Happy Weekend Litsy friends! I made a late breakfast this morning, and now I‘m happily sitting down with a second cup of tea for a few more pages of this Tolkien reread.
@Texreader Thanks so much for the lovely birthday card!
Happy Weekend Litsy friends! I made a late breakfast this morning, and now I‘m happily sitting down with a second cup of tea for a few more pages of this Tolkien reread.
@Texreader Thanks so much for the lovely birthday card!
Seriously, l'm really really enjoying this reread of The Notion Club Papers and the Dawnfall of Anadune. The first time l read it, it was the busiest time of the year at work and l was too tired too really appreciate. But now l see it in all its glory.
As a side not, #FellowshipOfTolkien l've discovered my order of The War of the Jewel was cancelled. I've just ordered a new one. Let's hope it will come swiftly.
I should probably be working to finish updating grades for this week, but I‘m making some time for pets and a few pages. I don‘t feel quite as lost in The Notion Club Papers as I did last time, but I still think my mind is too wrapped up in school to appreciate my reading much more than the last time.
#DogsofLitsy #CatsofLitsy
I'm enjoying this read of The Notion Club Papers so much more than the first time.
Finished Sauron Defeated two nights ago.
It was a very strange book, all things considered.
I really liked the ending of LotR drafts, with that surprising version of The Scoring of the Shire.
The Notion Club Papers was a very dense read and honestly l don't think l got from it everything l could. Will need to reared it some day.
I totally adored the different drafts of the Fall of Numenor. Such a fantastic story.
I didn‘t enjoy this as much as other History of Middle-Earth books we‘ve read, and some sections required real effort to read. Yet, overall it is a pick because I truly enjoyed the final history of LotR and the Drowning of Anadune. The other sections give me a great appreciation for the time, effort, and thought put into all of Tolkien‘s creative process. “Delight lay in the creation itself . . .”
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien #LotRHistory
One of the things I find most interesting in these evolving versions of the Fall of Numenor is the discussion of the world as flat or round. Was it always round or was it changed due to this cataclysmic event? Was this concept of a flat world true at some point or just belief based on falsehood? It‘s amazing to me the thought that went into the continuous development of this world over so many years.
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
This book was quite interesting and I especially enjoyed reading the Notion Club Papers 😺
Finished up this read for #HistoryofLOTR & I am sorry to say that I did not enjoy this one very much. I've enjoyed the Histories, but this is not one of my favorites.
#YearofTolkien #FellowshipofTolkien
Saturday morning plans:
✅ #HolidayRecipeSwap card finalized and dropped in the mail
✅ Coffee and another #CovertoCover book read
🔷 Catching up on Sauron Defeated with #FellowshipofTolkien
🔷 Making Christmas fruitcake while listening to audiobooks
I got up early this morning to make pumpkin scones for school, and I hoped to fit in a few pages of reading along with my own breakfast. However, by the time I cleaned up my kitchen mess and prepped my just finished #CovertoCover book to mail, it was time to leave. I did fit in a few pages tonight, and I‘m continuing to enjoy my slow progress through the versions of the story of Numenor.
Oh, wow!
Since there has been so little about Numenor so far, l was wondering how Tolkien evolved his stories about it while writing LotR, since in this story a very definite history of Numenor is present.
It's fascinating to see the many different possibilities, some quite different from the story as we know it as canon.
This one was overall a mixed bag for me, loved Part I, the end of the history of LOTR, Part II with the The Notion Papers was so-so for me, it definitely had interesting sections but probably wasn‘t one I‘ll go back and re-read, then ended with Part III where Tolkien expanded and developed his early Númenorean legend as his Atlantis-esque retelling story shifted & grew to fit into his growing legendarium of interrelated tales. I couldn‘t help ⤵️
It seems that the more Tolkien worked to the story of Numenor, the darkening and more heartbreaking it became.
This third version has all the names changed. It was strange to read, and l wonder why Tolkien decided this course. I hope there will be some insight in Christopher's comment.
No time for breakfast with Tolkien this morning, but I did fit in just a few pages with lunch. I‘m thoroughly enjoying another look at the Fall of Numenor in this third section of the book. The more often I read them, the more I can appreciate the mythological style of the early stories of Tolkien‘s world.
