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Templar Silks
Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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To save his soul William Marshal takes the perilous road to Jerusalem, but the greatest danger he faces there is losing his heart. England, 1219 Lying on his deathbed, William Marshal, England's greatest knight, sends a trusted servant to bring to him the silk Templar burial shrouds that returned with him from the Holy Land thirty years ago. It is time to fulfil his vow to the Templars and become a monk of their order for eternity. As he waits for the shrouds' return, he looks back upon his long-ago pilgrimage with his brother Ancel, and the sacred mission entrusted to them - to bear the cloak of their dead young lord to Jerusalem and lay it on Christ's tomb in the church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, 1183 In the holiest of all cities, the brothers become embroiled in the deadly politics, devious scheming and lusts of the powerful men and women who rule the kingdom. Entangled with the dangerous, mercurial Paschia de Riveri, concubine of the highest churchman in the land, William sets on a path so perilous that there seems no way back for him, or for his brother. Both will pay a terrible price and their only chance to see home again will be dependent on the Templar shrouds. In this glorious adventure, bestselling author Elizabeth Chadwick sweeps the reader to medieval Jerusalem in a story perfect for fans of Ken Follett and Philippa Gregory.
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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This was a very good tale, full of detailed adventure. Fantastical in many ways. The last novel in the Wm Marshall trilogy, this was my least favourite because it was so fantastical. It is hard to see the person in this woven tale. That is what I missed. Still, well written and a good read. 4/5

Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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I haven‘t been reading as much as I‘ve been spending time in my veggie patch whilst we are having this perfect winter weather!!
I just finished Templar Silks which I enjoyed but it didn‘t engage me like Hilary Mantel or Ken Follett‘s books do. Next on my list is Wide Sargasso Sea, which I‘ve wanted to read for ages as I love Jane Eyre💕
Here is a pic of one of my raised beds and a cauliflower. I‘ve found gardening and reading is good for my soul

Ruthiella Amazing! That cauliflower is impressive. 🤩 (edited) 3y
Lizpixie Oh I‘m so jelly of your cauliflower! I tried to grow them last winter and all I got was leaf, the heads never formed. I think I planted them too late in autumn. Gardening was my saviour last year too, haven‘t been able to do much this autumn/winter but my fruit trees are loaded🍊🍋🍎🫐 (edited) 3y
Christine A cauliflower for the ages!! 💚🤍 3y
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CarolynM That's a fabulous cauliflower! Yum!😋 3y
Freespirit Thank you @Ruthiella for some reason my vegetables are huge this season!! 3y
Freespirit Thanks @Lizpixie I love gardening and growing vegetables is such a win-win.. good for the health, the purse and the environment! 3y
Freespirit Thanks @Christine @CarolynM my cauliflowers have been so good this season, we eat from our garden most nights. I love it🥦💕 3y
DivineDiana That is an amazing cauliflower! You definitely have a green thumb! 3y
Freespirit Thanks @DivineDiana it has been a good season🥦❤️ 3y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Next on my long TBR pile..historical fiction. Back to England and Jerusalem in 1200..so far so good!
I hope you are getting some time to read. For my lovely European friends I hope you are safe from the floods. I am thinking of you 💕

TrishB A great read 👍🏻 Europe weather bonkers at the moment. We‘re in the middle of a heat wave in U.K. and floods across Europe! 3y
Freespirit @TrishB bonkers is right Trish…stay cool. Those floods looked awful.. so many people suffering around the globe 😪 3y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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The end of the William Marshall books 😭 I love these books - loads of descriptions of Outremer (my new word of the day/ book. It means that whole area around Jerusalem/ The Holy Land). I‘m not particularly religious, but it‘s fascinating to read about how people thought about religion back in a time where they had no other explanation for things that they didn‘t understand. And Elizabeth Chadwick just writes good books!!

Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Templar Silks is a graceful and befitting end for this great knight. I loved his pilgrimage to Jerusalem & also the the ritual at the end of his own life. 💫💫💫💫💫

Cinfhen Lovely photo 6y
Tiyas7 @Cinfhen I Agree. Feels So Peaceful 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen 🙏🏻❤️ 6y
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Cathythoughts @Tiyas7 thanks 👍🏻❤️ 6y
GatheringBooks loving the flowers 🌺 💐🧚🏼‍♀️ 6y
Cathythoughts @GatheringBooks thankyou ! Our little garden has gone mad Sinse we got the sun ☀️👍🏻 6y
TrishB It was a fitting ending, felt privileged to go and see his tomb after I‘d read this 💕 6y
Cathythoughts @TrishB I hope to see his tomb some day 🙏🏻❤️ 6y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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#getmovin #fighter “ .....He remembered distant April days when he competed in the tourneys. He had ridden in entourages of kings & queens , Life pounding through him with the speed & strength of a galloping horse. “. ........“ Messire Marshal, your reputation in the tourneys and in the battlefield is legendary”.... ❤️ Templar Silks

LeahBergen 😍😍 6y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen 😍😭❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Hubby is mildly obsessed with The Templar Kinights 6y
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TrishB Ahhhh 💕 got there before me with William - I think we could do one a day about him 😁 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen a good obsession! 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen it‘s really good. I‘ll be moving on to Here Be Dragons next ! 6y
Cathythoughts @TrishB I‘m really enjoying it ... 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 6y
Cinfhen Hubby is just about done with 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen yes! I remember you saying that. I‘d say it‘s really good ... !!?!!!! 6y
DarcysMom @Cinfhen I love, love, love Sharon Kay Penman. Here Be Dragons was one of the books that inspired me to pursue a master's in history. 6y
Cinfhen Oh WOW!! It‘s too late for my hubby to seek out a new profession but I thank SKP for reigniting his love of reading!!! @DarcysMom 6y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Next up for me , just read the first page & I‘m already emotional ... here I go back in time , special bookmark & all ... ❤️

LeahBergen I need to pick up a copy, too. Enjoy! 😘 6y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen thanks , I‘m looking forward to the journey 6y
TrishB Ohhhh.....enjoy 💕 6y
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Andrew65 No doubt a good read ahead. 6y
Cathythoughts @TrishB thanks 🙏🏻 6y
Cathythoughts @Andrew65 no doubt 😍 6y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Thankyou so much @TrishB 🙏🏻. You are very good & thoughtful. Two great men waiting for me in my letterbox! William Marshal & John Lennon... really love & appreciate this bookmark 👍🏻❤️ thanks Trish X

TrishB Yay 🎉🎉 glad it arrived! I don‘t think there are many WM bookmarks around! 6y
Cathythoughts @TrishB thanks!! I‘m having your chocolate now with coffee... for breakfast ! It would be rude not too 👍🏻❤️ 6y
TrishB Lol - enjoy 😘 6y
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batsy So nice! Love the bookmark. Chocolate for breakfast... It doesn't get any better than that 🍫 6y
Cathythoughts So true @batsy 🍫☕️ & breakfast Litsy surprises. A very nice way to start the day 6y
Cinfhen @TrishB is pretty darn awesome!!! 6y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen that she is ❤️👍🏻 6y
TrishB @Cathythoughts @Cinfhen thank you lovely ladies, as are you 😘 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely! Lime and chilli 🍫? I‘ve not heard of that. Intriguing! 6y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm yes! It‘s a taste explosion ... interesting combo 🍫😋 6y
LeahBergen It‘s him! It‘s him! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂 @TrishB 6y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen yes ! It‘s him ! He really existed & walked this earth & is buried in England ... I love it 💫💫💫 @TrishB (edited) 6y
TrishB @LeahBergen you have one on the way too! Given past experiences you may get it by the end of the year !! And you @Melissa_J 😁👍🏻 (edited) 6y
LeahBergen @TrishB Yay!! You‘re the sweetest! 😘😘😘 6y
TrishB Welcome @LeahBergen 😘 6y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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#ReadingResolutions #MayTBR @Jess7 a day late 🙄

I‘m reading The Scarlet Lion at the moment.
Also I have The Nightingale &
the Silkworm On Audible at the moment. So this is my May TBR ..... I‘ll do my best 🤞🏻

GatheringBooks oooh! you have cutting for stone, too!! :) 6y
Cathythoughts @GatheringBooks I do ! I think my TBR is outrageously ambitious.... 🤞🏻 6y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Looovvveeee Elizabeth Chadwick!!!! I had to pay through the nose for this but it‘s not out in the US yet 🤷🏽‍♀️ #shutupandtakemymoney #historicalfiction #williammarshall

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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Needed a change of pace so started listening to this. We also just finished watching Knightfall so the templar connection was a deciding factor

Only thing is I'm not sure i will finish it by before we go on holidays!!

