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Mrderische Angst
Mrderische Angst: Thriller | Linda Castillo
16 posts | 32 read | 1 reading | 7 to read
Wenn die Geister der Vergangenheit sprechen 1979: Ein amischer Vater und vier seiner Kinder sterben bei einem missglckten Raubberfall. Seine Frau wird von den Ttern entfhrt und nie wieder gesehen. Allein der vierzehnjhrige Sohn Billy Hochstetler berlebt diese grausame Nacht. 2014: Jeder in Painters Mill wei, dass es auf der verlassenen Farm der Familie Hochstetler spukt. Aber nur einige wenige wissen, was damals in jener Nacht tatschlich geschah. Und nun wird einer nach dem anderen auf grausame Weise ermordet. Wer ist ihrem Geheimnis auf die Spur gekommen?
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Another strong addition to the Kate Burkholder series: Chief B. is investigating a murder staged as suicide by hanging. But in order to navigate the crime-solving, Kate must return to evidence from a long-ago murder, kidnapping, and arson case that shocked the community to its core.


@TheSpineView @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Great! 8mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🥰🥰 8mo
Eggs @TheSpineView 🥰🥰 8mo
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A series of threats & murders begin cropping up. Do they have something to do with the murders of an Amish family 35 years ago? Police Chief, Kate, begins to put the puzzle together. A good read/listen

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It was just OK for me. I love the Amish pieces of her books, but there is such a violent swing back and forth between traditional Christian writing to extreme violence that it is difficult to read sometimes. My mind has trouble toggling between the conservative Amish culture and Linda Castillo‘s gratuitously descriptive violent crime detailing.

katy4peas I love the picture! 😁 4y
CaffeineAndCandy ᴛᴏᴏ ᴄᴜᴛᴇ 🐶 4y
candc320 Your pup doesn‘t seem completely sold on it either 😆. So cute!! 4y
SheReadsAndWrites OMG the cute is too much! ❤️🐶🤓 4y
Nute The BEST photo! 4y
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I don‘t know why I‘ve been in a reading slump for a few weeks. But Copper is certainly moving right through his TBR...

LeahBergen 😆😆 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Hope you‘ll get out of the reading slump soon 🤞 4y
Reggie Lolol too cute!!! 4y
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wanderinglynn Too cute! ❤️🐶 4y
Sleepswithbooks Cooper 🥰🐶 4y
Bookzombie So cute! 4y
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Absolutely perfect Saturday

eanderson Good book! Love the picture! 4y
PurpleTulipGirl Always looking for a new Starbucks drink. What‘s yours? 4y
Jennaree3 @PurpleTulipGirl Let me preface this by saying I‘m a dental hygienist: I like the passion tango tea because I can get it unsweetened and without boatloads of sugar. I also like their peach green tea for the same reason. Flavor without rampant decay 😆 4y
PurpleTulipGirl Totally understand! My goal this year was to give up soda, and I pretty much have in the last month. But I can‘t abide the taste of coffee, and I need my caffeine, so mochas and Frappuccinos and Pink Drinks are my thing. I‘m gradually getting better about less sugar in my coffee, but I have a long way to go, and I haven‘t found a tea I like yet. 4y
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This series is so consistently good!! This one was extra twisty and really kept me guessing until the end. Kate Burkholder is the Chief of Police of a small largely-Amish community. She‘s great at solving crimes involving the Amish community because she grew up Amish but left the church when she was younger.

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I so much wanted to love it – and I did‼️
But to be honest the plot was quite obvious this time. It was not badly made, not really, because I didn‘t see the final twist coming, but overall my first guess of who the criminal is was right. I still love the storytelling and meeting all the characters (Pickles ❤️) I already know again but am not convinced by the case this time. So compared to the first “Kate Burkholder” I encountered, this lost.

ljuliel These books take place near where I‘m from ,so a lot of the towns and last names are places I‘ve heard of. I emailed the author after her first one and asked if she was from here. But nope, she‘s from about 1000 miles from us, but her best friend lives here so she got the idea from visiting our area. She is SO nice and replied right away to my email. Every time a new book comes out, she mails me a handful of bookmarks, plus an appreciation letter 5y
Buechersuechtling @ljuliel You‘re kidding me⁉️😯 (No, of course, you‘re not.) I always thought her places were fictional, too. 🤭 I always wanted to look Painter‘s Mill up but until today ended up never doing it. But I love your story. ❤️ That‘s so nice. Just heart warming‼️🥰 5y
ljuliel Painter‘s Mill isn‘t a real town, to my knowledge , but the other towns mentioned in the books are real ( Millersburg, Kidron, Charm, Marshallville, Shreve , Wooster , etc ). and the last names used are all familiar names in the area . It‘s a huge population of Amish people who live mostly in Holmes County, but are also in Wayne County( where I‘m from). Wooster is where our courthouse is. (edited) 5y
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At the moment I‘m not really finding time to start my book so audiobooks have to do the trick. This is the one I downloaded for this week‘s commute. I‘m pretty sure I‘m not listening to the series in the correct order but I remember that I very much liked the first case of Kate Burkholder investigating in the Amish environment I got hold of (“Tödliche Wut”/“Gone Missing”). I was in the mood for another one and so I took what I could get. ?

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#6 of the series, and it just gets better and better.
Starts off in 79 when an Amish family terrorized by men with nylon masks on. The father is killed first, they take the mother, then when the oldest son is trying to save her, the house catches fire and kills his 4 siblings.
Now these 3 people that did the crime, and older, are now being murdered one by one.
Kate needs to solve it before the last survivor is killed.

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Since my husband is with his dad for a baseball game, I was able to finish this. Not my favorite in the series but still a great addition it. 🤗

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After a client cancelled this morning, I decided it was best to take a rest day from running and working out. Starting the next book in the Kate Burkholder series sounds like the perfect plan.🤗 It‘s Thursday and I think I‘m over the case of the Mondays... I can only hope! 🤣

robinb Enjoy your downtime! 😊 6y
Cathythoughts Hi Theo ❤️😍🐶 6y
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The sixth book in the Kate Burkholder series includes an isolated conservative sect within the Amish community known Swartzentruber. A murder committed by a group of friends comes back to haunt the participants over thirty years later. Fast paced and intriguing. If you enjoy audio, the narrator of this series is wonderful. And If you're looking for an addictive new #crime #mystery series with a unique perspective, this is it! (Image via Google.)

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Finished this one, book #6. If you are looking for a Mystery series written by a woman author, check this one out, there are currently 9 books out. You won't be disappointed.

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#riotgrams #currentreads I'm listening to one of my many series that I'm behind on, Kate Burkholder and one of my Litsy books. #blamelitsy.

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I'm finally getting back to this series. I have been listening to the audio of this series, and they are being narrated by Kathleen McInerney.

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I went to the library to pick up an audio book I had on hold and left with 3 more audiobooks and 3 hardback books. Who leaves with just one??? 🤔🤔

TheBookStacker Oh I want to read murder in the bayou 8y
Lmstraubie Books are like potato chips - you can't have just one 😂 8y
Bookladylinda @TheBookStacker that one is a true crime story. 8y
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