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Cruel and Unusual
Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
12 posts | 56 read | 2 reading | 8 to read
A knockout (People) of a thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Cornwell featuring medical examiner Kay Scarpetta. Killing me wont kill the beast are the last words of rapist-murderer Ronnie Joe Waddell, written four days before his execution. But they can't explain how Dr. Kay Scarpetta finds Waddell's fingerprints on another crime sceneafter shed performed his autopsy. If this is some sort of game, Scarpetta seems to be the target. And if the next victim is someone she knows, the punishment will be cruel and unusual...
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Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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Good story, loses something listening on audible

Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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Next audible.

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Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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The conspiracy in this was really juicy. Really well done.

I will say though, it‘s really bizarre the extent of things that happen outside of the books that Cornwell fills in, so you don‘t get the impact of it happening just the revelation later. It really misses fleshing out the characters and their relationships because of this. Lucy got aged up after Postmortem which in itself is fine, but her behavior doesn‘t ring true for a 90s teen IMO.

Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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Calling it quits on shoveling for the evening. 🔪📚☕️

Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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Pretending to read/zoning out in my nook. Lucy is very curious about Audrey 2. I‘m not very far into this book but like, I‘m very confused about the character development. They aged up a character & killed a potential love interest off screen. Patricia we need more than the science! What are we doing?

Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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This is a fast paced addition to the series with a plot that is complicated but not overly convoluted. There are several murders in the book with varying ties to the main case, & Scarpetta's nemesis appears, one that will return in several future books. 4🌟

Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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Felt weirdly similar to post-mortem, Lucy visiting and assisting when there appears to be a computer break-in, an unknown leak to the press. Still a page/turner and a fun read but less satisfying to me than the other scarpetta books. Plot centers on the aftermath of an execution of a death row inmate when people are killed in ways reminiscent of the crime for which he was executed.

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Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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1-2020 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (re-read) AudioBook
Starting to like audiobooks! I think in this case is because the reader does it so well.

Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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A book I‘m sure to love.

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Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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#cruelworld #aprella
Back when this series was brilliant! Haven‘t brought the last couple because they‘ve just gone completely downhill. Which is sad because Scarpetta was a great character. Someone let me know if they improve!

KathyWheeler I quit reading them after the werewolf one. You‘re right — they were once brilliant. 6y
AmyG I stopped reading these, too. I loved the early ones. 6y
emilyhaldi I don‘t know of these! 6y
See All 22 Comments
alisiakae I stopped reading these as well. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Yup, I remember really liking Kay Scarpetta in this series but stopped after a few. 6y
Cinfhen I remember when this author was the female James Patterson ~ she still may be since his books are also a bit over the top now 6y
BillBlume I had to bail when the series got to Blow Fly (didn‘t enjoy that book at all). Wish I‘d gotten out sooner. 6y
Mdargusch I have never read any of her books. I could only read a few James Patterson though. 6y
sisilia I stopped the moment she changed to third person narrative. I was a big fan, too 6y
Kappadeemom I used to love her too - before the plots became ridiculous (ppl coming back from the dead??) 6y
Reggie @sisilia Yes!!!! And then she brought back Karpetta‘s lover from the dead who we all thought was killed in the fire from 2 books before. I honestly thought to myself” Is she even writing her own books anymore?” 6y
TrishB @emilyhaldi @Mdargusch finish at 5! Or just read elsewhere.... 6y
Reviewsbylola I feel like that always happens with longer series. 6y
TrishB @Reviewsbylola yep agree! Very few pull it off and these are up to 25!! 6y
sisilia @Reggie That guy Benton or Benson!!! Omg I was heartbroken when he died (supposedly) 6y
TNbookworm I haven't read any if the Scarpetta books in a long time. I really enjoyed the series but it got to be too much to keep up with😞 6y
minkyb Agree with everyone who commented. Sad because Kay was such a wonderful character. 6y
minkyb Ian Rankin‘s John Rebus is still wonderful! 6y
TrishB @minkyb I haven‘t read that series! 6y
minkyb 😱Impossible! 6y
TrishB @minkyb I know! In a future list.... 6y
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Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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Reading a #PatriciaCornwell classic, tonight.


Cruel and Unusual: Scarpetta 4 | Patricia Cornwell
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I've read many of Kay Scarpetta books but I'm not too excited about them. I've always thought that the main character is way too perfect to be actually interesting. This series is just something I've read through the years more because of a habit than an actual interest.

TrishB Agreed, the quality is diminishing in last few books too. 8y
Martta @TrishB I know. I think I've read about ten of these but I don't even know which ones they are because these books leave zero memories. I just made a decision that I'll break this habit here and save my reading time for more important books. 8y
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