Before bed in bed... 💜
"Telling everybody you're going to bed but really you're going to read till 3a.m."
Good night, everybody! *fake yawn*
Whew, that‘s a good number! I‘m EXHAUSTED, but also feeling really good about my progress!!
For now though, I am tucking in for the night. See you all in the morning for Day 2 of #24in48!
Catching up on some ARCs from netgalley before going to bed. Scale of 1-10 on how horrible of a person I am for completely neglecting to review my ARCs?..........i don‘t do deadlines well and it shows when it comes to my review rate 😖
Peanut says good night Littens!
This chunky bundle of joy is my daughter, Lilah. She will be 2 in September. She has always refused to let me read to her. She would just take the book and eat it. Well, last night, she actually sat in my lap and let me read her a book multiple times. I have been waiting for this moment for almost 2 years!!!!!!!! It was everything I dreamed it would be. This is a pic of her in her natural DGAF habitat.
Good night, Littens. After the March and a little over eight hours of reading, I am tired. See you in the morning.
I am going to bed but actually reading. I am sure in a couple of hours I will look 👀 like this! Just one more page! Good night, Littens!
Yes, I ended my night in a tub with Harley Quinn & the Snow Queen... Good times! You never know what's going to happen at a book con!