When it's Friday at 2pm, the end of a very. long. week... you choose books to take home for the weekend, completely disregarding the piles of books waiting at home already. As if I'm even going to have time to read any of them 🤣
When it's Friday at 2pm, the end of a very. long. week... you choose books to take home for the weekend, completely disregarding the piles of books waiting at home already. As if I'm even going to have time to read any of them 🤣
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 181 #bookstoread #tbrpile #bookstagram
🎧 OwlCrate Book. The world gets a message from planet Alma that they are our creator & our world will end in a week. Think Area 51. So three teenagers spend their time left coming to terms with their mistakes & trying to fix them. Jesse, Cate & Adeem‘s stories are drawn together by the end of the book. I normally LOVE sci-fi but this one was more drama. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I pretty much ate this up in two days! It was extremely hard to put down! For someone who doesn't read a lot of contemporary or scifi; I enjoyed this title from start to finish! #Ihopeyougetthismessage #reading #books #contemporary #scifi #farahnazrishi
This is my next read to hold me over while I wait for my book haul to come in. So I am really enjoying the writing style and the flow of the story. Plus I prefer the green silhouettes over the red. #Ihopeyougetthismessage #books #reading #read
I wasn't sure about this one at first when my husband picked it out for me sci-fi kinda isn't my thing....that being said this is much much more and I have to put it on my list to pick up if I ever see it cheap or unless one of my imaginary friends out in the world of nowhere sends it to me lol (I don't really have friends let alone someone to send me random books that I've read from the library) Lol
#thursdaysurvey (on a Friday 😊) @laurenslibrary
1️⃣ Probably a pretty even split between physical and ebooks. I prefer physical copies though
2️⃣ The library!! Love the library
3️⃣ I do, but not as often lately
4️⃣ Overdrive, through my library
5️⃣ Last bought (tagged)
Very ominous spam call to receive while finishing this book tonight 😱😱 Kinda spooked not gonna lie
I feel like I‘m posting a lot today😅 but I love evenings like this: a cat, a cozy blanket, a cup of tea and a good book 😌📖☕️ #tbr #currentread #owlcrate #cozynights
3.5/5 stars! Didn‘t really root for the characters, at times I was a bit bored, but I did feel like this book made me think a lot. The bitter jokes about humanity and how people would act during the apocalypse were spot on. And I think I‘m in the minority here- but I liked the ending. The trial scenes where the aliens are trying to decide whether to let us live or not - the best part!!
#111 and I haven‘t heard too much about this one but I absolutely love the title. This cover is also very beautiful and under the dust cover on the actual hardcover is a series of ones and zeroes. So it seems like a very coded yet interesting set up.
For much of this book, I did not like Jesse. I did, however, like Cate and Adeem, and in the end, Jesse grew on me. I give this one a solid 4 stars... an enjoyable read. Props to OwlCrate too for the lime green version of the dust jacket!