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L'universo nei tuoi occhi
L'universo nei tuoi occhi | Jennifer Niven
*** IL NUOVO STRAORDINARIO ROMANZO DI JENNIFER NIVEN *** *** JENNIFER NIVEN, LA REGINA DELLA LETTERATURA YOUNG ADULT - La Repubblica *** Affascinante. Divertente. Distaccato. Ecco le tre parole dordine di Jack Masselin, diciassette anni e un segreto ben custodito: Jack non riesce a riconoscere il volto delle persone. Nemmeno quello dei suoi genitori, o quello dei suoi fratelli. Per questo si dovuto impegnare molto per diventare Mister Popolarit. Si esercitato per anni nellimpossibile arte di conoscere tutti senza conoscere davvero nessuno, di farsi amare senza amare a propria volta. E finora riuscito a cavarsela. Ma le cose prendono una piega inaspettata quando Jack vede per la prima volta Libby. Libby che non come le altre ragazze. Libby che porta addosso tutto il peso delluniverso: un passato difficile e tanti, troppi chili per poter essere accettata dai suoi compagni di scuola. Un giorno, per non sfigurare davanti agli amici, Jack prende di mira Libby in un gioco crudele, che spedisce entrambi in presidenza. Libby per non il tipo che si lascia umiliare, e il suo incontro con Jack diventa presto uno scontro. Al mondo non esistono due caratteri pi diversi dei loro. Eppure... pi Jack e Libby si conoscono, meno si sentono soli. Perch ci sono persone che hanno il potere di cambiare tutto. Anche una vita intera. Dopo il clamoroso successo di Raccontami di un giorno perfetto, Jennifer Niven torna con un nuovo, straordinario romanzo che parla del potere salvifico dellamore e del momento magico in cui incontriamo qualcuno capace di vederci e di accettarci per come siamo: imperfetti, fragili, veri. Luniverso nei tuoi occhi il nuovo Colpa delle stelle. - Teenvogue.com Una straordinaria riflessione sullimportanza di accettarsi per quello che si . - School Library Journal Due protagonisti che resteranno indelebili nel vostro cuore e una storia damore che vi mozzer il fiato. - Publishers Weekly Bello, intenso, centrato su due personaggi borderline [...] Le pagine trasudano vitalit e ironia - Claudia Morgoglione, La Repubblica
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

i will miss it! it was a really good, romantic story!
everyone knows libby's name, because she is heavier.
jack is friends with everybody. he has prosopagnosia (also known as face blindness). jack and libby change each others lives forever.
i definitely recommend this book, because it taught me, to not judge a person based off their looks, and to always treat others with respect, because you never know what the other person is going through

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

reading this book now... so far so good :)

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

😭❤️ why has nobody talked about this book!?! It was so beautiful! Exactly the kind of story I needed and such a great portrayal of these painful experiences. It was written with passion, told a beautiful tale, and even though there was so much happening, it never distracted from the storyline.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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The book I have DNF-ied
After reading All the bright places that was a good read, I expected the same from this one. But to my great regret, even after trying to finish it, I was only able to get to page 253 before I gave up.
The main characters are Jack and Libby.
Jack, who has Prospogania (not having the ability to recognize familiar people's faces)
Libby was the fattest American Girl.
They main characters had no chemistry.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

Great quick read!

Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂
Check out #LitsyEvents for a varied listing of fun-related happenings within this neighborhood of fellow readers.🤗
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I love Niven‘s style of writing. It‘s like a delicious dessert. Always fluid, easy, and she has tons of drive for her characters. Lots of feel good moments about self-acceptance in this one. This was my #bookspin for April. #bookspinbingo
#yabooks #ireadya #youngadult

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I am bleary eyed and exhausted because I read from page 30 to 148. I should have known that I would fall in love with these characters like I fell in love with Violet and Finch. The loneliness, the anger, all of it captured in these cosmic moments. Jack and Libby bring the same realness to the table. Now to get through the work day so I can go back to reading. #idratherbereading #yabooks #ireadya

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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First line: “I‘m not a shitty person, but I‘m about to do a shitty thing.” This is my #bookspin for this month. Not really in the mood for contemporary, but I appreciate this opening line so here we go!

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I aspire to be as amazing as Libby is.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

All the feels

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Just not for me.

This was another audiobook I have had for a while and decided to put on my October #bookspin to get through it.

While I always appreciate inclusive representation and unique plots, the execution of this one was a little clumsy. I didn‘t find the characters were strong enough to support that. Ultimately I think this landed a bit too far in the YA realm to land for me, maybe that‘s on me though.

