Playing some minecraft with the family before we wrap xmas presents.
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
Playing some minecraft with the family before we wrap xmas presents.
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
Following up on my ornament tradition post from yesterday, the kids picked their 2020 ornaments this morning. Henry was unsure which one he wanted til he saw the Minecraft one, and then there was no question. "It's got lava, Mommy!"
#ornamenthunt #wintergames #merryreaders
Date on it and Got it this year
+21 points
Hi friends! Any gamers or parents of gamers out there?
I am looking for an easy to comprehend (easy for a six year old who reads a grade level up) Minecraft book! My mini is obsessed but is struggling following the on screen tutorials. I think a book would be more helpful for her but am not sure where to start! Any recc‘s would be greatly appreciated!!
Writing her second book during this #polarvortex. This one is about Minecraft. 🥰
Heading home for the holidays! Gonna miss my high 70s weather! 🥶. It‘s my sons first time flying but he‘s packed himself a large chunk of books!
*he‘s also learning what it feels like to pack maybe 1 too many books 😍*
My son‘s present is ready for his party tomorrow :)
Today in minecraft we learned that if someone puts lava out of your barn made of hay bales and wood and you try to fill that hole of lava with wood, your whole barn, and everything in it, will go up in flames. Don't worry, my 7yo daughter, Zooey, wrote me this handy guide for future reference.
I almost died laughing at that catastrophe. It was way too funny...especially when Zo was scolding me as she put out the fire. 😂🤣
Besides staring at my shelves or my current read, another pass time is playing Minecraft! The boyfriend and I love it! What are some other pass times that you have besides reading?
#bookshelves #bookish #bookworm #booklover #fairylights #flowerlights #livingedge #bibliophile #booklovers #bookworm #books #bookreader #iloveya #ireadya #booknerdigans #booknerd #bookcover
Our attempt at a Creeper cake for Aidan's 11th birthday. Lol. Well, at least we tried and she had fun making it!