Re-reading one of my all time favorite trilogies 🙌🏻
“...I was sitting in the lap of a murderer. Yet I was quite happy to sit there, his arms around me.”
I‘m blaming books like these for giving me unrealistic (and probably unhealthy) relationship goals 🙈
Rereading this series currently. I looooove how it‘s written; it‘s small towny and you pretty much have to read it with a southern accent 👌🏻 I tried to watch the tv show but the plot and the tone are entirely different from how Charlaine Harris first created it to be. As usual, the books are so much better!
“Birthday wishes don‘t always come true, so I don‘t waste a chance when I blow out a candle.”
One of the best books I‘ve read all year. This series is gold. I cannot wait to go to the store tomorrow morning and buy the sequel!
Side note: Do I dare hope the series blows up Hunger Games style with movies and a huge following or do I hope for no one to try adapting the book to movies for fear of failure, as teen fiction adaptations so often become?
#thegrassisalwaysgreener #flawed #perfect
I wanted to like this book but there are three glaring problems with it:
1. The writing is beyond awful. It‘s like they skipped the whole editing/polishing part and just published the first draft.
2. Predictable plot that I‘ve read half a dozen times before. If it was written better, this wouldn‘t be as big of an issue for me but alas.
3. The story was inconsistent about small details but that jars the reader out of the story.
1/10 for me.
This book is pretty highly rated on Amazon so I‘m giving it a go. The style of writing is high school level at best and the plot seems predictable but I‘m trying to keep an open mind 🤞🏼 #pleasebegood
When you have too much to say and a character limit 🙈 I will probably finish the series just because I don‘t like not finishing/having all books in a set. But I am disappointed.
"But souls were wise things. They always knew before the brain or the heart. There was no discriminating—if you saw your perfect other…you knew—instantly."
“We‘re all a product of obligation. A carbon copy of what is permitted in the world we‘re born into. None of us are free—all raised with expectations to fulfill. And it fucking sucks when those expectations become a cage.”
This book was a good read but honestly from the description and previous reviews I thought it would be darker. Maybe the next one is? I did enjoy the plot, the gang of gentlemen, the rules, and punishments though 👌🏻
“I used to think of intimacy as chocolates and roses and sweet whispered words. But it can be blood and violence and darkness, too. That‘s something they don‘t teach you in school.”
#hostage #relatable
The first half of this book was gold. Exciting, sexy, unpredictable. But then all the tension just fizzles away. And some of the details connecting this book to Prisoner were incorrect; exact scenes from the other book played out differently in this one. I‘m a bit disappointed. I expected more from this story.
This book was so GOOD! It‘s twisted, dark, completely fucked up, and borderline abusive. And I fucking loved it.
I would recommend this book to those who prefer every possible topping on their ice cream—if you‘re vanilla, you will probably despise this story.
“Correcting my grammar even at gunpoint. I‘m so fucking hot for her, I think I might burst into flames.”
My kind of relationship #goals #prisoner #mykindofrelationship #yaaaas
1. Slytherin 🐍
2. Draco, Luna, Snape, Ron, Fred, Bellatrix, Dumbledore, Sirius, Ginny, McGonagall, and more 🧡
3. According to Pottermore it‘s a brown owl 🤔
4. Ebony wood with a Phoenix feather core 13” —also from Pottermore lol
#harrypotter #slytherin #pottermore #potterhead
“Standing by someone during their darkest times creates a bond. A sense of obligation that is less a weight and more a gift.”
#atorchagainstthenight #pibble #pibblecuddles #pitbullsoflitsy
It was a little bit difficult at first to immerse myself in this book—so many new terms, names, rules, etc. But what started as “sure let‘s give this book a try,” turned into not being able to put my kindle down! The story is fresh and I am fascinated with the world Sabaa Tahir created. I cannot recommend this book enough! Simply wonderful!
“The field of battle is my temple. The swordpoint is my priest. The dance of death is my prayer. The killing blow is my release.”
I am enjoying the books so far but I still love the show more. Especially because of Octavia. In the show she‘s a badass warrior constantly proving herself and covered in blood. In the books—at least up to where I‘ve read—she‘s mild and almost weak. I aspire to be tv show Octavia 🔥 #aesthetic #octavia #iwanttobeher #warrior #the100
This book (and the first in the series The Rift Uprising) is so imaginative and creative! I was wholly wrapped up in the worlds Amy S. Foster wrote. Foster‘s books constantly question not only the character‘s morals, but the reader‘s as well, playing in the grey instead of defining black or white. The only bad thing about this series is that the last part of the trilogy doesn‘t come out until fall!
“I put him in the entryway to stop it from closing—and momentarily feel bad for using a living person as a door stop. I get over it though.” 😂 this book is gold! I am living for this series atm
“Reading should be savored. Each word should be enjoyed.” Amen.
The crippling question of what book to read next. And this is only half of my books... 😅
I‘m a sucker for a love story. Truly, I am. But I absolutely hate when you get halfway through and the plot falls apart. Where, suddenly, the characters turn on each other with out any warning or lead up. The author just needs some sort of complication to pretend to give the book dimension or meaning. It just feels lazy 😔
“Careful, I told myself. You don‘t want to set yourself up for a fall. Be happy. Just not too happy.”