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The Plague Dogs
The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
Two dogs escape from an experimental research lab in the Lake District, where they have been horribly tortured and mistreated in the name if science. As they run for their lives on the hard fells they attempt to survive wild and free.But the hunt in on...
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Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Happy February!

Prairiegirl_reading 😍😍😍 2y
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Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Small but cool bookhaul today. I had no idea that this book existed! Just add it to the tbr I guess.

#bookhaul #tbr #dogbooks

TheNeverendingTBR Great book!! 4y
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The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Story about two dogs who manage to escape an animal testing facility and have to evade capture and survive.

Wonderfully written and I enjoyed it a lot, the ending is up for debate though. ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Ruthiella I read Watership Down and liked it but as a dog lover and companion, I don‘t think I could handle this title. 😟 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Ruthiella Some parts are quite brutal and hard to read, but overall it's such a great wee novel full of interesting characters. 😌 4y
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The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams

My heart is absolutely breaking for Snitter and Rowf! 💔😭

The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Preparing myself for this difficult read!


The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Dog niece Shandy pretending to nap as I check off two #MayScavengerHunt prompts.

• with a dog in it
• with a non-human main character
#MayMadness @Clwojick @RadicalReader @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage Awe 😍 5y
Clwojick Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
SconsinBookyBadger @TheReadingMermaid one of my napping readathon companions 🐶🐱🐱💤💤 5y
SconsinBookyBadger @Clwojick nine more to search for! 🕵🏻‍♀️ (edited) 5y
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The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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As an animal lover, this book was a difficult read; but I'm glad I read it right through because it's so worth it.

Adams writing is brilliant, and the message he's putting forth is very important.

Basically a story that'll stay with me forever. ❤


posierope I've never read it but the film made me cry 😭 6y
kamoorephoto I couldn‘t even get through the movie OR the book. But that‘s when I was a teenager and really struggling with major feelings about animals being used for all sorts of human purposes (but I did get a 4.0 on an argumentative essay in AP English about Vegetarianism and that was the hardest thing I‘ve ever written!). I may have to try this again now that I‘m a ‘big girl‘ and have 30 years of no meat, etc., behind me!! Even if it makes me cry. 6y
Vbrrgirl Wow, I didn‘t even know about this book. I loved Watership Down. Sounds like I need a bookstore trip. 6y
2BR02B @posierope same! So heartbreaking. 😭 6y
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The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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NEW BOOKWORM VIDEO! Where I go on the emotional journey that is The Plague Dogs. A book that leaves me with all the feelings and why tragedies can‘t have happy endings. #bookworm #booktube

The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Recording this episode has put me through a lot of feelings. #booktube #bookworm

The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Who's a better reading buddy? Cats or dogs?

Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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'It was after this that the bad things began.'
Oh boy. Here come the feels!

Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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My father handed me this book to read when I was 9. Yes, it's a translation of Plague Dogs. My mother found me at bedtime, dissolved in tears and snot, staring blindly at the book. She took the book away and let me stay up longer reading something non-traumatising. To this day I haven't picked the book up again, nor have I dared read Watership Down. Yet somehow this is the book that springs to mind at the prompt #puppylove. 😩😭 #booklove17

LibrarianRyan 🤓😥🐕 7y
Ochrewrought I‘m sorry you had such a bad experience. WD is a MUCH MUCH more pleasant read, btw. It‘s intended to be a story for children when PD is emphatically not. These are two of my favorite books; for all that PD is gut wrenching, the ending is excellent, and the writing is masterful. So you know, probably PD isn‘t for you but you might totally try WD sometime. It‘s exciting and much lighter. 6y
Leniverse @Ochrewrought Thanks. Although, I'm not nine anymore so maybe I should try to exorcise those ghosts by reading the whole book. 😬 6y
Ochrewrought I reread it recently and was struck by its relevance decades after its publication. I‘m sure if you did try it again you would get much more out of it at any rate. 6y
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Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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R.I.P. Richard Adams

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The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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Goodbye, Richard Adams. I know everyone loves WATERSHIP DOWN, but this is my favorite. I pretended to be sick one day when I was nine so I could stay home from school and read it. ❤💔📚

PurpleyPumpkin No words. 😥💔 8y
Laura317 Plague Dogs was my favorite too. 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 I didn't know he died too!! Oh man. 8y
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balletbookworm Today can just fuck itself 8y
cariashley Him too?! 😩 8y
Zelma I haven't read that on. Will remedy that immediately. I also wonder how many of us faked being sick to stay home and read as kids! I remember doing it often. 8y
AMVP Watership Down is my absolute favorite book! I hate this so much! :'( 8y
ClairesReads Ah yes! Love this one too! My crazy Biology teacher read it aloud to us when I was at high school! I swear it took a good couple of weeks and had nothing to do with the curriculum- but I'll never forget it! 8y
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The Plague Dogs | Richard Adams
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"Rowf, the moonlight, the door, I've come to tell you, it's come loose on my head." #doglit

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