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Killing Dance: An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novel
Killing Dance: An Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novel | Laurell K Hamilton
15 posts | 97 read | 9 to read
The Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter backlist-now dangerously beautiful. In her sixth adventure, Anita becomes a wanted woman-by a vampire, a werewolf, and a creature far more terrifying: a man who puts a price on her head.
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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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Linsy 💜 3y
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April 2021 - rereading again - who doesn‘t like a story of lusty vampires in leotards

The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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1. We've had some confirmed cases all around the city & surrounding areas & even more suspected. Schools are all closed, my hands are even more destroyed bc I'm already obsessive about clean hands so the cracking & bleeding is worse. Etc
2. I don't believe in hoarding, it's rude. But I did buy a larger pack than I usually would before the shit really hit the fan.
3. I never do
4. Tagged & The Institute
5. Joker
#randosurvey @laurenslibrary

blank Joker was a great movie! 5y
madamereadsalot1 @laurenslibrary I really liked it a lot! My brain was still asleep when I posted this, I completely forgot I saw JoJo Rabbit, that's what I would have put. That movie was fantastic! Have you seen it? 5y
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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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The most beautiful corpse I'd ever seen was sitting behind my desk.

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

ShyBookOwl Actual chills lol 5y
Klou I'm intrigued. 5y
Zoes_Human That's a fantastic line! 5y
madamereadsalot1 @ShyBookOwl @Klou @Zoes_Human the series was actually really great in the beginning. I have to revisit the earlier books ever so often because I really love them. The series decline is awful and makes me bummed, but I still follow the series regardless. I'm doubtful, but I hope she's actually trying to turn it around like the past novel. Though it felt a case of too little, too late. 5y
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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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Ok, I'm OVER this Alpha-Male bullshit. Over it.
You know what else I'm over? Anita's "I want to, I need to but I can't" attitude. Do it or go to your local happy fun store and scratch your own itch, but either way....shut the hell up about it!
15 years ago me would have been all over this but I'm just over it at this point. Still will probably finish the series but I'm not expecting to enjoy it as much as I thought

phatsallylee I forget where i stopped with this series but i also got pretty fed up with anita blake and how repetitive the story lines were. 5y
BehindthePages I had to give up on this series too. I think I stopped after Skin Trade. 5y
HeyT I remember reading this series near to when it was half way done and bailing because she changed the character based on her husband when they got divorced and it jumped the shark. 5y
FantasyChick @phatsallylee @Letora @HeyT At least it's not just me. The first couple books were soooo good. How did she manage to go downhill so fast? Ugh 5y
Karkar I loved the first five books in this series. But then man I just could not take her any more. I bailed like three books after that. 5y
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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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These books are slowly going down hill - this is not a surprise to me I have read the reviews of the next few books. I am going to bow out on a high note and move on, there are far to many great books to read.

The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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Roxy says it's time to nap, but I think I'll keep reading.


The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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I am flying through these books 😍 they're so good!!
#currentlyreading #audiobook #vampires

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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Domestic bliss? Who me? My life was a cross between a preternatural soap opera and an action adventure movie. Sort of As the Casket Turns meets Rambo. White picket fences didn‘t fit.” #urbanfantasy 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡

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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton

Finally finished this. It wasn't bad, I almost gave it 4 stars, but settled for 3 instead. I'm glad Raina is gone, she was getting boring.
I am putting Anita Blake on hold again, until I finish other books I've entered in Bookout and started somewhere in last year and never finished.

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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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Returning to book 6 after a year. I don't remember previous 5 books at all. But who cares, reading is reading and even though I must start packing up the flat, I can't unstick myself from the newly found will for reading.

The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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#feistyfeb #day11 #literarycrush I must admit to a fascination with Jean-Claude,master vampire of St Louis.What can you say about his appeal?It's not just the French accent or the flirtatious manner.Nor the black curls & midnight blue eyes.Or even just the dress sense that makes him so attractive. It's when you put all of that into one package that it's easy to understand how Anita Blake,the Executioner fell for his charms,even with the fangs!🦇

the.bookish.valkyrie I love Jean Claude! He's shmexiest of vamps! 8y
CaitlinSiem Oh yeah. Jean-Claude is my boo thang. I'm pretty sure he was my first book boyfriend. 8y
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The Killing Dance | Laurell K. Hamilton
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The buildup of the first five books in the series reaches a culmination of sorts in The Killing Dance. Assassins. Werewolf and Vampire turmoil. Necromancer drama. Romantic melodrama!

Really, this is one of those books that had me hook, line, and sinker both times I read it and listened to it. (A lot of that could be because it went the way I always wanted it to go). It had me sitting in parking lots so I could listen to a little more. I loved it.

bmsddk Your reviews are always so helpful, thank you! 8y
CaitlinSiem Thank you so much, @bmsddk! 🤗 8y
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