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The Bishop's Pawn
The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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The first case of New York Times bestseller Steve Berrys iconic hero, Cotton Malone. History notes that the ugly feud between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King, Jr., marked by years of illegal surveillance and the accumulation of secret files, ended on April 4, 1968 when King was assassinated by James Earl Ray. But that may not have been the case. Now, fifty years later, former Justice Department agent, Cotton Malone, must reckon with the truth of what really happened that fateful day in Memphis. It all turns on an incident from eighteen years ago, when Malone, as a young Navy lawyer, is trying hard not to live up to his burgeoning reputation as a maverick. When Stephanie Nelle, a high-level Justice Department lawyer, enlists him to help with an investigation, he jumps at the opportunity. But he soon discovers that two opposing forcesthe Justice Department and the FBIare at war over a rare coin and a cadre of secret files containing explosive revelations about the King assassination, information that could ruin innocent lives and threaten the legacy of the civil rights movements greatest martyr. Malones decision to see it through to the end from the raucous bars of Mexico, to the clear waters of the Dry Tortugas, and ultimately into the halls of power within Washington D.C. itself not only changes his own life, but the course of history. Steve Berry always mines the lost riches of history this time he imagines a gripping, provocative thriller about an American icon, just in time for April 2018 and the 50th anniversary of the assassination.
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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My favorite Cotton Malone book to date!

May was a good reading month for me.
Other high points for the month were:
The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis
Notorious RBG : The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Andrew65 Snap! I also loved The Masterpiece. 9mo
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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My #May book for #12BooksFor2023 is The Bishop‘s Pawn. An excellent Cotton Malone thriller centred around what happened in Martin Luther King‘s final days. Always love Cotton Malone books but this is one of the very best and learned a lot about Martin Luther King in this book. This reads exceptionally well as a standalone even though it is a book in a series.

kspenmoll Stacked! Sounds great! 9mo
Andrew65 @kspenmoll Definitely a very enjoyable read. 9mo
Mollyanna Cotton is my book boyfriend. I love these books, can‘t wait to get to this one! 9mo
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Andrew65 @Mollyanna He is a wonderful character. If you‘ve not read them you might also be interested in the Ben Hope series by Scott Mariani. If I was in trouble I‘d want Cotton and Ben on my side. 9mo
Mollyanna @Andrew65 I‘ll have to check it out. Looks like Hoopla has the first one…. ‘Cuz I need another series, but if Ben is like Cotton I‘m in. 9mo
Andrew65 @Mollyanna 😂 One of my favourite series. Will be interested to hear what you think if you read it. 9mo
Bluebird This was my May pick too. It‘s also my favorite of the series! 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
Andrew65 @Bluebird It was excellent! 9mo
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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I love the Cotton Malone books and this one didn‘t disappoint. This one covered the assassination of Martin Luther King, and I feel I learnt a lot more about MLK in this book.

Some interesting theories presented in this book, and as usual Steve Berry wraps it in a great thriller story, with plenty of action. This covers Cotton‘s first mission so this also added interest.

I do recommend this series. @Bluebird @EadieB

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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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#TheBishopsPawn #SteveBerry #MarvelousMayReadathon #TheBookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2023

History notes that the ugly feud between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King, Jr., marked by years of illegal surveillance and the accumulation of secret files, ended on April 4, 1968 when King was assassinated by James Earl Ray. But that may not have been the case.

EadieB Now, fifty years later, former Justice Department agent, Cotton Malone, must reckon with the truth of what really happened that fateful day in Memphis.
This is an excellent book and I found out a lot of interesting facts about Martin Luther King. Steve Berry did a great job putting the information together. I can't wait to read his next book in the series, The Malta Exchange, about the Vatican. Recommended for those who love history.
TheSpineView Sounds good! 1y
Andrew65 Great review and loved this book. 1y
EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 1y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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J. Edgar Hoover & Martin Luther King, Jr., marked years of illegal surveillance & the accumulation of secret files. April 4, 1968 King was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Now, 50 years later, former Justice Department agent, Cotton Malone, finds out what really happened that fateful day in Memphis. Book has lots of interesting facts about Martin Luther King. Can‘t wait to read Berry‘s next book, The Malta Exchange, about the Vatican. Recommend.

Andrew65 M library is open but don‘t seem to be fulfilling reservations on this one! 4y
EadieB @Andrew65 It is a very good read. I hope you can get a copy soon. 4y
Andrew65 @EadieB 🤞🤞🤞🤞 I am missing Cotton! 4y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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I‘d never read Steve Barry nor heard of Cotton Malone but my IRL bookclub challenged me to drop myself 13 books into this series. What!? I was a bit challenged at the beginning unsure if I should already know the characters introduced, but soon in didn‘t matter. I was completely engaged in my armchair travel through Florida and the would-if‘s of MLK‘s final days. Also, J Edgar Hoover was a total creep.

#ReadTheUSA2020 Florida

ljuliel Great review. Sounds good 👌🏼 5y
marleed @ljuliel My actual book had a different cover and I just dove in not realizing MLK was part of the story. I only knew I had no interest in diving deep into a series with no intro. Such a great surprise and why those IRL bookclubs are so good for me! 5y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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Cotton Malone had no ambitions to be a special investigator, yet he was thrust into that position one day in 1999 when he is sent out to retrieve a rare coin and FBI papers related to the MLK assassination.

