Least favorite book. What is yours??
Least favorite book. What is yours??
I usually post about books I enjoy. This one… not so much. Miss reading for pleasure. Chasing this social work degree.
As I struggle to learn APA 7th edition format style, and, worse, try to teach it to my students, I also am finding joy in small moments. For example, this teeny tiny baby Yoda my son got as part of his most recent LEGO set. Look how little! And cute! And just for further size reference, I have stupid-small fingers and thumbs (my wedding ring is size 3&3/4). Hope baby Yoda makes you smile too! #itsliterallythelittlethings
I‘m sick as a dog and behind on my coursework. I know this is just the anxiety talking but at this moment it‘s hard to conceive of a world in which I successfully finish this semester, let alone become a librarian at all. I‘m so panicky about how much I have to do that I can‘t even start anything. I would pretty much give anything to be neurotypical at this moment. (Advice not needed, kind words appreciated.) 💙
Thanks to my darling friend Greta, for making sure I had a paper copy of this book, as my starting school present. My survival through this graduate journey, may well hinge on this act of kindness. If ever if can be spared the Purdue website, let it be now.
As I submit my first assignment this evening, I appreciate the ability to check obsessively before I hit send.
Okay, let's talk about #punctuation. Let's talk about how much I want to send this page of the style guide to several sources that send me items for publication.
I'm not perfect. I screw up sometimes. But my goodness, I at least try to know and write by the rules (for publication, I worry somewhat less online), for clarity's sake!
#riotgrams @bookriot
When the dog goes away the cat comes out to harass me
The only books I'm going to be reading this upcoming week are ones that are useful in master's exam writing. 3 papers in one week. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this! Once I get through this week it's smooth sailing until December. Graduation here I comeeeee!
Getting ready to go teach 75 nursing students about APA! They're never as psyched as I am 😆#librariansoflitsy
Paper writing is really getting in the way of my leisure reading! #flamingballofstress #summerschool #ratherbereadingGWTW
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (aka style guide from HELL) is not what I had in mind for #24in48. Reading is reading though, eh? The book on top of the pile is taunting me. #AdultingIsHard
It's Finals Week! Therefore, I am reading a few hundred pages of my students' lit reviews and research papers. #teachersoflitsy