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Analfabeten som kunde räkna
Analfabeten som kunde räkna | Jonas Jonasson
Hon började arbeta som femåring, blev föräldralös vid tio. Ingenting tydde på annat än att hon skulle leva ett tag till i sitt skjul i Sydafrikas största kåkstad och sedan dö, saknad av ingen. Om hon inte varit den hon var, men det var hon ju. Det här är berättelsen om Nombeko Mayeki och hennes resa genom livet. Ödet för henne bort från Soweto, till en odräglig ingenjör, till två väldigt lika och olika bröder, till tre kinesiska flickor med vacklande omdöme, till möten med både agenter och presidenter. Och till ett tungt problem. Ett flera megaton tungt problem. I Analfabeten som kunde räkna gör Jonas Jonasson upp med rasism, maktfullkomlighet, fundamentalism, kompromisslöshet och helt vanlig dumhet. Han gör det med humor och värme. Och slår en gång för alla hål på myten om att kungar inte nackar höns.
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That was a fun ride through South Africa, Sweden and some places in between😂 I think the king might have been my favourite character.
Lots of laugh-out-loud moments and wise comments on life, culture and international cooperation.
And with this, 12/12 I proudly finished the #foodandlit challenge for 2023 with Sweden 🇸🇪 🥳
@Catsandbooks @Texreader

Texreader Fantastic!!! Way to go!! 9mo
Catsandbooks Hooray! Great job! 🙌🼠🎉🇸🇪 9mo
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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5â­ï¸ My favorite book of the year, thus far, and dare I say a favorite of all time? The complexity of this caper and the brilliance of this author is stunning. It‘s laugh out loud funny with a good dose of recent world history mixed in. Thoroughly enjoyable. A must read, in my humble opinion. #Sweden

JanuarieTimewalker13 Book 15 2023 (edited) 1y
thegreensofa And apparently an excellent pillow! 😻â¤ï¸ 1y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @thegreensofa haha! Yes!! He‘s a literary cat and a writer. Loves pens!!! 1y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Buddy read with Madame M 1y
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Vtipná a velice Ätivá kniha.Vypráví příbÄ›h ÄernoÅ¡ské dívky Nombeko Mayeki, která se v roce 1961 narodila v Sowetu, chudinském pÅ™edmÄ›stí Johannesburgu. PÅ™estože neumí Äíst, velmi dobÅ™e rozumí matematice. PostupnÄ› se dopracuje na pozici, ve které navrhuje jaderné hlavice, a odstÄ›huje se do Å védska.

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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Such a fun comfort read. Had a very similar feel to The 100-year-old man ..,

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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I liked this one better than Hundred Year Old Man. The book is full of eccentric characters. And I'm a fan of Nombeko now. It is full of absurd adventures. Really interesting book.

Jari-chan This was my second book by Jonasson after the Hundered Year Old and I was sceptical at first but just like you I ended up liking it better than his first :) 5y
tsundoker @Jari-chan yeah. I was also sceptical about this one. Turned out to be a good book. :) 5y
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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Another light and very amusing story from the pen of Jonas Jonasson. Very quirky. I do enjoy his books.
#Saved #SpringIntoReading

xxjenadanxx I loved this one! 5y
JazzFeathers I noticed it in the bookshop a few years ago and forgotten about it. I thought the blurb was so amazing. Thanks for reminding me. 5y
Andrew65 @xxjenadanxx Me too, and the Hundred Year Old Man. 5y
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JazzFeathers @Andrew65 No, but that sure is an swesome title! 5y
Andrew65 @JazzFeathers I really enjoyed that one too, and know a sequel for that one is now out that I need to read. 5y
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Have you got a favourite Jonas Jonasson book? Mine is The Girl who Saved the King of Sweden 🙂

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This was just the book I needed right now. I‘m soooo nervous about my new job tomorrow, even though I‘m excited I‘ve just spent today going through the employee handbook and imagining all the ways I could mess it up 😫

This book was lighthearted and escapist but still something I could get my teeth into, the plot was so warm and surprising. Jonas Jonasson is like my fave to read when I‘m anxious, AND it‘s prep for my Swedish adventure!

TrishB Good luck 💕 the anticipation is usually worse!! 6y
kgriffith You‘re gonna be great! 6y
BarbaraBB Good luck tomorrow, you‘ll be fine, I‘m sure 💕 6y
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youneverarrived Good luck for tomorrow 😘 6y
Oryx Good luck! You'll be great 😠6y
rwmg Good luck 🤞🻠6y
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Only Swedish book I had hanging around so I bumped this one up the tbr to help me get hyped for my weekend there next month!

