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Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House
Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House | Omarosa Manigault Newman
22 posts | 12 read | 1 reading | 6 to read
The former Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison in the Trump White House provides a jaw-dropping look into the corruption and controversy of the current administration. Few have been a member of Donald Trump's inner orbit longer than Omarosa Manigault Newman. Their relationship has spanned fifteen years--through four television shows, a presidential campaign, and a year by his side in the most chaotic, outrageous White House in history. But that relationship has come to a decisive and definitive end, and Omarosa is finally ready to share her side of the story in this explosive, jaw-dropping account. A stunning tell-all and takedown from a strong, intelligent woman who took every name and number, Unhinged is a must-read for any concerned citizen.
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Better than expected, I reluctantly read this one. 3.5 stars.
Something from another point of view.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Wow! More power to you!!! You go lady!! 6y
AnneFindsJoy You are so close! Just Two more to go... 6y
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I dont empathize with Omarosa but I believe her portrayal of DJT is accurate. It was such a stark contrast to Becoming. She has been a bit of a blind hypocrite, but ultimately, I am glad she has written such an honest book

#LitsyAtoZ #U #ReadingUSA2019 #WashingtonDC @BookishMarginalia @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Nice review! 6y
Kaye Good review. I thought about reading this, but 1- couldn‘t stand her attitude on the Apprentice. Holier Than Thou. 2- Can‘t bring myself to read another book on this subject right now, so thank you fir doing it for me. 6y
jessinikkip @kaye this is my first insider look at Trump and it wasnt a bad one. However I dont think I could handle a second 6y
Kaye Yea I think I read 3 a few months back. That‘s all I can handle for now. 6y
jessinikkip Well @kaye you did better than me. I read this one, tried to start Fear and just couldnt do it. One for now was my limit 6y
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"We went from Barack Obama, a scholar, an academic, to Donald Trump, who was just this side of functionally literate."

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"You dont have to lynch someone, you dont have to burn a cross in someones yard these days to be a racist."

SleepyDragon I have this one on my wishlist on Overdrive. I can't decide if I really want to read it or not. 6y
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So when Clinton cheated, she was so upset she left the white house. When Trump started cheating she decides his "personal life was NOT my business". So hypocritical

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Some of my coworkers are passing around the Trump administration books that I haven‘t had the mental will or energy to read yet. So I got in on it when someone finished this one.

Casual reminder that today is the last day to early vote in Tennessee 🗳 🗳 🗳 #memphis #teacherlife #votesaveamerica #pleasevote


Soooo.....I still don‘t like her. And there were several parts of this book that had me giving it the side eye. For one, the way she continuously commented on Clinton. And Secondly the way she was so blind to the truth of who Trump is. I left this book not feeling on bit of empathy towards her. #gladitwasfree #omarosa #nahgirl

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1) 39.
2) 70 to 80 books.
3) The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton.
4) Times Convert by Deborah Harkness and Lethal White by Robert Galibraith.

#Books #2018checkin #Reader #Reading


Soooo....this chic (not the word I want to use) worked for a pre-Clinton Campaign PAC and believed that she would be on the actual campaign team. Well that didn‘t happen; so Omarosa was better - and it‘s shows in this part of the book. She is down right petty! 🤦🏾‍♀️


The Gene Simmons section of this chapter I‘m in....makes me want to throw up. #sexistbullshit

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So I was annoyed about how she says she lost respect for Hillary Clinton for staying with Bill Clinton (I had no clue that Omarosa has worked for the Clinton admin.). Other than that I am sitting here thinking....she should have known better (when it came to Trump).How she didn‘t surprises me. She‘s sharp. Smart. And I could definitely respect her. But I can say I feel sorry for her. #nonfiction #politics

vivastory I agree. Nothing that Trump has done is surprising to me. 6y
TheBookbabeblog84 How she didn‘t know is beyond me. 6y
WhatDeeReads I can‘t stand her. She embarasses me a woman, a black person, and a HU grad all at once. She changes her story to garner sympathy and pushes other under the bus. I will never forget the horrible way she acted on apprentice. 6y
TheBookbabeblog84 @WhatDeeReads I feel the same way about her...to a point. She sold herself out. 6y
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Regardless of your political beliefs, going into this book believing it might all not be true is the way to read it. While most of it is things anyone who watches TV already knows, it is interesting to hear the point of view from someone who was on the other side of it — on the inside. It was juicy and interesting and I didn‘t want to stop playing it!

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Reggie Do the BBQers let you read in peace? Lol. Nice pics btw on the reader. 6y
Between_The_Covers They do actually😂Thank you! 6y
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This book is intense and so good. Omarosa said the way he allowed Gene Simmons to have his way with Ivanka and he watched as he groped her and said vulgar things during the Apprentice taping was disgusting. Donald was encouraging Gene's behavior with his daughter #unhinged #Omarosa #Trump #blacklitsy 😳

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This was surprisingly readable. Do I trust Omarosa? Not particularly. Do I understand how she can justify her fifteen years in Trumpworld? No. But, much as Fire & Fury did, this book compiled Trump‘s “greatest hits” as a reminder that we must continue resisting and vote for change.

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How can we concentrate on reading when Trump‘s cronies are going down? 🙌🏻

Samplergal Lots of witches. Read a witch book and smile! 6y
AmyG What a day. 6y
Burghbookaddict 😂😂😂😂 This is a fantastic day 6y
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kspenmoll Love your post! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
Stacy_31 😂😂😂 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Yaaaaassss!! 6y
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A surprisingly candid look at her life, her choices and her struggle to create diversity in a difficult atmosphere. Omarosa is a very thoughtful writer who looks at her own shortcomings and successes along with those around her with a sharp eye and great wit.

EricQiao Did she write this book or is there a ghost writer? 6y
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I can‘t resist books like this. Political tell all‘s complete with all the craziness that is today‘s political landscape. Tucking in with some wine and cheese to boot!!

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I know some of you said you wouldn't read it but I can't put it down. This is a page turner. My face 😳 as I continue. Happy Sunday! #unhinged #blacklitsy #kindleoasis #omarosa

Memorable quote : If you're not at the table you're on the menu 🤯

BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘ve got this one saved on Scribd. I‘m a glutton for these WH tell-alls! 6y
Between_The_Covers @BarbaraTheBibliophage It's some great WH tell alls out here. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Between_The_Covers I‘m planning on reading Spicer‘s also. I may not agree with their politics, but the hot mess in DC is just captivating. Even as I do everything I can to fight against it. 6y
Ashley85 That quote is mind-blowing! 😳 6y
CoffeeK8 That quote is mind blowing... I‘m so torn on reading this! 6y
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I can't stand her but had to get it. I'm way to nosey not to read it. Let's get in to it😩

EricQiao I can‘t wait for more tapes! 6y
Brenda More tapes,and she‘s got videos too! 6y
suvata I wouldn‘t read it even if it was free. Definitely wouldn‘t pay💰for it. 6y
Samplergal I can‘t. But wouldn‘t mind if she brings the mofo down. Js. 😂 6y
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I have my issues with Omarosa, but wouldn‘t it be something if she took Supreme Cheeto down?

AmyG I can‘t wait to hear her tapes. 😝 6y
LauraJ Definitely must be checked out from the library!!! 6y
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kamoorephoto Yessssss 👏👏👏👏👏 6y
Slajaunie She said he was not a racist when interviewed right after she was fired. They played the interview on the news last night. 6y
Hooked_on_books Whomever takes him down gets my eternal gratitude. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m def getting this one from Scribd. Can‘t break my record of listening to all these crazy books. 6y
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