I read this book only because it is centered around MLK. I was pleasantly surprised by how many historical facts and circumstances were woven into this book. Berry made sure to stick to the facts when possible. #whenigrowup #musicalnewyear

Cinfhen I ordered Pawn from #BookOutlet for hubby... I m glad you didn‘t hate it!! I read this one by Berry and really liked it (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola I really appreciated how strong the historical narrative was and Berry even had an index in the back which told exactly what was truth and what was not. I was thinking of passing this onto my dad because the fast paced detective thrilled reminds me of the James Patterson books he loves. @Cinfhen 6y
Cinfhen My hubby loves the cotton malone series!! I think most if not all are rooted in actual history and Berry is always careful about documenting what is fact & what is imagined. I think your dad will enjoy and I don‘t think the books need to be read in chronological order 6y
vivastory This sounds really interesting! 6y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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Given my current read, and that tomorrow is MLK day, #boulevardofbrokendreams immediately brought me here.

I plan on also reading Letter From Birmingham Jail. The kids and I have watched a kids cartoon about MLK to explain to them what he was all about and I have some books to read to them as well.


Cinfhen That‘s perfect timing 6y
JaclynW Great! What cartoon was it? 6y
vivastory That's wonderful! 6y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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Ok, SORRY for the creepy pic, but I had to show my mask I am using for tonight‘s #bathandbook. It‘s an emerald green peel off mask with glitter!!!! Hands down the prettiest mask I‘ve ever used. 😂

I started a new book today that‘s 100% #blameitoncindy. It is the 13th book in a series about a Justice Department operative who somehow has some type of connection to the MLK assassination. @Cinfhen

Kappadeemom I used to live in St Augustine FL and the author got his hair cut at my salon. I never got to meet him though :) 6y
Cinfhen My hubby is the Steve Berry guy... I‘ve only read one or two. Hope this one delivers 🤞🏼cool mask 💚 6y
bookishkai I haven‘t read this one yet, but I fell hard for his first book, 6y
Reecaspieces I love The Amber Room. Highly recommend 6y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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#AbbaInAugust #IHaveADream famous words taken from MLK Jr. historical speech. Hubby purchased this new Steve Berry book (can‘t find his copy) which focuses on the assassination of MLK Jr and the believed involvement of J. Edgar Hoover. I‘ve read a few of Berry‘s books and I‘ve found them pretty entertaining and somewhat thought provoking. “Steve Berry always mines the lost riches of history” quote from publishers blurb.

Mdargusch Sounds fascinating! The book I posted about touched on the conspiracy theory. 🤔 6y
Meredith3 Great use of # and book sounds super interesting! 6y
emilyhaldi I love a good conspiracy theory. I once spent 30 min in a cab in NYC with a driver who fully believes every conspiracy out there- including that the first moon landing was faked and the government assassinated JFK. It was a wild ride! 😆🚖 6y
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Cinfhen I LOVE NYC cab drivers!!!! They are the best 😊😊😊 @emilyhaldi (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m pretty obsessed with MLK. I‘ll have to stack this! It sounds like it could either be really good or not something I‘d be interested in so I‘ll have to see if my library has it. 6y
Reviewsbylola Ever since reading about all the bullshit Sandy Hook parents have gone through, I have a really hard time not hating conspiracy theorists. 🤬 My one brother in law believes every one of them out there—including the theory that Sandy Hook was orchestrated by the government and that no one really died. 🙄🙄 @emilyhaldi 6y
Cinfhen Up until 10 seconds ago I thought @emilyhaldi husband was a totally sane guy @Reviewsbylola now I‘m a little worried 😬😂My hubby also has TONS of crazy “theories” but he‘s pretty sure Sandy Hook was beyond real and absolutely heartbreaking 6y
emilyhaldi The conspiracy theorist brother in law is NOT my husband 😂 @Cinfhen He is completely sane and reasonable, I assure you. The one in question is @Reviewsbylola husband's brother! Ps. Not sure how anyone could believe Sandy Hook was a hoax 🙄 6y
Cinfhen Oh THANK GOD!!!! @emilyhaldi I was honestly a little frightened 😬😘😘😘 6y
Reviewsbylola Hahahahahaha yes it‘s my husband‘s brother. 🤣🤣🤣 He hasn‘t had a job since 2009 and gets his “news” from YouTube. Recipe for disaster. 😂 6y
Cinfhen 🙄😱😳 @Reviewsbylola and my deepest apologies to Jamie @emilyhaldi 💕💕 (edited) 6y
emilyhaldi Lol @Cinfhen 🤣🤣🤣 I'm so glad we cleared that one up! 😅😱🙏🏻😂 6y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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Starting this today. Every now and then I travel out from historical fiction land and pick a crime thriller. I‘ve not read anything by Berry, has anyone in #LitsyLand read his books?

The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry

This Cotton Malone installment was kind of boring!

The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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History notes that the ugly feud between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King Jr. ended on April 4, 1968, when King was assassinated. But that might not have been the case...
The Bishop's Pawn by Steve Berry is on-sale now!
#bookstagram #bookgram #shelfie #bookshelf #bookish #reading #newbook #steveberry #cottonmalone #thebishopspawn

DivineDiana Oh my! Was there really a feud? 😬 7y
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The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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This is my Saturday reading. Although one of my best friends loves Steve Berry‘s books and has recommended them to me often, I‘ve never picked one up until now. What are his must-read titles?

The Bishop's Pawn | Steve Berry
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I have been reading this mystery series since the beginning and it's a must-buy for me. Steve Berry is in his fines form here with the latest mystery surrounding the assassination of MLK. Just in time for the 50th anniversary. This is the origin story of Cotton, a flashback to his recruitment by and first assignment from Stephanie Nelle. That makes it an easy stand alone for those readers who haven't yet gotten hooked by this series. #netgalley

Andrew65 Love Cotton! 7y
TNbookworm Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! I love the Cotton Malone books! 7y
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