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Imperfectos/ Flawed
Imperfectos/ Flawed | Cecelia Ahern
Celestine North lives a perfect life. She's a model daughter and sister, she's well-liked by her classmates and teachers, and she's dating the impossibly charming Art Crevan. But then she encounters a situation that forces her to break a rule. She now faces life-changing repercussions.
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Perfect afternoon read in a local coffee shop! I have made the most of the Christmas holiday walking the dog and finding new reading spots!

I love Ahern‘s books but normally associate them with romance! This one (so far) is quite dystopian! I feel like it may follow a similar style to The Hunger Games in terms of rebelling against authority!

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Celestine and her family are perfect, they follow the rules and stay far from those that have been branded flawed. They believe in the system, they believe in being perfect. Everything is black and white, everything is logical. Until its not.

Reading in the authors note that she wrote this in 6 weeks does not surprise me. The characters aren't as deep and fleshed out as the usual Ahern standard but overall I like what's she's doing here.

MissRob950 I enjoyed this too! 4mo
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Thought this was such a clever story, I really enjoyed it. Definitely wouldn't want to live in a flawed society!

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern

The literal meaning of flawed is imperfection. And in the book “Flawed” the people get an “F” stamped on there bodies, which means they aren‘t “normal” which they are treated less than.

TheMrsShaw Make sure you mention connotation and de notation next time. 2y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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This was a YA with an interesting premise. In a world where thanks to social media, perfection is an ever popular goal, it‘s feasible that anything less is indeed flawed. The book takes this notion one-step into the further with leaders outcasting anyone who is flawed. The flawed are tried, convicted, branded and ostracised.

I really enjoyed this story and found whilst it was light on action, it echoed some elements of The Handmaid‘s Tale.

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern

Amazing, can't wait to teach this book next year. So many positive themes for students to explore and relate to their lives.

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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This was a pleasant surprise-I wasn‘t sure if I‘d like this one, but I devoured it in a week. A lot of the tropes and characters reminded me of other YA dystopian novels, but I still found myself engaged and interested throughout. Will pick up the sequel soon.



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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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This was a little slow to start but soon had me hooked , I couldn‘t wait to start ‘Perfect‘

Break a rule ... pay the price

'Never trust a man who sits, uninvited, at the head of the table in another man's home.

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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I can now understand why people read,why they like to get lost in somebody elses life.Sometimes Ill read a sentence & it will make me sit up,jolt me, because it is something that I have recently felt but never said out loud.I want to reach into the page & tell the characters that I understand them,that they're not alone,that Im not alone, that its ok to feel like this & then the lunch bell rings,the book closes, & Im plunged back into reality

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Aaaaaand another 2 books my library has in stock‼️*)

Heard mixed things about volume 1 and that‘s why I hoped for some library to buy it, so that I can make my own opinion without investing too much. 😊

*) Plus: Another crappy photo – sorry for that. But about those, I was almost as excited as I was about “Boo” and I felt the need to almost immediately post about them instead of waiting until I get hold of the physical editions. 😊

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Very good. Ordered the second book.
Drop everything and read this book and make your BFF or SO read it too because you're going to want to talk about it!

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Hour 18 Challenge
One of my favorite authors is Cecelia Ahern (@official_ceceliaahern) 😍 I met her in 2016 when Flawed was first released. She was so sweet and so beautiful!! There are not many authors that I have read everything they release but she is definitely one of them! I love her romance novels 🤗😍
#24in48 #romance #romancenovels #flawed #perfect #ceceliaahern #read #bookworm @24in48

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern


Flawed / Perfect | Cecelia Ahern

Both books
They are gripping and will keep you at the edge of your seat.
There are moments when you'll cry, you'll laugh and moments where you just want to escape into the book's world and hug the protagonist.
Must read for hopeless romantics.

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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About to start this😊💕

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Day 20 #AdventRecommends

Flawed by Celia Ahern


This is another book that I borrowed from a friend and then got it back only after it had been passed around every single person that we knew would enjoy it!

This is a perfect read for anyone who likes Dystopian and the sequel (Perfect) is just as good!

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Day 20 #AdventRecommends

Flawed by Celia Ahern

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Day 20 #AdventRecommends

Flawed by Celia Ahern

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Day 20 #AdventRecommends

Flawed by Celia Ahern

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Day 20 #AdventRecommends

Flawed by Celia Ahern

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Celestine North is flawed and has to figure out how to live in society as a flawed person. I loved the short chapters. It definitely helped with the pacing of the book, which I felt was perfect. I wanted to read the whole book in one sitting so I could find out what was going to happen.
#WorkingMyWayThroughMyTBR #BookWorm #BookAddict #BookLover #ReadingAddict #ReadEveryday #EverydayReading #ReadingBringsJoy #Flawed #CeceliaAhern #YABooks

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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So how do you all handle reading slumps?

