Look at this big beautiful thing
Look at this big beautiful thing
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, and some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!
1000+ page novel narrated by a ten-year-old Jewish kid who thinks he "might" be the Messiah? How could I resist? Gurion Maccabee has been expelled from his last three schools for fighting and is in addition a Talmudic scholar of almost superhuman brilliance and a charismatic leader of his chosen group of fellow pupils. Think "If..." with Gurion a ten-year-old Malcolm McDowell. Very funny if frequently exasperating.
This review is for Levin‘s short story “A qualitative study of our father” story 7 in the Short Story Advent Calendar. Odd little story written as if it were an actual scientific analysis paper on their father‘s fly-killing behavior and methods. May have to think about this one awhile but it tickled me🧐
I do wonder what prompted this 😂😂😂 @MrBook
I put my ebook down to watch the Holiday and assemble toys. 🛠This is normally when the bah humbugs spill out and quickly transform into curses and swear words. What type of evil genius thinks up toy packaging⁉️😡
Day 27 of #riotgrams - #doorstoppers. This is a literal doorstopper at 1030 pages. (I've yet to read it - still at 12 pages six years after publication....)
This month's #TBR features the second huge book of the year! Pressure is on as this is the first year I might get to 100 books in a year! #wanttoreadindec #seasonsreadings @RealLifeReading
December means big book time! So excited (and ever so slightly scared) to be starting this one, wish me luck!
Another double book pick for #photoadaynov16 I've read and loved To Kill A Mocking Bird and whilst Atticus gets the biggest portion of my love Scout is a pretty epic protagonist. I am yet to read The Instructions, it's a toss up between this and Gravity's Rainbow for the kind Christmas break book! #childprotagonists
It's true. I cannot lie. I like big books. A lot. With a big book you can crawl in, roll around and wallow in the story. I always feel like The Goldfinch saved my life because it was so big and I read it during the most brutal winter I hope to ever live through. I carried the story inside me like a warm, friendly fire even when it was 30 below. #bigbooks #booktober