Next up.
Read this slowly over the course of a month. Told in 2 timelines, 1900 and the late 1990's. I much prefered the 1900 time line. Slow plot with lots of political discussion. Loved the settings. 2.5 🌟
#ShowSomeLove Day 9: I was fascinated by a White woman‘s perceptions on the veil (and her decision to wear it), the many struggles and prejudices that she had to endure with her deciding to marry outside of her culture, with her husband looked down upon by her snooty and high-handed British compatriots despite his being born from a noble, educated, and highly respected family. Perfect for #WorldMarriageDay. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-l5j
"This is one of those books I want to buy and hand out to people because it's so amazing and deserves for its praises to be shouted from the rooftop. The writing is lyrical and stunning." Chanel Cleeton raves about this one for #read99women: http://www.greermacallister.com/blog/2020/3/6/read99women-chanel-cleeton
#AyUpAugust Day 20: Today‘s #temptation is brought to you by Swensen‘s sizzling dessert. Paired with a book from Egypt for #WomenReadWomen2019.
When you‘re under the weather and you need to escape! #traveler #travelandromance #thelibrarianssuggest #egypt #coolgirlsread #recommendation #secondhandbookstore #secondhandbooks #weneedmorediversebooks #readmore #bookworm #bookstagram #bookshelf #librarian #whatareyoureading
This was my book group book for February. Not my pick but my best friends pick. After hearing her talk about it, it sounded like maybe it got better but after a little over 100 pages into a 500 pages book, I just couldn't anymore. I had a hard time following the plot lines, and just generally couldn't care about any of the characters. In short, I was bored. Maybe another time, but probably not.
Have any Littens read this? I'm supposed to be reading it for book group next Monday but I've only made it to page 38 and I have no idea what's going on. My bestie picked it so I'm going to keep plodding forward but it's tough.
These are all currently listed in my GoodReads as WANT TO READ #LoveintheTitle #17BookLove
I fail at the no extra book buying resolution. But I'm still using Christmas money and being extra picky so I'm counting it as a win. 5 books (one borrowed, one for February book group) plus 1 DVD (to enhance my reread of Lonesome Dove)
"How can it strike so suddenly? Without warning, without preparation?Should it not grow on you, taking its time, so that when the moment comes when you think 'I love', you know - or at least you imagine you know - what it is you love? How can it be that a set of shoulders, the rhythm of a stride, the shadow of a strand of hair falling on a forehead can cause the tides of the heart to ebb and to flow?" (p. 48) #manbookershortlist1999 #egyptianlit
A nice poolside novel, and I certainly wouldn't discourage anyone from giving it a try, but I wish it was a little meatier