This is a book I believe everyone should give a chance. Girls are raised to be companion or concubine. Food isn‘t naturally grown. The world is completely different. It was one book that has stuck out to me long after I read it.
This is a book I believe everyone should give a chance. Girls are raised to be companion or concubine. Food isn‘t naturally grown. The world is completely different. It was one book that has stuck out to me long after I read it.
I didn‘t want to use a book that featured a school for magic since these are fairly ubiquitous (Harry Potter, The Magicians, A Wizard if Earthsea, etc). In Only Ever Yours, females are cloned and then brought up in cloistered, all girl schools where they learn solely how to please men...the goal is to become a companion over a concubine- though both are terminated at 40, when they‘ve outlived their usefulness...😱
Imagine if The Handmaid‘s Tale and Mean Girls had a book baby - this would be it! In a dystopian version of our world where women aren‘t valued as highly as men (surprise surprise), girls are designed and raised to be perfect, seen-not-heard, and obedient. The girls are constantly judged and valued based on their looks, weight and outfits, and things get NASTY!
My get-your-groove-back-stack 📚 my mind wanders a lot these days, so I‘m hoping reading books translated to Danish will make it a bit easier for me to focus.
Wow, this book isn‘t an easy read but it is impossible to put down. Everything I ever felt growing up, every horrible thought I had bout myself or heard mean girls at school say about me, all portrayed expertly. This is a terrible warning of a future that we definitely need to guard ourselves against. You really feel for these girls and everything they‘re brainwashed to believe. Read it, you won‘t regret it 🙂 and Gus is so cute so...🐶
“All eves are created to be perfect but, overtime they seem to develop flaws. Comparing yourself to your sisters is a useful way of identifying these flaws, but you must then take the necessary steps to improve yourself. There is always room for improvement. “
This book is so eerie but I can‘t put it down 😬
This lovely book comes to me recommended by my younger sister 🙂 I‘m excited to dig in 😚
I didn't hate this book but I didn't love it either. I am on the fence... it's a tough read. I am going to have to sit with my feelings about this book for a while, but for now I am giving it ⭐⭐⭐
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book has shaken me to my CORE. It was so bizarre, super uncomfortable to read and a total jab at the society we live in today. I flew through all 400 pages in two days and that ending... 🤬
As a CW this book spends a good deal of time talking about eating disorders/body dysmorphia and suicide. I would not recommend this book to people who are easily triggered by these topics because it is a very dark and heavy element of the book.
I'm very not okay after reading this. Scarringly sad and scary, and extremely triggering if you've experienced (non-exhaustive list) emotional abuse, medical abuse, rape, an eating disorder, and/or child sexual abuse (especially incest). The "so-so" is only because it's very white and cis. But at least it wasn't TERFy.
"She is shining with indifference. I want her drugs the same way I used to want her beauty."
"I sit on my hands and watch myself in the mirrored walls, at this face that is so familiar yet which never feels as if it belongs to me. It is the property of the School, of the Zone, of my future Husband. This face is my worth, my value. This face is all that I have to offer and it isn‘t even mine."
"Blackness swarms and I see nothing as the floor rises to meet me, to be my dancing partner."
"My bones jostle underneath my skin, fighting to be the first one to pierce my flesh."
I pray to the nameless shapeshifting genderqueer gawd/dyss of cluster B, trans freaks like me (praise be to rr holy identity disturbances) that this book doesn't turn out to be TERFy.
This book is set in a future in which girls are raised in schools to be attractive and compliant, and are prepared to be selected to become companions or concubines. A terrifying dystopia read.
#anglophileapril #fixyou
I really enjoyed this book even though it was heartbreaking. I recognized many of the feelings portrayed by the girls l, albeit less intensely, in myself and friends.
Welcome to The School, where girls are designed and for the first sixteen years of their lives they are taught to calorie control, to look pretty at all time, to be controlled. They work out on running machines that tell them they are fat. They compete against their sisters to be the most beautiful girl in their school year. Every day of their lives is in preparation for the big day where the men chose their companion to birth their sons.
