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The Instructions
The Instructions | Adam Levin
12 posts | 5 read | 1 reading | 15 to read
Adam Levins book is the real thing, I think. It appeals to the young readers who like formal invention and ambition... But theres also real substance there. Dave Eggers This is the story of Gurion Maccabee, age ten: a lover, a fighter, a scholar, and a truly spectacular talker. Gurion has been expelled from three Jewish day-schools for acts of violence and messianic tendencies. He ends up in the Cage, a special lockdown program for the most hopeless cases at Aptakisic Junior High. But in just four days, from the moment he meets the beautiful Eliza June Watermark to the terrifying Events of November 17, Gurions search for righteousness sparks a violent, unstoppable rebellion. Driven equally by moral fervour and teenage exuberance, The Instructions is hilarious, troubling, empathetic, monumental, breakneck, romantic and unforgettable. Evocative of David Foster Wallace... full of death-defying sentences, manic wit, exciting provocations and simple human warmth. Rolling Stone This is a life-consuming novel, one that demands to be read feverishly. When it is over, other fiction feels insufficient, the newspaper seems irrelevant... New York Observer A hysterical, heartfelt journey of self-discovery... A book that moves beyond completely transparent influences to reach its own distinct, new, great height. Village Voice Manic, articulate, full of passions, courageous in its form and very funny. George Saunders
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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Look at this big beautiful thing

Alfoster Yikes!😝 13mo
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, and some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


The Instructions | Adam Levin
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1000+ page novel narrated by a ten-year-old Jewish kid who thinks he "might" be the Messiah? How could I resist? Gurion Maccabee has been expelled from his last three schools for fighting and is in addition a Talmudic scholar of almost superhuman brilliance and a charismatic leader of his chosen group of fellow pupils. Think "If..." with Gurion a ten-year-old Malcolm McDowell. Very funny if frequently exasperating.

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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 4y
KathyWheeler 😄 4y
rockpools 😂😂 4y
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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This review is for Levin‘s short story “A qualitative study of our father” story 7 in the Short Story Advent Calendar. Odd little story written as if it were an actual scientific analysis paper on their father‘s fly-killing behavior and methods. May have to think about this one awhile but it tickled me🧐

The Instructions | Adam Levin
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I do wonder what prompted this 😂😂😂 @MrBook

BookDame @Lcsmcat 😂😂😂 yes! That‘s hilarious. 6y
MrBook Oh, it's a short story. 😆 6y
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Eggs 🤣😂😅 6y
britt_brooke 🤦🏼‍♀️ 6y
rather_be_reading 😂😂 6y
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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I put my ebook down to watch the Holiday and assemble toys. 🛠This is normally when the bah humbugs spill out and quickly transform into curses and swear words. What type of evil genius thinks up toy packaging⁉️😡

MarriedtoMrT Good luck! 7y
PenguinInFlight Good luck! 7y
EllieDottie Ah I don‘t envy you!! Good luck! 🍀 7y
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WarpedSweetness Ugh I know! I usually assemble the kids toys on Christmas Eve, after they've gone to bed and there is lots of curse words and cursing toy makers in general. If I could drink, I would consume tons of alcohol during toy assembling. 7y
Chelleo @WarpedSweetness LOL I had to break out some sippables last year. Just finished this one with a personal best of 30 mins. @EllieDottie @PenguinInFlight @MarriedtoMrT 7y
Ddzmini 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💣💣💣 7y
PenguinInFlight @Chelleo Whoo hoo!! 🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
laurieluna We got our son duplo. Means he gets the joy of building it too 😂 7y
WarpedSweetness @Chelleo 30 mins is good! Lol I'm thankful I have nothing to assemble this year. 7y
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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Day 27 of #riotgrams - #doorstoppers. This is a literal doorstopper at 1030 pages. (I've yet to read it - still at 12 pages six years after publication....)

Reviewsbylola Ok, you win! 😂😂 7y
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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This month's #TBR features the second huge book of the year! Pressure is on as this is the first year I might get to 100 books in a year! #wanttoreadindec #seasonsreadings @RealLifeReading

Abailliekaras Master & margarita is also on my list, and that cover 😍. So much love for nick Hornby polysyllabic spree. 8y
CherylDeFranceschi What an awesome stack!!!!❤️ 8y
DebinHawaii Wow! Now that is a stack!!! 📚👍👍 8y
EloisaJames I love The Book of Longing! 8y
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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December means big book time! So excited (and ever so slightly scared) to be starting this one, wish me luck!

LeahBergen That's a big one! 😮 8y
Bookworm54 Good luck! ☺️ 8y
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The Instructions | Adam Levin
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Another double book pick for #photoadaynov16 I've read and loved To Kill A Mocking Bird and whilst Atticus gets the biggest portion of my love Scout is a pretty epic protagonist. I am yet to read The Instructions, it's a toss up between this and Gravity's Rainbow for the kind Christmas break book! #childprotagonists

The Instructions | Adam Levin
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It's true. I cannot lie. I like big books. A lot. With a big book you can crawl in, roll around and wallow in the story. I always feel like The Goldfinch saved my life because it was so big and I read it during the most brutal winter I hope to ever live through. I carried the story inside me like a warm, friendly fire even when it was 30 below. #bigbooks #booktober

DGRachel 30 below??? I thought the world was coming to an end the one winter where I had wind chills below zero, but I don't think the actual air temp dropped below zero! 😱 8y
Bette Wow, now I want to read it! ❄️🌨🌬☃️🔥❤️ 8y
Notafraidofwords Do you live in Alaska? 8y
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CherylDeFranceschi @DGRachel @Notafraidofwords Chicago can be evil in the winter. Very very evil. 8y
kspenmoll My brother lives in Kenai Alaska- often warmer than my sister's weather in northern Minnesota! 8y
Notafraidofwords @CherylDeFranceschi oh wow. I really dislike the snow which makes me cranky pants in the winter lol 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @kspenmoll I think Minnesota may be worse than here. 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @Notafraidofwords Me too! We get this crazy lake effect snow which kind of sucks v 8y
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