I got 10 minutes into the audiobook and decided it was way too juvenile for me. Still like that cover though.
I got 10 minutes into the audiobook and decided it was way too juvenile for me. Still like that cover though.
I loved the super unique magic in this book. There were some inconsistencies in the writing but nothing huge. The characters were all realistic and well written.
#adventrecommends Day 4 I really liked this back when I first read it. Didn‘t like the romance in it but this isn‘t a standalone, so hoping it changes in book 2. Not sure if this a duology or trilogy.
#bookoutlet #bookhaul
Little Women
Anne of Green Gables
Fate of the tearling
The savage Dawn
The Shadow Hour
Circle of Shadows
So this isn't as good as her Crowns Game book but it was better than the Crown's Fate.
I think it struggled at the beginning and the middle it was difficult to see why this wasn't like every other YA fantasy out there but it really did hit its stride in the last 1/3 or so. I REALLY liked the ending. It was logical and not "too clean" which is something I always complain about.
Reading for the Kpop Random Dance Playathon challenge for the song Crown by TXT to read a book with royalty
2/5 ⭐
Meh, this book dissapointed me. I really like The Crown's Game but Circle of Shadows felt really flat, to me. There was something missing in the story to make special and unique. I felt like I was reading a smash up of many other books I've read in the past.
1. Fantasy and mystery/thriller.
2. Sabaa Tahir
3. Caraval by Staphanie Garber
4. Historical fiction
Found book. Enjoy boo. Discover book is not a stand alone.... epic sigh.... 😔😢
🎥 A Walk To Remember
📽 Disney Movies
🎎 Japan
📚 Fantasy
👩🎓 French (first language) and english
1. Saturday
2. Elvis Presley
3. College
4. Escaping from Houdini
I went into this book very hopeful because I liked Skye‘s last series. It took a little while for the world building to get into swing for me, because it was pretty vast and there was a lot of language to learn. But the characters were great from the start and by the end I was really into it all.
Starting this tonight.
Wish I could stay home tomorrow reading this book.
Has anyone read it? What are your thoughts?
Listening to this on audio today and must say it is disappointing me after The Crown‘s Game. Lot‘s of telling and the world and character building feels thin.
Book discussed in February YA book club at BookMarkPR.Description well summarized in book blurb "Apprentice warriors of the Society of Taigas trained in magic & fighting arts to protect Kingdom of Kichona".Four apprentices will fight to protect Kichona before training is completed.This goes from so-so to ok.I enjoyed the beginning but I wasn't prepare to see a son of a god? fighting?really?You will see also YA romance 3/3.3⭐️Fairyloot edition❤️
📚 The books I plan reading in March. I've read The Wicked King, which I loved and the Graceling which was meh.
📖 I'll read Escaping From Houdini and My Plane Jane this weekend and finish Nevernight!
🎥💻 There will be a live show for Circle of Shadows with youtubers Kivox and Meekachii. They are awesome, I love watching their videos!
March TBR.
I already read The Wicked King, which I loved.
Now that I have to choose my second book to read, I can't decide which one. I tried to read Truthwitch and Nevernight before but I can't get pass the first chapter.
Have you read any of these books? What are your thoughts? Which one do you recommend I read next? 🤗🙂📚📖🐶🐶🐶
P.S. 3 dog emojies because I'm relaxing on the couch with my furry babies. ❤❤❤
I read this as part of the FairyLoot readalong and I'm having a hard time rating it. Altough it was a page-turner I found the world building lacking and I wasn't impressed with the magic system. Also, there were some things that just didn't make sense to me. That being said, I still really enjoyed the book and want to see what happens next. I just think the story had a lot more potential - good thing it's a series. 😉
#CircleOfShadows #EvelynSkye
Just finished this and I really liked it. It was fast paced and I love a good fantasy series. I did have one thing I don‘t like and I will explain it in the comments because it is a spoiler.
Last day of the readalong which means I‘ll be finishing this tonight.
Quick reading update. I‘m liking it so far. 85 pages in and I can‘t wait to get back to it tomorrow. I‘m doing another one of fairyloots readalongs, so will be done with this by Sunday assuming I‘m able to keep up.
One of 2 books I‘m starting today. This looks really good so I can‘t wait to try it out
in all honesty I wasn't keen to start with..it felt like it was all over the place with different views each chapter so I was finding it hard to really sink my teeth in like I wanted to....but.... I'm a stubborn person, and it does even out beautifully and the jumble to start with was needed. It's safe to say I absolutely ADORE this book, and I may just be head over heels in love with Wolf and... I kinda have a soft spot for Prince Gin too
I'm not sure how I feel about this book really. It had parts i really enjoyed but also equal amount of parts i was just blah about. I didn't enjoy the characters too much, not much connection between me and them. Except for Daemon and his natural blue hair, his character really intrigued me. I would read the 2nd book whenever its released to see what's up with him and his backstory. Hopefully more questions I have are answered in the 2nd book. 3 ⭐
And I just realized the map for the book looks like a running tiger 🐅 and a moon🌙
Haha, pretty cool 😁
Just realized this releases in a few days!
I actually forgot I even had gotten a copy from Edelweiss a while back 🤦🏻♀️
I'm excited for this book. It sounds right up my alley 😊
This is just one of the books suspected to be In he various book boxes in January. (Probably not in owlcrate. I already posted it‘s suspected book. )
#CoverLove #YAedition
January, 22, 2019
I haven't read The Crown's Game/Fate yet but I gotta stack this📚 I dig this cover 📕