Not exactly a book, but Lore is scratching the #scaretober itch for me today. Thanks @Hornsby78 for the recommendation!! #frightfest #spookyoctober
Not exactly a book, but Lore is scratching the #scaretober itch for me today. Thanks @Hornsby78 for the recommendation!! #frightfest #spookyoctober
If y'all are not listening to Lore, y'all ESPECIALLY need to start listening this month. This is a podcast hosted by Aaron Mahnke (author) and each episode is about a specific myth, legend, historical fact, or horrible crime and he tells the story. Dark. Suspenseful. Macbre. The episode above is about the two Williams who begin murdering people to supply medical schools with fresh cadavers in the 1800s.
I just got back from Goodwill with a stack of books! I was excited to find Hourglass. It's been on my 'books to buy' list for a while. I stared at the Aaron Mahnke books for a while trying to figure out why they sounded familiar. Then I realized that he's the host of this amazing podcast called Lore. It looks at legends/superstitions and uses them to discuss true crime and mysterious happenings from the past. I'm excited to read his fiction!
Sometimes when I finish and audiobook, I feel like I'm cheating when I say that I've "read it." Does anyone else ever feel that way?
I just finished listening to the Audible version of this book. The plot was pretty unique and engaging. I really enjoyed it!
My podcasts aren't loading, so I'm taking it as a sign to start a new audiobook.