Life changing book that is a must read for all. Louise makes you rethink about your inner voice and helps you to realize the importance of self talk.
#Louise L. Hay My #Idol after Having been thru Hell on Earth 4 Last 5+ yrs including broke Neck, my Mama & Bro N 1 day6 hrs apart, which Broke My Soul, Stress caused Many Mental Ilnesses Ptsd, Severe Depression, etc When PPLSay “Stress can Kill You“!! ITS not a Joke SRESS Almost Killed Me! My Stroke @45 In Icu told I could die! Stroke caused 3 NUEROLOGICAL diseases including “ Suicide disease“ Most painful dis on Earth! I need her help!
I'll be back to usual Max🐱&🥑🍞pics as I can, but tonight from my bed, here are my thoughts & current reading. I asked a friend to go on an epic shopping trip as I was supplied by my brother before he left back for Oregon-great at plumbing, bad situations, so many things-not so hot at shopping.😬G got EVERYTHING I asked for, then handed me an Aveda bag & said 'from me-because you need to smell like you.' Tonight I smell like me & I'm grateful.💜
Every experience is a success.
-You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay
#quoteoftheday #nonfiction #spirituality #paperback #sloveanianedition #goodreads #bookworm #booklover #litsylove #litsyquote
»Love who and what you are and what you do. Laugh at yourself and at life, and nothing can touch you. It is all temporary anyway. Next lifetime you will do it differently, so why not do it differently right now?«
You can find more cute quotes from this book on my latest blog post. Blog: Blissfullifeproject.wordpress.com 🌹
»Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.« 🌹
New blog post: Bookish quotes from #YouCanHealYourLife by #LouiseHay direct link to blog in bio ❤
This book has been my companion for more than 10 years. I've lost count how many times I've read or referred to it.
Day 12: Written quotes ✏
Every experience is a succes. 💛💓📗 #decemberphotochallenge #writtenquotes #louiselhay #youcanhealyourlife #nonfiction #spirituality #bookworm #bookaddict #booklover #bookmarks #bookphotography #booksy #litsybooks #litsyquotes #litsylove #litsyfun
Every Experience is a Sucess.
3,5 stars
A life changing book. A self-help book. This is a great book as a remider that living positively can bring us many wonderful opportunities in life. Sometimes we forget how simple it is to create change in our life. Helps look at life in very positive way. There are many positive affirmations in this book. I don't believe in all she has to say. 😍
#youcanhealyourlife #louiselhay #nonfiction #slovenianedition #coffeelover