Very good. Savage indictment of Thatcherites.
My favourite novel by my favourite author. Coe's characters are interesting people who represent the society they live in perfectly well, no matter whether they are well regarded members, outcasts or anarchists.
This book (American title The Winshaw Legacy) is thoroughly entertaining. Full of humor, satire, and twists and turns. A whole lot of social commentary as we learn the stories of the Winshaws, with fascinating interludes covering the life of their would-be biographer, topped off with a stormy night at an isolated mansion with a killer on the loose. Seriously, there is so much going on here, and I loved it all.
#1001books for the win😃
Foregoing my normal lunchtime walk today for two reasons: 1) it‘s ridiculously hot and humid again, and I‘m not feeling it and 2) I really want to finish this book.
Part two has taken a decidedly fun turn into a murder mystery in a remote, dodgy mansion, full of irreverent humor, and just as I was thinking how Clue-like it was I came to this line. 😂
Did I mention this book is cracking me up?
These characters are just fantastic. This whole exchange between Findlay and Michael is making me 😂.
This book is cracking me up!
New book!
Because I like to live dangerously, I often start 400+ page books 4 days before my library loan expires. 😬
#PlotTwist Lots of them.
#aprella @Cinfhen @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi
Sorry, spoiler alert.
#TheAircrashBureau #NuYear @Cinfhen @TrishB
"Do you want to watch the match in the pub?" is one of my favourite things Leon asks. It means I get to drink pints and read my book undisturbed for 90 minutes ????
Starting this today, all cosy-ed up with a fluffy blanket 👌🏻 never read anything from Coe before but picked this one up for €1 in a charity shop!
All the Winshaws are horrible, but Hilary probably deserves a nasty death the most.
#UnlikeableCharacter #AprilBookShowers @RealLifeReading
#BookWithinABook #ReadJanuary
Are we reading the biography of the Winshaws as we read this?
#DysfunctionalFamily #photoadaynov16
Yep, this one again. The Winshaws are truly awful.
#photoadaynov16 #PoliticalFiction
This book is brilliant. Jonathan Coe weaves so many narrative strands together, I don't know how he managed to keep track. Subtly attacks the values of Thatcherism.