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien #ReadandEat
What can l say? I adore the story of Numenor more every time l read it. It is such a perfect story inside the story in the Silmarillion.
What has always fascinated me is the way evil inplants itself with lies, as it seems to answer hard questions, and how some people still resists, come what will.
It is a story of loss, but also of hope, as so many of Tolkien's stories are.
Really enjoyed this early version of the Fall of Numenor, one of my favourite stories by Tolkien since l first read The Silmarillion.
The story will become much more complex, still so much of utenti is already here.
All caught up again, felt like I was never going to make it to Part III.
Although The Notion Papers were interesting, I‘m always going to think there is so much more there going on just below the surface that had a lot to do with the members of The Inklings and some of their personalities and foibles seeping over into this story as fun academic teasing.
Onto part III!
Goodbye #NotionClub
I made it through the rest of the #NotionClub Papers. That last section all about language was tough again, and to be honest I might have skimmed through parts, but I‘m caught up again. So glad to be reading this with others so that I do get to those moments of great interest or insight without giving up.
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
Read up to Night 70 of the #NotionClub Papers last night.
At some point, l'd like to compare this to the Lost Road. I don't remember it very well, now, but l seem to remember it was an easier read. But maybe l read it at a more related time.
I keep having the feeling that this writing was a private joke and that's why it's more difficult for us to got into it.
Getting closer! #24B4Monday
I finished The Notion Club Paprrs for #LOTRHistory, and never have I been so relieved to be done reading something by Tolkien. I feel slightly traitorous and guilty... but still relieved.
#MrBook1InaMillion #LitsyPartyofOne
@MrBook @Andrew65 @Lucas.Rencher @Rachel.Rencher @TheReadingMermaid
And!!! 🥁 I‘m caught up and back on track again!
You know, until next weekend 😂
Sunday books and breakfast included homemade pumpkin spice French toast sticks this morning. I‘m starting Night 68 and enjoying Part 2 of the Notion Club Papers much more than Part 1. Even when it gets a bit more dense, the connection to Middle-Earth keeps me more engaged.
#NotionClub #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien #BreakfastwithTolkien
Day 3 of #24B4Monday 😊 I'm at 14 hours. 10 to go!
#readathon #MrBook1InaMillion #LitsyPartyofOne
@MrBook @Andrew65 @Lucas.Rencher @TheReadingMermaid @Rachel.Rencher
This is the stack of books I plan to read from throughout the weekend between household chores and school work. I already read a section of the #NotionClub Papers this evening. I also have a couple audiobooks in progress and more downloaded from the library. I didn‘t plan any snacks for this weekend, but there are definitely some plans for baking tomorrow.
#MrBook1inAMillion #LitsyPartyofOne #24B4Monday #Readathon
Checkin time. I‘m at the beginning of Night 66, so about 3 days behind our original estimate schedule.
How‘s everyone else doing? I know a bunch of you are behind, but maybe behind in the same-ish place....so still together really.?♀️
How‘s it going? I know at Night 65 another retelling of the flood Atlantis/Númenor story is starting to emerge sort of a spin of the time traveling version way back in The Lost Tales (I think)⤵️
I read the first few pages of Part 2 tonight, through the end of Night 65. I really enjoyed the discussion of language, and I‘m looking forward to continuing as familiar things have started showing up in the discussion.
“Behold the Eagles of the Lords of the West! They are coming over Numenor!”
#NotionClub #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
I'm totally intrigued with the second part of the #NotionClub Papers. I've only read the first two nights, but l'm loving the atmosphere.
And that foreshadowing about the Redcliff Chamber Dome, with the claud that looks like smoke issuing from it 😍
Can't wait to see where this goes. Thought l have my ideas 😏
From deep discussions about how our minds bend past history with our perceptions and retelling of it...to discussing how each of them would view their meetings differently depending on their focus, etc (like this mirror of the inklings)....to talking to the future people who may be reading this and studying these Club meeting...to the story of it taking on a secondary life of its own through those reading it now.
Layer upon layer as he both ⤵️
There really is some great thinking in here as to how truth and myth overlap and collide...like those great conversations you had way too late at night with a friend in college perhaps, deep thinking.
