I am currently snuggled up in my reading chair in my living room. I have finished two books and I'm about to start a third. Currently at a little over 6.5 hours.
Where is everyone else at? 😃
I am currently snuggled up in my reading chair in my living room. I have finished two books and I'm about to start a third. Currently at a little over 6.5 hours.
Where is everyone else at? 😃
Has anyone heard anything from @trashcanman lately??
I miss him
Oh #BOTM where are you?!? It‘s been 5 days since the tracking was updated? Is the government shutdown interfering? (Does that mean that Trump is holding our books hostage too?!? 😱😱😱)
So I recently realized I have misplaced one of my favorite bookmarks and it is most likely in one of my books on one of my six shelves. 😨 Not sure when I last had it, so your guess is as good as mine! 😅Now do I really want to look or wait? 🤔😂
The lovely Littens @Kaye and @MinDea are putting together a map to show all the states and countries represented here on Litsy! 😃 If you would like to help them out by participating in their geography survey, click on the link below.
#WhereInTheWorld #LitsySurvey