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Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives
Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives | Leonard Mlodinow
With the born storyteller's command of narrative and imaginative approach, Leonard Mlodinow vividly demonstrates how our lives are profoundly informed by chance and randomness and how everything from wine ratings and corporate success to school grades and political polls are less reliable than we believe. By showing us the true nature of chance and revealing the psychological illusions that cause us to misjudge the world around us, Mlodinow gives us the tools we need to make more informed decisions. From the classroom to the courtroom and from financial markets to supermarkets, Mlodinow's intriguing and illuminating look at how randomness, chance, and probability affect our daily lives will intrigue, awe, and inspire.
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Interesting for people that love math and how it drives our lives.

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Check out this fun #randomgiveaway by the awesome @Trashcanman

See his original post for the random details.

Trashcanman Thank you for entering! 😊 6y
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A fascinating look at chance and probability, and how it affects our lives in big ways and small. I admit there were time when the math had my brain hurting, mathematics was always my worst subject in school, but overall it was an enjoyable read.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👋😁 6y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😸 Thanks for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BookwormAHN you‘re welcome ❤️ 6y
tournevis 👋👋👋 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻😊 6y
ReadZenRites Hi 👋🏻 Welcome to Litsy!✨📚✨ 6y
kylienoele Welcome to Litsy! 📚👋🏻😄 6y
RamsFan1963 Thank you all for your kind welcome. 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🎉 6y
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I just started this, but so far it's been totally fascinating. It's the perfect book to give those people who tell you everything happens for a reason.

Chelleo It does sound interesting! 6y
RamsFan1963 The math gets challenging sometimes, especially for someone like me who's always struggled with it, but it's worth the effort to wrap your head around it. 6y
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1. No clue about the tagged book and I can‘t think of one otherwise
2. Hmm... usually a margarita
3. I hate dancing but my old 80s music still gets me moving. I just wouldn‘t call that movement dancing 😂
4. Shopping cart

#fridayfrigesday but of course I‘m late so #betterlatethannever


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@dariazeoli Thank you so much for your #whodunitdoeschristmas gifts and the wonderful card. Everything from the books you picked to the socks and nail polish, the notepad and the mug filled with tea were so thoughtful and spot-on that it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful holiday season! 🤗❤️ and @Tiffy_Reads - thanks for all you do to make this group so special!

cathysaid How lovely! I'm curious about Mr. Bridge... 7y
dariazeoli I‘m so glad you like everything! Enjoy it! And Happy Holidays to you, as well ❤️ 7y
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My small but growing collection of #space (and related science) books. This is a new fascination I could never have predicted but I love it #30daysofreadathon

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Two science books in one day? That's a book haul I couldn't have predicted a couple of years ago!

MayJasper How are horizons broaden with recommendations ❣ 7y
Kalalalatja Great pic! 👌 7y
saresmoore Ooh, these both sound fascinating! 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore after I had to bail on my last chaos theory book because I hated the writing style I thought I'd try Mlodinow's take on it since I loved the book he co-wrote with Stephen Hawking. Never thought I'd turn into a science geek 😉 7y
saresmoore There's always time to turn into another type of geek. Besides, with the impending apocalypse, I think a better understanding of science is only prudent. 🙃 7y
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#riotgrams #currentread

Just started yesterday. So far, very interesting!!

JoeStalksBeck Oh god I love this book! 7y
OrangeMooseReads I have this book. Perhaps I should finally get around to reading it soon- ish 7y
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The appeal of many conspiracy theories depends on the misunderstanding of this logic. That is, it depends on confusing the probability that a series of events would happen if it were the product of a huge conspiracy with the probability that a huge conspiracy exists if a series of events occurs.

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As someone who is crap at maths I was worried that I would be bored by endless formulae and confusing graphs. Really there is very little of that. Mostly the book is about the history of how we've come to realize that life is kind of random most of the time. Recommended for those who like to know the etymology of things, randomness, and tips on winning in a casino.

MrBook I'm crap at craps. Added. 😎👍🏻 8y
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I don't claim to understand the formulas, but understand the theories and applications. So, for those who aren't fond or are kicked in the arse by maths, it completely readable. His sense of humour helps a great deal.


I don't claim to understand the formulas, but understand the theories and applications. So, for those who aren't fond or are kicked in the arse by maths, it completely readable. His sense of humour helps a great deal.


I don't claim to understand the formulas, but understand the theories and applications. So, for those who aren't fond or are kicked in the arse by maths, it completely readable. His sense of humour helps a great deal.


I don't claim to understand the formulas, but understand the theories and applications. So, for those who aren't fond or are kicked in the arse by maths, it completely readable. His sense of humour helps a great deal.

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Would be interesting to find out just how much scientific/mathematical reasoning evolved from drunken nights at a casino.

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The workplace book group is floundering even with the last business related selection being a collection of comic strips. So decided to change it up and get scientific.