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Dragon Slippers
Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
12 posts | 21 read | 11 to read
In this charming, light-hearted fantasy, young Creel makes a bargain with a dragon for a seemingly simple pair of blue slippers. But these aren't just ordinary shoes.They can be used to save Creel's kingdom . . . or destroy it. A Book Sense Children's Pick "Clever, well-plotted and good fun."-Kirkus Reviews "[T]he fairy-tale action and vivid scenes, from glittering dragon cave to posh dress shop, are captivating, and readers will easily connect with brave Creel."-Booklist "An endearing fantasy with quirky twists on traditional elements. . . . Readers looking for something to follow Hale's Princess Academy will find pleasure here."-Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
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Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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Creel was quite a badass and I liked her attitude. :)

There was action, adventure and big emotions. This was somehow really cute story.

This was a middle-grade book and felt a bit simple for an adult. I think I would have adored this when I was younger.


Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 11mo
TheSpineView Great job! 11mo
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Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George

This was a fun children's fantasy book! I am looking forward to reading the next two in the series.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🐉 📚 2y
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Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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I like to spread my #NewYearWhoDis picks out by reading one a month, so here is January's pick!! I had read this one before but so long ago that I couldn't remember how it went. I really liked Creel who is sassy and independent without being obnoxious and is still willing to accept help when she needs it. I loved the dragons, too!! Thanks for the pick @vonnie862 - I am looking forward to the Bridgerton book for February!!

