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The Winshaw Legacy
The Winshaw Legacy | Jonathan Coe
'I could recommend The Winshaw Legacy as I a superb political novel, or as a fiendishly clever meta-novel, or as a unique modern historical novel, or as a riveting family saga, but I'm afraid that would drive everyone, yawning in terror, straight out of the bookstore. So let's just say it has naked pictures of Natasha Richardson...Can't say that? Well, let's say it's a nasty farce with lots of bathroom humor and violence which reminds me at least as much of Fawlty Towers as it does of Midnight's Children.' -- Jay McInerney A postmodern detective story, a scathing send-up of the rapacious eighties, a macabre Gothic -- all rolled up in a bravura tragicomic entertainment. The Winshaw family, as their official biographer is warned by old Mortimer Winshaw himself, is the meanest, greediest, cruellest bunch of backstabbing penny-pinching bastards who ever crawled across the face of the earth.' Bankers, industrialists, politicians, arms dealers and media barons -- they rule Britannia, more or less. They also have a guilty secret in the shape of a mad aunt stashed away in a remote asylum, convinced of familial treachery during World War II and determined to effect the ruin of her entire clan. In the summer of 1990, while Saddam Hussein is provoking yet another war, the Winshaws' biographer (a severely depressed young novelist) is piecing together the truth of their sordid legacy, and discovers that it converges bizarrely with the plot of a film he's been obsessed by since childhood. Moreover, it seems that all of this, dynasty and cinema alike, has some mysterious connection with his own troubled history. Of course whether he -- or anybody else -- will be alive when this compound riddle is solved remains to be seen. Savagely funny, hugely inventive and passionately political. The Winshaw Legacy assumes Dickensian proportions as it excoriates the modern age of greed -- and heralds the American debut of an extraordinary writer. As The Economist concluded: Talented comic novelists are rare [but] that exclusive club -- Thomas Love Peacock, Evelyn Waugh and P. G. Wodehouse are among its members -- has admitted a newcomer, an Englishman called Jonathan Coe.' 'A remarkable achievement; intelligent, funny, and important.' -- The Times Literary Supplement 'An extravagant literary blockbuster...A grand and intelligent novel, so full of accomplishment and pleasure.' -- New Statesman & Society' Really, something to get excited about...his big, hilarious, intricate, furious, moving treat of a novel.' -- The Guardian
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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For some reason I had confused this book with Colin MacInnes' Absolute Beginners. The description of What a Carve Up I found describes it as similar to a collab between Dickens & Christie. Sold! I have not read either one, but I was just watching a best of '22 video & this was mentioned & it is such a wild cover! I see that there was an adaptation of the book Absolute Beginners & Bowie composed the theme song. Intriguing...

Liz_M What a carve up is fun, but maybe not as bonkers as that cover 1y
BarbaraBB I loved What a Carve Up! 1y
vivastory @Liz_M @BarbaraBB I will definitely check it out 📚📚 1y
Hooked_on_books Well that‘s a wild cover! I wonder why they felt the need to have a naked woman on it, though. 😒 1y
Leftcoastzen I absolutely adore Absolute Beginners the book by Colin MacInnes key book to the original mod movement .The mod revival , one of my touchstones https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v9glU6WzsdM (edited) 1y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Very good. Savage indictment of Thatcherites.

What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe

My favourite novel by my favourite author. Coe's characters are interesting people who represent the society they live in perfectly well, no matter whether they are well regarded members, outcasts or anarchists.

What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Cathythoughts Fair play to that little penguin 🐧🐧🐧 6y
arlenefinnigan @Cathythoughts got to love a Penguin cover 🐧 6y
Cinfhen The penguin🐧worthy of all the #LitsyLove 🖤🧡 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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This book (American title The Winshaw Legacy) is thoroughly entertaining. Full of humor, satire, and twists and turns. A whole lot of social commentary as we learn the stories of the Winshaws, with fascinating interludes covering the life of their would-be biographer, topped off with a stormy night at an isolated mansion with a killer on the loose. Seriously, there is so much going on here, and I loved it all.