I have not read this, it‘s dubbed as The Handmaid‘s Tale meet Mean Girls. ‘Where women are created for the pleasure of men, beauty is the first duty of every girl..‘
In a sinister school, girls spend their classes obsessively controlling their appearance and comparing themselves with their classmates. Girls are designed and trained in the art of pleasing men!
#septemberdanes #barbiegirl
Do you ever find yourself furiously reading a Kindle book with NO IDEA how close you are to the end and then you turn the page and.....
You‘re on the “acknowledgements” page?
I am done with this book and I can‘t believe it‘s over and I wasn‘t ready for it to be over, I‘M SO UNSATISFIED.
Anyone read this?
I got a strong Mean Girls/Handmaid‘s Tale vibe while reading this dark dystopian. frieda and isabel are best friends and “eves”, perfectly designed women sentenced to one of three paths: companion, concubine, or chastity. But isabel starts to self destruct their final year before they are chosen, and frieda pulls away too. A scathing look at female beauty, identity, and power or lack thereof.
Struggling with all the girl hating but will keep pushing through.
My TBR stack for the #readathon tomorrow! I absolutely love participating in Dewey's and I think I have some great picks 📚 #30daysofreadathon @DeweysReadathon
freida and isabel were best friends but in their final year of 'school' isabel starts to distance herself from freida.
This is a bit like The Handmaid's Tale for young adults. 💯% recommend it! #girlfriends #anditsaugust
Half Stepford Wives and half The Handmaid's Tale with a dash of Mean Girls thrown in. I quickly got sucked into this book and had a very hard time putting it down.
Louise O'Neill is a fantastic #irishauthor This book, and also "Asking for it", I loved. In this one, she looks at beauty culture and women's perceived value in a dystopian society. #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
A v dark YA novel. This had lots of interesting and important things to say about the nature of female friendship, misogyny and perspectives of beauty but was let down by a lack of world building. Glad I read but not a re-read.
ONLY EVER YOURS named to Book Riot's 100 Must Read YA Books for Feminists and Feminists in Training!
Gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA or no, I think I was EVEN MORE horrified after reading this than The Handmaid's Tale. If 'The Bachelor'was a life-long contest, school might be a little like this. I inhaled it. 😱😱😱 #booktober #bookssetinschools #YAlit
I couldn't put it down so I read it in one day. Such an interesting idea and a great illustration on what part social media plays in our lives now.
There are no adequate words to explain what this book made me feel. A disturbing dystopia that touched on every level!
Well, that was horrifying.
A moment of reading in between homeschooling and volunteer duties with my home brewed pour-over coffee in a mug made for errands. 👍☕️📚 #somethingforsept #bookandbeverage #bookanddrink
My pick for #underhypedbooks is ONLY EVER YOURS. It needs more attention and more reviews. I loved it so much that I wanted to read it again. It is The Handmaid's Tale meets Hunger Games. It imagines a world where women have no rights and exist simply to please the men. It's terrifying. #augustphotochallenge
Buzzfeed has this great list of YA books every feminist has to read and it features two of my favorite books ever - ONLY EVER YOURS and HUNGER GAMES. What do you think of this list? Any that you recommend? Link: https://www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/chelseypippin/this-is-what-a-feminist-books-lik...
Beauty is all. A stark dystopia in which women exist only for whatever men want of them. I think I would rate it higher if the entire mindset of the characters wasn't so disturbing. Got me to read out of my comfort zone but everything about this makes me want to be sure that this isn't our future.
I'm halfway through and not sure what to think about it. In some ways it's disturbing but in other ways it's boring as there isn't much happening.
It's hard to give a book like this a rating - I can't honestly say that I 'liked' it when it made me feel so disturbed and uncomfortable. It was frankly worrying how many of Freida's thoughts are thoughts I've had about myself. This is a book that will stay with me.
Unfortunately, I fell so far from the spectrum of people who liked this. I ended up giving it a 0.5 star rating because I despised the execution so much. The world building was lacking and there were too many characters, all of whom eventually blended into one
I have very conflicting feelings about this book. On one hand it is controversial and thought-provoking and on the other it is disjointed and frustrating. I do think it is worth the read for the all the feminism but it wasn't as good as I was hoping.