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Joined February 2018

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S. by J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
Shadow of the Wind | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I was 40% in, of course The Shiroyasha (white demon) ate it from the bottom 💀The book in the story is hidden to be saved from being destroyed. If only I took a clue...

AmyG Yikes! 5y
tokyoseg @WanderingBookaneer perfect timing!!!! Thank you!!! 😂😭 5y
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Shiba Inu | Andrew De Prisco
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My reading schedule has been interrupted by this little guy that I now serve. RIP my 100 books 2019 reading challenge 😂 so this is what being a new mom feels like...... #dogsoflitsy #doggo #goodbyebyesolitarylife #luckyhescute

TrishB Awww 💕🐶 5y
tessavi You could try audiobooks while taking him for a walk. Or read to him, might calm him down 😉 5y
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I enjoyed this trilogy more than I expected, probably thanks to Moi Tsarevich 🥰 there was a little too much focus on romance for my taste, but I think it will be great as a Netflix show, hopefully.

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Boy in Winter | Rachel Seiffert

I was looking for a strong holocaust story, but unfortunately this wasn‘t it. It was okay, but felt very unfinished and there were a few characters presented without actual focus on any to feel much connection.

Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I‘ve wanted to read this book for ages, since it‘s the unofficial inspiration for HIMYM (and Ted‘s favorite book). I could definitely see why..
The writing (translation?) is beautiful, but so tedious with long chapters and the narration of 50 years goes all over the place like an old man with dementia telling you stories.
It was such a chore to read this book😩

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Fascinating and terrifying. I had no idea madam Tussaud‘s life story was so entwined with the French Revolution. The author did a great job knitting facts with fiction telling the evolution of the revolution starting with fight for equality and liberty, ending with bloodbath, mob lynching, anarchy and a reign of terror from Marie‘s point of view, alongside her work and personal losses. Definitely one of the books that sends you to Wiki for more...

Birdsong28 Read this next 5y
tokyoseg @Birdsong28 thanks, I checked on GR but it seems to be a fictionalized retelling of her life.... not sure I‘d enjoy that 🤔 5y
Birdsong28 @tokyoseg But the book you have just read is a fictionalised account!?!? But is it up to you 😘📚📖 5y
tokyoseg @Birdsong28 Lol I mean this one is not a retelling of her life story, just the French Revolution from her POV (and based on real events and her memoir) but from what I‘ve seen on GR the other one is complete fiction with exception of some things like her name and the wax work 😅 5y
Birdsong28 @tokyoseg It's been awhile since I have read this, so the details are a bit sketchy lol!! It's good that you want to keep to the original material as possible, I think that makes a historical novel so much better. 😘📚📖 5y
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Small Spaces | Sarah Epstein
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It‘s not my usual kind of book, but damn it was good! It‘s marketed as YA, but I was pretty spooked out throughout the book. Tash is a 16 years old girl with a baggage of mental issues, stemming from her creepy imaginary friend “Sparrow” who she‘s seen abduct a girl nine years earlier, but of course everyone thought she‘s crazy. 9 years later, the other girl returns to town and it seems Sparrow returns as well. