I needed something light to read. This was a fine solution. It was occasionally very funny. Often, it was like listening to your grandpa's old stories for the millionth time. I'm glad enough to have read it, but I wouldn't rush to recommend it.
I needed something light to read. This was a fine solution. It was occasionally very funny. Often, it was like listening to your grandpa's old stories for the millionth time. I'm glad enough to have read it, but I wouldn't rush to recommend it.
This is what I picked to lighten the mood/de-stress after Mr. Nobody. It's working pretty well!
Here I am at Motor City Comic Con, fighting off the last stages of a horrible cold. But hey- I'm actually not working a show for once!
Actually, we're here so that my husband can meet John Cleese (his early birthday gift from me). The signing line is INSANELY long, so I've found a chair and an busy catching up on litsy!
I was looking back at my 2017 in Books on Goodreads and couldn‘t stop giggling at how these two books lined up with each other 😂
I did not get to meet the man himself, but I did pick these up at the merch booth.
Forbidden photo of John Cleese being interviewed by his daughter, Camilla.
Seeing John Cleese tonight. Photos are prohibited, so this is likely the only photo I'll have from the event.
For a small town, my local librarians have an awesome sense of humour.
The delay in the audio for Cleese to record it was worth every minute
This is such a joy to listen to. Cleese narrates it himself - recorded quite some time after the book was finished and he keeps laughing as he gets to particularly fond & humourous memories. It's so great!
This book started off with some laugh-out-loud funny moments from John Cleese's childhood and early youth, but there were less as the book moved along. I can see why Cleese sometimes has the reputation of being a jerk. 😜 He comes across that way occasionally, especially evident in the audiobook, narrated by Cleese himself. I still found this book entertaining and interesting. I didn't know much about Cleese's career before Monty Python.
This audiobook should come with a warning: CAUTION. Do not listen while driving. Bouts of hilarity may impair vision.
As read by Cleese, it's hilarious. Listening was like a tonic for the world's craziness.
That's right, I got to interview John Cleese for @bookriot about his wonderful and hilarious memoir! I genuinely adored this book, and chatting with him over the phone just made me love him more. http://bookriot.com/2017/02/01/anyway-interview-john-cleese/
#feistyfeb day 7: #alltheworldsastage. Couldn't resist posting about this one again. I'm now up to the part about John Cleese's early experiences onstage with the Footlights Club at Cambridge. This book continues to delight me. He also has very good tips about writing and performing comedy, for those interested.
Taking a break from books (well, not really...lol) to enjoy a viewing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail with a Q&A after with John Cleese!
#readjanuary day 26: #autobiography. I just keep posting about John Cleese's book, don't I? I'm loving it. I only wish I had more time for listening to it. I'm experiencing daily snippets of its hilarity on the short drive to work in the morning. It's so enhanced by Cleese's narration!
I had to take a screenshot because the book I'm currently reading is this audiobook, via Scribd. And boy is it helping my mood. I have laughed hard, sometimes to the point of tears, every day that I have listened to this book. #allisnotlost
I'm a huge fan of John Cleese, so this memoir was an utter delight. He's a great writer, and his memoir is thoughtful and, of course, hilarious. It actually focuses on his years before Python, so here's hoping for a second installment!
Last year I gave my dad a copy of So, Anyway for his birthday ... this year I got to take him to see John Cleese live and it was pretty perfect that the show just happened to be today. Humor cures all (especially British humor) #fleshwound
I am laughing so hard I'm crying.
I just started this audiobook on Scribd. You guys. It's delightful and funny, and I'm not even an hour into it. Highly recommend! Of course it helps if you have a Pythonesque sense of humor...
Something that makes me happy (besides books)? The theater, musicals in particular. Tonight I got to see one of my favs at my community theatre. Remember: 🎶always look on the bright side of life! 🎶#funfridayphoto @Liberty
After only a few pages of this John Cleese autobiography, I'd already laughed out loud so much I had to keep reading. It turns out he's funny.
The most interesting part isn't his comedy career; those chapters fall flat compared to the enchanting way he sketches his childhood. He paints the flawed characters from his youth with charm and love.
Cleese says he's always felt himself to be more writer than actor; this book made me believe him.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Cleese's personality came through in his writing. I think I may hit YouTube and look up some Monty Python clips.
I love this book. From the first line I could hear John Cleese's voice in my head.
That time last year when I went to see John Cleese talk about his book and he was exactly as awesome as you would expect him to be. Also- he was barefoot. #TBT
I challenge you to read about 'The Unfortunate Rabbit Incident' and not laugh. You'll hurt your precious stomach.
The one successful #bookfacefriday I ever did, starring my husband.