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Some evening reading in the company of Delilah Bard. 😻

#amreading #currentlyreading #catsoftwitter

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Apparently Spring is arriving early this year... 🌷😠#anemoneblanda #springiscoming #flowers #cantwait

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Quirky,reminds me of Two caravans style of writing


Jonas Jonasson hat das Talent absurde Figuren zu erschaffen, diese in eine humorvolle Story zu verpacken und mich damit zum Schmunzeln zu bringen.

Ich liebe seine kuriosen Figuren, die er bis ins letzte Durchdenkt. Das Buch ist witzig, super absurd und absolut liebevoll geschrieben. Jedoch hätte ich mir gewünscht, dass er in der 2.Hälfte das Tempo ein wenig anziehen würde.

forestofwords Ging mir genauso! 6y
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The novel opens on a young girl in South Africa, named Nombeko. Her life is full of challenges. She is an optimist, and a survivor. We follow her from South Africa to Sweden. She meets three Chinese girls who do not speak her language, the president of the People's Republic of China, twin brothers named Holler I&II, a farming countess, an angry woman, the king of Sweden, and the prime minister of Sweden. The book is a comedy of circumstances.

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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tpixie Congrats! Happy Day! 🎉🎉🎉Merry Christmas 🎄 📘ðŸŽðŸŽ„ (edited) 7y
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Just finished this amazing journey. Entertaining till the last page. I found it even better than the Hundred year-old man, because you can see the authors growth between these two books. Definitely a pick for me

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Have to show my new reading tool, my new 🤓. My diopter grew a bit unfortunately, but it gave me a chance to buy new glasses ðŸ˜

Kaye Very nice looking. I like glasses on a man. Makes them look more intelligent and scholarly. 👓 7y
KnjiskiZmaj @Kaye thank you!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ I always console myself that I look smarter 😂😂😂 7y
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After Disgrace, I really needed something easy to cheer me up. I think this will do just fine. What do you think?🤓

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Just finished this quirky book. My first #listypartyofone read today! It's light and charming although a bit long in places. Still it's easy enough to stick with it until the end. Not great literature but it has some good things to say in an entertaining way. So it's a pick for me. 😊

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This was a patchy book, there were parts where it was very enjoyable and other parts where it dragged. Certainly the weakest of the three I have read by this author but overall not sorry I read it. It still had the quirkiness of the other two books, and like with the Hundred Year Old Man it portrayed world events well against the backdrop of the story. I will continue to read books by this author.

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'Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.' Some interesting quotes in this book.

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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Not saying this is the best ever opening sentence but it certainly is different and sparks your interest and makes you ask the question 'where is this going ?' #firstsentence

BarbaraBB It sure does. I now like to know in what way they are lucky...! 7y
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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A thought provoking quote.

minkyb Yes it is! 7y
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'The more I see of men, the more I like my dog.'

  Madame de Staël

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President Carter was directly responsible for 32,000 nuclear missiles that pointed in a number of directions. Brezhnev in Moscow was in a similar situation. The world did not need another six weapons of the same magnitude. Someone was going to get a talking-to!

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This is the #stack that I am likely to read during the readathon, already started all of them and wanting to progress all of these 4 books and hope to finish at least one of them during the readathon. Two of these are Group Reads or buddy reads, one an audiobook and the fourth I am reading for a challenge to visit African countries. @DeweysReadathon @jpmcwisemorgan @Sarah83 @Bluebird

jpmcwisemorgan Your tagged book is one I‘m interested in so I await your review. I should note that I‘m interested in the book itself, not the trivia version of the book. (edited) 7y
Andrew65 @jpmcwisemorgan I've read the other two he's written, but my favourite by far was (edited) 7y
Bluebird Love the Hundred Year Old Man! Hope to read the tagged book soon too! Well also be reading. 7y
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Started another Jonas Jonasson book, the first book is still my favourite one : The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared. Was surprised given the title of this one to find it starting out in South Africa.

The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits

Yeah_I_Read 🙌🙌 7y
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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A good book with a really interesting and different plot and really diverse characters! Set across South Africa and Sweden, the story gradually builds up to unveiling how it links to its title. I found the storyline predictable in places and the action seemed to stagnate in places - although this could've been to match the character's feelings. However, this is a book you feel committed to finishing!

