those stupid Target stickers??)
My Goodreads review of Verity by Colleen Hoover
The water is getting cooler. Won‘t be many more days this year of floaty reading. 😞
I‘ve been looking forward to starting this one!
Every once in awhile you stumble onto a book that changes you for the better. This was one of those, for me.
Hoping to finish this gem today. What a lovely ride it‘s been!!
#botm selections Have read Practical Magic but want it in hardcover. Will get Rules of Magic next month and then will have the whole trilogy in hardcover ❤️
“The truth of course is that if people really were as happy as they look on the Internet, they wouldn't spend so much damn time on the Internet, because no one who's having a really good day spends half
of it taking pictures of themselves. Anyone can nurture a myth about their life if they have enough manure, so if the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, that's probably because it's full of shit.”
Backman doling out truths.
Just joined Book of the Month club. Anyone else a member? Thoughts?
This is so dark, and probably not a great time to be reading it. Hopefully it will be worth it…
Almost done with this one.
Been needing to replace mine for a while! Finally did it!
What a rare gem we‘ve lost. Be prepared to cry a little (or a lot) 💔
Beyond obsessed with this book. I think it has rekindled my fire for reading ❤️❤️❤️