But agreed, you also have to read it when you‘re not tired and in the right frame of mind to grasp it all. 😏
I finally finished Part 1 of The Notion Club Papers. I really appreciated some of the points discussed (I even added post-its!) at the beginning, but a lot of the later portion was more dense and took quite a bit of focus to read. In these longer sections I‘m also back to two bookmarks, the book dragon for my place in the main text and a smaller magnetic bookmark for the notes.
#NotionClub #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
Finished The first part of the #NotionClub Papers yesterday night.
Such a different read. And a dense one too. I'm sure l'll read it again.
It seems to me this is a deep update to Tolkien‘s On Fairy Stories, but l also agree with @Riveted_Reader_Melissa this is an inside jokes between Tolkien and his fellow Inklings. I don't think it was never meant to be publish.
Now excuse me. I understand Numenor is waiting 😍
From Night 60 of The Notion Club Papers: Some commentary on the level of detail and careful consideration put into the writing process . . .
#NotionClub #FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
I did quite enjoy this little section about language and new words and meanings evolving from the old, it reminded me of a great book I read last year, about words...I‘ll tag it in the comments.
I can‘t help feeling as I finish Part One of The Notion Paper as I did at the very beginning...it‘s brilliant and overly erudite, and quite too much to wrap your head around really... and there is way more subtext here about the “friendly” rivalry between him and C.S. Lewis than we can probably ever glean without actually being in that friendship.
But also that there is a ton of inside jokes between members of the real Inklings & this fictional⤵️
OK... I love Tolkien with all my heart, but I'm currently feeling very thankful that he abandoned the Notion Club Papers in favor of finishing LOTR. Some small bits are kind of interesting, but for the most part, I am just really not enjoying this 😴
#YearofTolkien #LOTRHistory
“Liking is often much more complex than dislike. And it‘s less necessary to say anything about it in a hurry. The feeling of liking has a very lasting flavour; it can wait, it‘s often better for being stored for a bit. But defects stick out all hard and painful, while one‘s still close at hand.”
This #quote from Night 60 of The Notion Club Papers seemed very relatable to how I try to reflect on what I read and my long term reactions to books.
I fell a bit behind there at the end of the month my #FellowshipOfTolkien group so for me this weekend has to be to catch-up with The Notion Papers Part I 🤞
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
Loved reading this unused epilogue to The Lord of the Rings, the way Tolkien first envisioned the book to end.
Yes, the final version is more powerful, and it's not hard to see why Tolkien went with it in the end.
It's also not hard to see Tolkien himself surrounded by his own children in his studio, telling them stories. I understand why he was fondo of that epilogue.
I started Part Two tonight, and although I‘m still not quite sure what these Notion Club Papers are going to entail, I‘m completely intrigued to continue.
#FellowshipofTolkien #YearsofTolkien
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
And l haven't even read the entire chapter 😭
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
It's gets me every single time 😢
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
Oh, wow!! I knew the ending was to be very different because of all my fellow Tolkien readers' comments, but I mean... no Saruman, Frodo a chieftain of hobbits!
I find it interesting that the parts concerning the Shire seem to have gone through some of the most important changes, as if Tolkien himself didn't really trust them to tell an epic story at first.
This is a far simpler ending than the one we know.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
Such a short chapter. What it did is get me excited about hhe next chapter, 'cause my fellow Tolkien readers are all talking about it 😆
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
It's always such a mixed bag when ideas occurred to Tolkien kind of suddenly.
On the one hand, it's fantastic to see ideas take form. I loved seeing Tolkien's idea about Saruman changing while writing. How he abandoned the idea of a redemption, because the character didn't call for it.
On the other hand, it leaves you wanting. I'd have loved to know a lot more of how Arwen entered this story.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRHistory
These last few chapters, so short, kind of leave me the desires to read more. But l enjoyed (as always) to se the little evolutions in the tale.
I loved these variations on Sam‘s life in various Epilogues.
Sam‘s always been my favorite character and I love seeing him settled and telling the story and answering the questions of his own children who are just as persistent as he and his friends were at the beginning of the story.