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I'm sure my hardworking German and Swedish ancestors are rolling in their graves knowing that I took a 'mental health' day from work today. But boy, I needed today to recharge.

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"Christ on a bike" was a favorite and often used expression at my previous job, never thought I'd see the day someone outside of my old dept saying it ?

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The newest addition to my bookshelf, can't wait to dive in!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty pic!!! 7y
Aims42 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks aww thanks!! â˜ºï¸ 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Aims42 you're welcome 💕 7y
Aims42 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it's great when the weeds blend in with the actual stuff we planted 😂 7y
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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It's hard to write a review on this one. It was especially funny at the beginning. Then it became so fantastical that I started to grit my teeth. Then I started reading another book that I enjoyed more. I finished this one, but ....

TrishB I think I gave up at 75% with this one! 7y
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Took my book, drove an hour to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, and sat for hours at the edge of Lake Willoughby. It's a glacial lake and I always feel like I've transported myself to Norway. The mountains are tall and the water is very deep and cold. Just me, my book, and a guy fishing.

LauraBrook Heavenly! 7y
Mccall0113 Wonderful! 7y
LeahBergen Beautiful. 7y
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Books88 Lovely! 7y
saresmoore I don't even have words. 7y
minkyb â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ 7y
TrishB Gorgeous 💗💟 7y
Sydsavvy So wonderful! 7y
kspenmoll Perfect! 7y
slategreyskies Wow, I wish I could've been there! It sounds like a slice of heaven. I'll have to put it on my list of places to go. :) 7y
Suet624 @slategreyskies They're not kidding when they call it The Kingdom. It's beautiful country. 7y
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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Good Lord, this is an unexpected delight. Yesterday while waiting for Baby Driver to begin, I found myself beaming and chuckling as I read the few 30 pages. (Yes, I got there super early.) And beaming and chuckling, by the way, is not my natural state.

saresmoore Hahahahahahaha! I love this post and am checking my library right now for this book! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Baby Driver rocked my face off of my face. 7y
Suet624 @TobeyTheScavengerMonk oh my gosh. I could gush endlessly about that movie. The music and choreography were the lead character for me. The actors were fantastic. Of course I got in my car and had to slow myself down. That's not usually my kind of movie but I love the director and I love music so I had to go. I'm going to go again soon. 😠7y
LeahBergen "Not my natural state" ?? 7y
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The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden | Jonas Jonasson, Rachel Willson-Broyles
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So this is my first official post on Litsy! Looking forward to using this app 😄

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Took me whole morning to decide what to read next, and finally chose The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden by Jonas Jonasson.

I read Hitman Andes and the Meaning of It All and watched the movie based on the book The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared (I just love crazy long titles of his books) and I liked both, so I'm sure I am going to like this one as well. 😊

Did you guys read some of Jonasson's books?

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My Monday morning errand started my week on a high note with this #bookhaul in exchange for One book (book bartering at BEST, mesays!! ;)) check out the Barteli app and if it works for your city, you're in for a bookish treat!

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Bislang sehr witzig☺ Gewohnt humorig.


This book is light and funny. The characters are delightfully ridiculous and the bits of history in the plot are always interesting. A great book to clear your mind and your mood.

Joanne1 Have you read his other book? It's incredibly similar. I read hundred year old man first and was really disappointed with the girl who saved the king of season because it was almost a carbon copy. 8y
sofiaga @Joanne1 I did over a year ago. Yeah it is very similar, but I guess I see it a little bit like reading Agatha Christie, you know Poirot is gonna solve the mystery and everything will tie up, it just change a little the details. 8y
Joanne1 @sofiaga I think the trick is not to read them too close together as I did. 8y
sofiaga @Joanne1 I agree. One after the other can get tiresome. 8y
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Lovely view from my reading spot on the terrace.

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Boyfriend and I's first books of 2017. Happy New Year.

RealLifeReading â¤ï¸Banana Yoshimoto! 8y
sofiaga @RealLifeReading yes. She's on my tbr list of this year. 8y
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„In Südafrika trug es sich zu, dass ein Mann, der einst als Terrorist verurteilt worden war, nach siebenundzwanzig Jahren freikam, den Friedensnobelpreis erhielt und zum Präsidenten des Landes gewählt wurde. Auf Sjölida geschah zu ungefähr derselben Zeit umso weniger“ (S.309)