#1001books for the win😃

BarbaraBB Yay 🙌 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Foregoing my normal lunchtime walk today for two reasons: 1) it‘s ridiculously hot and humid again, and I‘m not feeling it and 2) I really want to finish this book.

Part two has taken a decidedly fun turn into a murder mystery in a remote, dodgy mansion, full of irreverent humor, and just as I was thinking how Clue-like it was I came to this line. 😂

BookNAround 😂😂😂 6y
ReadZenRites Darn! I always go with Colonel Mustard in the BILLIARD room with a candlestick. 😁😂 So very Clue-ish! 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Did I mention this book is cracking me up?

These characters are just fantastic. This whole exchange between Findlay and Michael is making me 😂.

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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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This book is cracking me up!


MayJasper 🍗🐓🍗🐔🍗 6y
BarbaraBB I really really liked this one! 6y
Reggie Um yeah, stacked, lololol 6y
Suet624 😂😂😂 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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New book!

Because I like to live dangerously, I often start 400+ page books 4 days before my library loan expires. 😬

RaimeyGallant The song Living on the Edge popped into my head. 6y
BarbaraBB This is a really really good book. You will easily finish it in 4 days 😘 6y
Chili This book is a trip! 6y
1001BooksPodcast I‘m so guilty of doing that! 6y
SledgeReader Living on the edge! Love it!!! 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Reviewsbylola Iv never heard of this but the synopsis sounds good—and also a bit strange! 6y
Mdargusch That sounds like a crazy book! 6y
arlenefinnigan @Mdargusch oh it is that. I love Jonathan Coe. So many plot threads woven together. 6y
emilyhaldi This book sounds fab. And nuts. #stacked! 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Cinfhen Hahahaha😂😂😂 6y
TrishB 😂😂👍🏻 6y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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When you start dressing like the book you're reading 👗📕

What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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"Do you want to watch the match in the pub?" is one of my favourite things Leon asks. It means I get to drink pints and read my book undisturbed for 90 minutes ????

tricours Sounds perfect! 7y
mrozzz That does sound perfect. 😊 7y
abbsinwonderland That cover is very intriguing! 7y
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Leannr @abbsinwonderland that's the reason I bought it ! 😂 the cover is completely unrelated to the story though 🙃 7y
abbsinwonderland @Leannr ahhh imagine that. Lol. Still added to my stack :) 7y
Leannr It's still a good story though @abbsinwonderland he weaves all these threads of characters together, things you'd forgotten about turn out to be tied together, in a slightly contrived way but still enjoyed it. 7y
MrBook Love me a Guinness 😎👌🏻. 7y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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Starting this today, all cosy-ed up with a fluffy blanket 👌🏻 never read anything from Coe before but picked this one up for €1 in a charity shop!

BarbaraBB It is a very good and entertaining book! 7y
Leannr @barbaraBB excellent news! It's always good to hear that a tome you're about to become invested in is worth it 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
BarbaraBB Definitely. You won't be sorry I think! 7y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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All the Winshaws are horrible, but Hilary probably deserves a nasty death the most.
#UnlikeableCharacter #AprilBookShowers @RealLifeReading

What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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#BookWithinABook #ReadJanuary
Are we reading the biography of the Winshaws as we read this?

What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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#DysfunctionalFamily #photoadaynov16
Yep, this one again. The Winshaws are truly awful.

What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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#photoadaynov16 #PoliticalFiction
This book is brilliant. Jonathan Coe weaves so many narrative strands together, I don't know how he managed to keep track. Subtly attacks the values of Thatcherism.

JonathanDunne I haven't read this. Is it humour? 8y
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What a Carve Up! | Jonathan Coe
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#booktober Text only cover.

Phwoar. Penguin Books are fit.