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes YA is just a little TOO YA! 4y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Was tearing up at work because I just loved this book so much!! Was sad to see it end, yet was happy with the ending. :)

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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"People are shitty for a lot of reasons..."

Such an apt quote for today's society. :(

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Truth!!!! 💙☹️

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Oh, this was just wonderful ♥️.

This is mostly bc of Jack & Libby, who were extremely huggable, A++++ narrators. Niven‘s writing continues to create a decent balance between poetic & narrative, though it dips into cheesy once or twice (as usual). The ending was definitely cheesy, but by then I was too into it to care. ★★★★☆.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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#currentlyreading | All the Bright Places gave me a ton of feels so I‘m expecting a lot out of this one!

LiteraryinPA I loved this one just as much! 4y
Sharanya @LiteraryinLititz just finished and omg it was great!! 4y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Currently 👓📖 #bookstoscreen

Annie1215 All The Bright Places truly made me ugly cry...I guess I‘m going to have to put this in the rotation 😭 4y
DimeryRene @Annie1215 That one made me ugly cry too!!!!!! Loved it. 4y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I‘m really enjoying this book so far! I love the dual perspectives, especially Jack‘s. It‘s really interesting learning about prosopagnosia.
#ya #summerreads

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I decided I‘m going to try and reorganize my bookshelf in a different way every day this week to see which is my favorite. Today I tried a rainbow bookcase. I LOVED how it turned out!
#bookshelf #rainbow #summer

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Prosopagnosia, Loss, body issues, friendship and love. Niven takes on these weighted issues with such ease and skill, you can't help admire her.

There really should be more YA books like these. It teach and entertain all at the same time.

I did like All the Bright Places more, but this was still very good.

This is my #DoubleSpin for April.
That's all 3 of them!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great work!! 4y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I got 4 beautiful hours of reading in today.
I think I've learned the trick. As soon as i start to loose interest in one book I put it down and switch to another one.

#EasterExtravaganza total time 13h6m
Not sure I'll make it to the 30hours I planned on, but at least I'm reading again. 😅

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Book 34 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jack a guy with prosopagnosia fall in love with Libby a girl who is overweight. Nobody knows about jack but he opens himself to Libby. School trouble leads them to become friends.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Started on my #DoubleSpin book

"I'm not a shitty person, but I'm about to do a shitty thing."


Buechersuechtling This one is still on my virtual sub and I really look forward to the day I will get my hands on it. 4y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @Buechersuechtling Did you read All the Bright Places yet? I was crying so hard at the end. 4y
Buechersuechtling Yes, I did. It left me with a big lump in my throat. I loved it. 4y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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This book was okay at the beginning but it moved a bit to slow for my liking. I do think it is a good book but might not be for everyone.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I love that Libby includes these little details now, thanks to the new update. ♥️ Really enjoyed the book, and will certainly be recommending it... also, going to have to google face blindness, cause I find that fascinating.

#TBRRead #MerryReaders #WinterGames

ShananigansReads Ohhh this makes me want to give Libby another try. Thanks 5y
Tove_Reads I can give perfect descriptions of height, size, hair, clothes etc., but I have no clue what a person‘s face looks like when not seeing that person in front of me. 5y
mom2bugnbee Oh! I didn't know that Libby did this now. Thanks! 5y
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Aliezah :)
Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Genre: Fiction, Romance
Date started: Dec 12
Date completed: Dec 18
How did I choose this book? I have never read something that is romance so I decided to give it a try considering my favourite genre of books is thriller.
Summary and information below. :)

Aliezah :) Summary: Libby Strout was once known as the “America‘s Fattest Teen.” However, no one has ever taken the time to figure out who she really was. Ever since her mother‘s death, she‘s been struggling to pick up the pieces in her home, and is now taking care of her heartbroken father and her own grief. Nonetheless,, she is now ready for high school, new friends possibly love and for every possibility that life will have to offer her.
Aliezah :) Everyone thinks they know Jack Masselin but it‘s only because he mastered the art of fitting in. No one knows that he has this neurological condition that gives him the inability to recognize faces even to the ones familiar to him. He can re-engineer and rebuild anything but he has trouble understanding what‘s going on with the inner workings of his brain. Meaning, he tells himself “Be charming, be funny, but don‘t get too close to anyone.”
Aliezah :) Up until he meets Libby. The two are tangled up in a cruel high school game which makes them end up in group counseling. The are both angry but later on, surprised. They noticed that the more they‘re together, the less alone they feel. “Because sometimes when you meet someone, it changed the world, theirs and yours.”
Who is the protagonist: The protagonist in this book is Libby Strout.
Aliezah :) What was her problem? Her problem was that before she met Jack, she was alone because no one took the time to try and accept her for who she is.
How was the problem solved? In the end, Jack and Libby got together. :)))
Aliezah :) At first, Jack kept hesitating for them to be friends because he didn‘t want to hurt anyone and also because no one knows he had prosopagnosia but he then realized that Libby was the only person who knows what was really wrong with him. They realized that they made each other happy and that was all that mattered. :))
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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What a nice, encouraging ans captivating YA book! I liked it very much!