megnews Great cover! 3y
Clwojick 💙💖❤️ 3y
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Librarybelle Hooray!! 3y
vonnie862 Woo! 3y
tokorowilliamwallace What's this challenge all about? 3y
TheSpineView Love the cover! Every girl should have their own dragon! 💜🐉 3y
TheAromaofBooks @tokorowilliamwallace - It's a special even hosted by @monalyisha every year. She has a limited number of sign-up slots in December where you put in your favorite books from the year & what kind of books you enjoy. Then she carefully matches everyone with someone whose list she thinks they will enjoy. You don't actually swap books, just lists. However, it's just a once-a-year thing, so there won't be sign-ups again until December!! 3y
Lauredhel Oh wow you are banging out the challenges! I need to get started... 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Lauredhel - This is the delightful time of year where everything I read fills multiple prompts because I haven't filled very many prompts yet haha 3y
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Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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So this windowsill (because I am definitely not out of bookshelves because that would be crazy 😂) has become my January “assignments“ shelf. It looks a little ridiculous because it is, but as the year goes on, many of my challenges overlap so I will not always be giving myself this many books to tackle every month, if that makes sense lol although this doesn't include the five books I am chapter-a-day reading, either! Anyway, #weeklyforecast ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) is just tooling away through this pile!! I started the tagged book for #NewYearWhoDis yesterday evening, so I should be finishing it for sure!! After that, I'm not sure what will appeal to me next, but probably a mystery, so either Dumb Witness or The Eight. Almost all of these are books from my own physical shelves I've been meaning to read, so I'm genuinely excited about checking them off!!
vlwelser The Eight! ❤ 3y
Cinfhen A windowsill for books?? Genius 🙌🏻♥️😘 3y
TheAromaofBooks @vlwelser - I've been meaning to read it for quite some time, and then got it on the cheap from Book Outlet. I'm excited to finally get to it!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - Everything is a bookshelf if you try hard enough 😂 3y
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Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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So I've been thinking about #BookSpin a lot (LOL) and I am always telling y'all to make this challenge work for you, but realized it wasn't exactly working for me!! My original intention was to use it as an opportunity to tackle a book each month that I genuinely do want to read, but always seem to put off. But once I started with the bingo part, my BookSpin list actually turned into my month's TBR, which actually isn't the same thing at all! ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Then last month @Ash.on.the.line had a brilliant idea - TWO LISTS! One list that's actually for BookSpin, just to read that one book. The other list for bingo, comprised of the books I'm planning to read anyway! So! On the left is my 2022 list. I'm hoping to read the BookSpin number off this list each month, and the books below 20 will be replacement numbers (I've added a few more since I took this pic), so if 1 is drawn for January, ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Catch-22 will turn into the new 1 for February, etc. On the right is the list I'll use to fill in my bingo board, because it's 21 books I'm actually planning to read in January. These are all books for challenges, readalongs, and all that good stuff. I'm actually super excited about my new system. Those books on the left are some potentially really good books but kind of challenging to read so I keep putting them off!! ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) And just a reminder - I probably won't post #BookSpin numbers as early tomorrow as I usually do, but I will get to it at some point, never fear!!! I've really been enjoying everyone's lists and can't wait to see what we'll all be reading for January!!! 3y
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wordslinger42 You picked so many good books, and I love the idea of two lists! I have Dragon Slippers and have been wanting to read it for a long time. That might go on February's list! I'm also planning on tackling Les Mis this year... I'm a little bit terrified 😂 3y
Daisey I completely understand this as my list has very much become my monthly TBR as well. I decided to try to keep mine reasonably simple this year by making every number a prompt and somewhere from 10-15 will pretty much stay the same from month to month. The current goal is to keep at least 1 or 2 of those as Owned TBR. Thanks so much for continuing this challenge! 3y
llwheeler My list shifted from the original intent of getting older books off the tbr to just my monthly reading too. I'm keeping just one list, but I've decided to use it to work through books from previous bookspin lists that I still haven't gotten to. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @wordslinger42 - I'm so scared of Les Mis that it isn't on any of my lists anywhere 😂 But I did significantly reduce my GR goal this year because I do want to focus on some fatter/more difficult books off the list. I'm actually really excited about tackling some of these keep-getting-put-off books!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Daisey @llwheeler - One of my favorite parts of the challenge is seeing how everyone tweaks it to make it work for them. It's so fun!! 3y
cewilf Love this idea! 3y
BookDadGirlDad @TheAromaofBooks Les Mis is one of my favorite books ever. I find when I tackle the bigger books, I follow it up with several smaller ones to keep goals. I do love your bookspin idea. I may steal it.... 3y
TheAromaofBooks @cewilf @BookDadGirlDad - I'm really hoping having two lists will help me actually get a couple of pesky malingering books off the list but still have the fun of scoring bingos, which are strangely addictive haha 3y
Ash.on.the.line Okay you took my idea and made it better! Love this! I‘m posting my list now and then looking at numbers and may even try this! 🥰😄 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Ash.on.the.line - When you were talking about the two lists last month, this new plan just clicked in my mind 😂 I probably would ever have thought of it on my own, so I'm glad you inspired my thought process!!! 3y
claudiuo This is a great idea, maybe I will start using the 2 lists as well. In my case though (slow reader), I found that the bingo is really helping me to read more. I always start with either the bookspin or the doublespin and then I try to push myself to read at least 4 more books in one direction or other. That's why I usually read only one of the spins each month. This helps me so much, thank you so very very much for keeping both challenges going! 3y
Elizabeth2 I love reading all of these ideas! ❤️📚I‘m more like @claudiuo since 5 books a month is a lot for me. I‘ve yet to hit a bingo, but the challenge each month is fun and definitely helps me read more! 3y
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This was a fun book! I need to read more fantasy books.
#dragonslippers #fantasy #dragons

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Reading in Maui.

Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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This was a very fun, exciting middle grade fiction novel. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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This one was a little slow in places, but overall a fun middle grade fantasy. I'm always a sucker for dragons.

Dragon Slippers | Jessica Day George
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What a fun series for middle grade and tween girls. Creel is sent as a sacrifice to the local dragon in the hopes that she will be rescued by a knight, become rich, and in the process bring the family out of poverty. What unfolds is a surprising tale of friendship and intrigue. This series is a perfect summer binge!

Dragon Slippers 850 Lexile, Ages 8+
Dragon Spear 920 Lexile, Ages 8+
Dragon Flight 870 Lexile, Ages 8+

RaimeyGallant Beautiful pic! 7y
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Dragonskin Slippers | Jessica Day George

This is the book that turned me into a book worm. It's a fun read with many great characters and a really good female protagonist. #fantasy #dragons