Spent the evening reading, because spending time with a romance novel was what I needed. I felt both Violet and Sebastian, and I'm very glad everyone is this book found each other.
Spent the evening reading, because spending time with a romance novel was what I needed. I felt both Violet and Sebastian, and I'm very glad everyone is this book found each other.
I only finished two books in April, both relatively light and easy, both chosen by #BookSpin. Both were picks, but The Countess Conspiracy was far and away the better book in my opinion.
I actually spent most of my reading time this month still chugging along in Dhalgren (my challenging, 836-page March #BookSpin book). 60% of the way through! #AprilWrapUp #MonthlyWrapUp
I really liked this one. I identified a lot with certain aspects of Violet's character and was afraid at first that I wouldn't find her transformation through the plot to be realistic (I have this problem with a lot of “thawing the ice queen“ type romance plots), but I shouldn't have doubted Milan.
I think this might be my favorite in the series so far. Violet is secretly a scientist making incredible discoveries while her longtime friend gets all the credit. It's such a good book.
I ended up skimming the book after reaching Chapter 6. This book felt entirely too long and Violet was unlikable in almost every way. The science was interesting; Violet was not.
Off the bat I thought eh, it's Milan so it will be *good* but I won't love this as much as the others -- eating my words as it's my favorite yet of the series.
Courtney Milan, I love you. It's not often I read about protection as a part of the sexy times.
Had nothing on deck really and am in one of those moods where I just don't know WHAT I'm in the mood for so I figured it's a good time for regency romance. But also didn't feel up to trying to sort through alphaholes so I went with Milan even though I'm dying to get outside my romance comfort zone (just started reading it a couple years ago and have barely skimmed the surface of the genre).
Another superb historical romance from Courtney Milan! I LOVED the theme of past women scientists, I loved Violet (said woman scientist) and her prickly personality, and I loved that the hero's role was basically to support her scientific genius. The mother daughter relationship was super interesting as well. And a proposal scene where the man says he wants to be your "faculty spouse" and hold afternoon teas for the other faculty spouses? Swoon.
I was in a bit of a slump but this book helped me get over it so it's definitely a pick!
Oh my soul, was this ever good! I adored it far too much to fit all the required gushing into Litsy's character limit, but I want y'all to know it's about SCIENCE and FRIENDSHIP and PEOPLE HELPING EACH OTHER COME INTO THEIR OWN, and there are complicated (and painful) family dynamics, and I loved it with a deep, vital part of me.
It's now my favourite Courtney Milan novel and my sixth 5-star read of 2018.
TW: miscarriage & emotional abuse.
I love ebook apps that let you actually flip the pages. Tonight I'm reading in Google Play Books.
My random book for March didn't work out--too much, "As you know, Bob..." in the first 20 pages--so I'll exchange it this weekend. Courtney Milan should tide me over until then .
Finally finished! Not because the book want good, I just didn't have the time to read as much. Another romance, I loved how Violet claims get due and steps from the shadows. Definitely recommend.
My name is Melissa. My handle is an old college nickname (I will not tell you HOW old) that was created for her along the lines of "though she be but little, she is fierce." I'm 4'11"tall land I'm no pushover. ?
#glorytotheguild #@chelleo @Nessavamusic @knm @ValkyrieAndHerBooks @Zenvicious @aliciafw
1. Nope!
2. 80 degrees!
3. The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan
4. Europe. Just all of Europe.
5. @Zenvicious @Aliciaftw @Nessavamusic @ValkyrieAndHerBooks @knm @jesshowbooks #glorytotgeguild #friyayintro
This might be my favorite book in this series so far. Friends who fall in love! A great romance story with a lot of science. I love this series. On to the next one!
For a smart woman, Violet is incredibly thick when it comes to her love life! I found it a little bit frustrating... I hoped for more from this book as I'd loved what little we'd seen of Violet in the other books. Sebastian was lovely and kind of saved it for me! Overall a pick, as there's no option between that and so-so.
#ReadJanuary So many of her books have gorgeous #DressesOnCovers . This is also a great book. Yeah science! Yeah feminism!
Really enjoyed this one, my last finish of 2016. A lot less hot-and-heavy than I was expecting, but found the plot and characters super compelling. Elliott also approves!
I liked this one. Friends to lovers stories are one of my catnip. Yes it's a bit over the top and it's definitely an alternate universe. Still I liked Violet and Sebastian as people, as friends as lovers.
I liked that Milan didn't go the very used cliché way with Violet's family. A bit over the top but a wonderful romp of a read. Courtney Milan is one of my go-to comfort author and The Countess Conspiracy fitted the bill. ?#romantsy
a romance novel with a female scientist is one of my favorite kinds. this book delivered the perfect break from all the nonfiction I've been reading these days & I'm glad I decided to check this one out because once started it I didn't want to put it down 🌟🌟🌟
I found the misunderstandings between Violet and Sebastian frustrating in the middle. But otherwise it was a nice read, I liked the addition of science to the romance.
Worked so late I get the day off today. Now to clean while listening to this. #romance #vaginalfantasybookpick #september
My first Courtney Milan novel, and I'm enjoying it. Some shocking revelations and there was this one scene where the heroine catches the hero in a rather indisposed position and I wasn't expecting that. I'm kind of a romance newbie though.
3/5 stars. Had some high expectations for this book that were somewhat met.