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I started yesterday on my way to work. Since then I can barely stop reading^^ it's easy, teen- English which fits perfectly the age of the characters. It's also making it effortless to read which is exactly what I need right now :D

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Every girl should know Libby Stout, a girl who figured out how to live boldly and with no boundaries as well as everyone should read about Jack and understand face blindness with it widely reaching effects. This book teaches us to be a little more kind and a little more understanding, to celebrate our differences and embrace who we can become when we stop hiding. One more thing, I love Libby!

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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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WOW! This book about an unlikely pair was so difficult to put down! I thoroughly enjoyed the overarching theme that you don‘t ever really know what other people are going through. Easy, fun, meaningful read. 5/5 🌟

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Charming YA story in which Jack and Libby each have their own secrets to keep as they navigate high school, but they just can‘t seem to stop thinking about each other.

Read May 16-19
Book 28/55

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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A great YA pick! I absolutely loved Libby. She could have easily been written as a broody, self-loathing type of teen, but she was the exact opposite of what you might expect. The descriptive language was lovely. I‘m going to put Niven‘s other YA novel, All The Bright Places, on my summer reading list.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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"Life is too short to judge others. It is not our job to tell someone what they feel or who they are. Why not spend some time on yourself instead?"

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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

One of the best written books I‘ve read, I enjoyed the plot and the characters with their faults. Only book I‘ve ever cried reading.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

Absolutely loved this book! Didn‘t want it to end!

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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what I know about loss:

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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Just a photo from #litsywalkers today. By the time I shot here, I had been walking around an area for over an hour, right through a district that has suffered from adversity to such a degree that I struggle to see how this could exist in the United States in 2019. Then I saw this and it broke my heart again.

DivineDiana 😢 6y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Hi, guys. What‘s your weekend read?
I decided to grab this book by Jennifer Niven because it stayed for so long on my bookshelf. I read her previous book ‘All the Bright Places‘ couple of years ago and I loved it, so I don‘t know why I still haven‘t read this one. I believe I will enjoy it. Fingers crossed.
So what are you going to read this weekend?

BarbaraJean I‘m planning to make some progress in this one: 6y
Hope_a @BarbaraJean Do you like it? My fantasy-lover friends constantly speak about her and her book, which (according to them) are AMAAAAAAAZING. I haven‘t read anything from her, but consider to do it sometime soon. 6y
BarbaraJean You know how with some books, from just the first few sections, you can tell you‘re in the hands of a wonderful storyteller? So far it‘s like that! I‘ve heard rave reviews of her for so long—I‘m glad to finally get into one of her books! 6y
Hope_a @BarbaraJean Cool! Thank you. 🤗 6y
BarbaraJean 😊You‘re welcome! Happy weekend reading! 6y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Definitely an enjoyable read, even though some part of me thinks “why do you like it?”😹 It‘s cute, and yet it touches subjects that should be taken into consideration at all times. Also, look at how pleasing the hardcover is without the sleeve!

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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A third of the way thru!!!! #24in48

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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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My shelfie. #24in48

Ericalambbrown Cute! 😊 6y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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Kaylamburson I adored this book. Welcome to Litsy!!! 6y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I enjoyed this YA. I love how fierce and resilient Libby is while also being honest about her worries and fears. I love the hits Niven gives of beginning to see vulnerability as a strength. 💙💙💙

vkois88 I loved this one!! 6y
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Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven
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I really need to catch some zzz 😴 But I am really enjoying this book 📖 ok, 10 more pages no 15 and I will sleep 🌙

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

I really connected with these characters! The setting and people seemed so real. I like how the chapters weren‘t too long, so it made it easier to read. Great character development. I also like that they chose a disorder that isn‘t as well known.

Holding Up the Universe | Jennifer Niven

I am going to blind her with this fucking smile so she won‘t ever be able to see my dad again

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