The weeping angels are the scariest Doctor Who monsters in my opinion.
#scarathlon #photochallenge day 14: monster
+6 team #spookyghostclub @Clwojick
The weeping angels are the scariest Doctor Who monsters in my opinion.
#scarathlon #photochallenge day 14: monster
+6 team #spookyghostclub @Clwojick
Forget the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Soltarians, the Slitheen or even The Silence. The most terrifying Doctor Who foes are The Weeping Angels, who use time itself as a weapon. Imagine facing something that will kill you if you even blink for a moment. 4 🕚🕚🕚🕚
13/20 #bookbuyingdiet
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 140
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
Dear God, the weeping angels. They scare the bejeezus out of me. These ones follow a guy around, waiting on him to create paradoxes.
#BookishBingo category: A book that scares you
Loved this Weeping Angel story. It features Eleven, Amy, and Rory, but it reminded me a lot of Love and Monsters and Don't Blink (of course) because they were sort of secondary to the plot. They showed up, but it was mostly about this one man and what happens when an angel sends him back in time within his own timeline.
My new book sleeve. 💙💙
I never buy books without checking my LibraryThing account to be sure I don't already have a copy because...well, I've just learned that lesson a few times. But I apparently haven't input all my e-books because I bought these 2 last week and today realized that the Angel book is on my kindle.
I can't be the only one who accidentally buys the same book 2 (or 3) times, right??
Everything about this book is why I love Eleven and why he will always be MY Doctor. It is also a perfect illustration of why the Weeping Angels are so terrifying. I loved this so much.