#audiobook #historicalfiction

BethFishReads Did you like KNIGHTFALL? I keep meaning to watch it 6y
margreads @BethFishReads we did enjoy. Not sure it was historically accurate but it was fun!! 6y
Victoria_Clyne I've been watching Knightfall. I've been quite enjoying it. 6y
BethFishReads @Victoria_Clyne @margreads I‘ll as it to my list 6y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Well here is a book fit for a queen. You would have to see it in reality to get the full beauty of it ❤️. And bookmarks & treats. Thankyou so much Trish, X , I‘m overwhelmed. Your very good 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 and Thankyou for the advice re Trilogy. I‘ll get those on my kindle later. Thankyou ......

batsy How lovely 💕 7y
Cathythoughts @batsy it‘s such a beautiful book , to have & to hold ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen How nice! 💕 7y
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TrishB Glad it all arrived safely 😁 lovely picture ❤️ 7y
Cathythoughts @TrishB thankyou so much ! X . The pic is on a table I have. Worked out well. I feel like I‘m in Court these days .... living these books , thankyou for introducing me to this world ❤️ 7y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen it‘s so very nice. Litsy kindness & generosity is ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Sweet! Your current binge read, and this is a lovely pic. 🙂💗 7y
RohitSawant How wonderful! 💜 7y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm @rohit-sawant thankyou , I‘m delighted with myself 👍🏻 7y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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More brilliant historical fiction from Chadwick 👍🏻
Concludes the William Marshall story, he is amazing 💕 How do you get sad about a story that played out over 800 years ago!?

TrishB @Cathythoughts your copy is on its way! 7y
Cathythoughts Ahhhh ! Your as good ! Can‘t wait 👍🏻 7y
Leftcoastzen I have never read her , where should I start? 7y
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LeahBergen I‘ve kind of got the hots for William Marshall. Is that weird? 😂😂 7y
TrishB @LeahBergen OMG - yes, so much - I just thought it sounded to weird too say 😂😂 I think I would definitely run off with that particular knight 💕 7y
TrishB @Leftcoastzen I‘d go for the Eleanor trilogy - Summer Queen, Winter Crown, Autumn Throne 👍🏻 7y
Leftcoastzen @TrishB Thanks ,I was browsing her titles , I will take your suggestion, they look good. 7y
Melissa_J Sweet! So glad to hear it‘s good! My copy is now on its way from the UK (thank goodness for Book Depository). 7y
Melissa_J @LeahBergen @TrishB You two have to fight me for him! I‘ve had a thing for Marshall since reading The Greatest Knight. 7y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Love when authors use my favourite word 😁 Am so loving this book I‘m actually reading it slowly!

Texreader Chadwick is great! 7y
Andrew65 Got to be a winner, it has my favourite book word in the title! Templar ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Itchyfeetreader An Elizabeth Chadwick I haven‘t read? Adding that to the list! 7y
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Raebelle Reading a book slowly, it must be good :) 7y
TrishB @Andrew65 usually means a good read! 7y
TrishB @Texreader she is 😁 7y
TrishB @Itchyfeetreader just out last week 👍🏻 7y
TrishB @Raebelle it makes a change for me! 7y
Cathythoughts ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Andrew65 @TrishB I‘d agree, one of my favourite historical themes! 7y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Continuing my love affair with William Marshall ❤️

Melissa_J What???? Is this new? How am I not aware of this book? 7y
TrishB @Melissa_J just out this week in UK - Last of Marshall trilogy. 7y
Melissa_J Looks like I‘m going to have to use Book Depository. The e-book is available here, but there is no word on when print copies will be released. 7y
TrishB @Melissa_J I haven‘t had much reading time this weekend due to family stuff - dying to get a few good hours of reading in! 7y
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Templar Silks | Elizabeth Chadwick
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Epic fail on the pre-order front! Ordered twice.....
@Cathythoughts would you like the spare one? As you have just got into the author?

mjdowens Never heard of this one, but it sounds like a great story. Stacking it now. 7y
LeahBergen Oooo! I‘ll be getting this one! 👍🏻 7y
TrishB @mjdowens @LeahBergen can‘t wait to read some more about William Marshall 😁 7y
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Cathythoughts How very kind of you , I would be delighted to accept your offer ❤️😊 7y
TrishB @Cathythoughts 😁 email your address to me - trish.barker@liverpool.ac.uk I know it will have a good home 💕 7y
Cathythoughts Thanks Trish, what a lovely surprise 🙏🏻 7y
Cinfhen Trish is THE BEST @Cathythoughts 😊 7y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen 🙏🏻✨✨ 7y
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