I chose to reread one of my favorite books for #pop19 #nostalgic. BTTYS is the diary that former Chicago Tribune columnist Bob Greene kept during 1964. It covers his junior and senior year of high school. Growing up in the same town, and graduating from the same high school (albeit 37 years later), this one is quite a #timewarp.
Shown are Bob Greene (‘65), his love interest Lindy Lemmon (‘68), my dad (‘77), and me (‘02). #musicalnewyear
Trying out a new bath bomb tonight for my #bathandbook. 🙌🏻🛁
When you have no idea what to read next so you being a stack of possibilities to your bath. 😆 The weird looking blob on top is my solid bubble bath.
One of my favorite books ever, this is the actual diary of Chicago Tribune columnist Bob Greene. Kept over the course of 1964, when Greene was in high school, it takes place in my hometown. Greene was infatuated with a classmate, Lindy Lemmon, and a good portion of the diary deals with his feelings for her. It will immediately transport you back to your own high school years.
#takeachanceonme #abbainaugust
#aprilbookshowers #localauthor Columnist Bob Greene grew up in my hometown and his book Be True to Your School is one of my favorite books ever. In 1964, while he was in high school, Greene resolved to keep a daily journal. Despite the awkwardness and naked truths of a high school journal, he later went on to publish it. It is an amazing glimpse both into the 60s, as well as just a great coming of age narrative. Highly recommended.