I‘m in such a bad one right now. During my vacation in August, I read 5 or 6 Books rapidly over a few days and I think I burnt myself out on reading 🤦🏻‍♀️ Then I didn‘t have the time for it and now it‘s September and I haven‘t read since... August 14. Yikes 😬

BookishTrish Audiobooks, thrillers and re-reads are my go tos ❤️ 6y
MelissaSue81 I try to make myself read at least a little everyday. Challenges and readathons help keep me motivated. 6y
brittanyreads I got through my last slump by asking the people of Litsy to recommend great books to me. I read two of their recommendations and they ended up being two of the best books I‘ve read in a long time. Sparked reading right back up for me!! If you like fantasy, one of those books was 6y
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Ashley_Nicoletto I kind of just ride it out and do other things I love for a while. Audiobooks are a big help for me. And I also force myself to read a little every morning when I wake up - eventually I‘ll end up reading constantly again. 6y
wanderinglynn Sometimes I reread a fave. Sometimes I read something light & fluffy. And sometimes I just go do something else (binge Netflix, crafts, puzzles) for while. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego If I'm is a slump I usually go for YA. I find they are usually quick, pradictable, feel good & satisfying. IMO. 😊 6y
teebe @Ashley_Nicoletto that‘s what I‘ve been doing so far— focusing on other things. Hopefully reading bit by bit will help too. Thanks for the suggestions! 6y
teebe @BBL4nkensh1p that‘s a good idea! I‘ve read Daughter of Smoke & Bone though. What was the other book? 6y
teebe @MelissaSue81 I‘m trying to read a little everyday now, hopefully it works 😣 Thanks for the suggestion! 6y
teebe @BookishTrish I‘ve been debating re-reading some books, maybe now‘s the time to do that. Thanks for the suggestion! 6y
teebe @wanderinglynn I‘m on the crafts stage now and starting some Netflix binging 😅 6y
teebe @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego thanks for the suggestion! 6y
brittanyreads If you like historical fiction type novels, I also just read The Dollhouse by Fiona Davis and was very pleasantly surprised with it. 6y
teebe @BBL4nkensh1p The Dollhouse sounds fascinating! Thanks. 6y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern

Though I was a little disappointed by the ending (cliffhanger...but I don‘t think there‘s another book?!), this was a great read! Something totally different, a new concept I‘d never heard of before 💜

Linear This is the second book 6y
Jennick2004 @Linear thank you!!!!! 6y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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My ready my buddy on this stormy afternoon 💙

DGRachel 😍🐶😍 6y
trazo Love this picture 🐶 ♥️ 6y
Jennick2004 @trazo thanks ☺️ he‘s 100 lbs of love 🤣 6y
AmyG So sweet. ❤️ 6y
Burghbookaddict ❤❤❤ 6y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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This pretty baby is keeping me company while I read 💜😻
#littenkitten #catsoflitsy #tortitude

Jennick2004 @rubyslippersreads here is my Holli...yours looks so similar! 6y
rubyslippersreads She‘s adorable! (Her “twin” Sadie agrees. 😺) 6y
Jennick2004 @rubyslippersreads I saw your pic of her paws and they are black just like Hol‘s!! 6y
JoScho So sweet 🖤 6y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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This is a strange book...that I am thoroughly enjoying for some reason 🤣😝 #weirdbooks #engrossed

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Got my Book Outlet order (the rest is for a swap 😉)
Which book should I read next?!

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern

One of the best books I‘ve read all year. This series is gold. I cannot wait to go to the store tomorrow morning and buy the sequel!

Side note: Do I dare hope the series blows up Hunger Games style with movies and a huge following or do I hope for no one to try adapting the book to movies for fear of failure, as teen fiction adaptations so often become?
#thegrassisalwaysgreener #flawed #perfect

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Just got this book in the mail and I‘m so excited to dive in!!!

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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I'm not super into YA dystopia as a premise so, save for The Hunger Games, I have largely avoided that subgenre. This was better than expected, which is probably largely due to Ahern's experience as a writer - while this may be her YA debut, she's been publishing books for years - and this was apparent in the plotting and writing quality: confident and showing a sure hand. It was really quite enjoyable, and I plan to finish the duology.

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Just finished flawed in a day. Sulking that I dont have perfect already.

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Starting my 12th book of the year

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Loved this book and its sequel Perfect, was such an interesting concept, although wasn‘t something I think would ever actually happen. I‘d like to think I would do the same thing as Celestine in her situation. (Don‘t mind the mostly empty book shelf ☹️ we‘re in the process of moving house)

Imperfectos/ Flawed | Cecelia Ahern
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''Kad napraviš pogrešku, na njoj učiš. Ako nikada ne pogriješiš, nikada nećeš postati mudrija.''

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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I loved this book. If you enjoyed the Hunger Games definitely give this one a try. Celestine‘s character growth and strength really made this book an enjoyable, fast paced read. Book one of the #readathon is done!!!!!

korithebookdragon I love the cover of yours! Mine isn't as pretty. 😕 but I really am loving this book! It reminds me of Divergent. 😍 6y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Hour 12 of #24in48 and the first book I read is Flawed. My copy came with a Flawed tattoo and the first line definitely sets the tone for this book.

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Let‘s #readathon

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Book club is Sunday so I better get cracking on this one.

Purrfectpages Curious to hear what you think of this. It has been on my short list. 6y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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TBR for January. Keeping it small since I have a new baby and turning pages is hard while holding him! My resolution for 2018 is to work on my TBR shelf, which is quite out of control. Did you make any bookish resolutions? #bookishresolution

Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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My attempt at a snowflake. I'm bored and feeling creative.

BookMaven407 💜 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love it!!! ❄️ 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Oh it‘s awesome! 7y
BookishGirl06 Looks good 7y
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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern
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Found this book in the clearance aisle and I am soooooo glad I picked it up. It‘s from the author who wrote P.S. I Love you. It‘s about a girl who does the right thing and gets punished for it. It goes thru the idea of being “Perfect” and what society considers “Flawed”.

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Flawed: A Novel | Cecelia Ahern

If you love romance and dystopian literature this is book for you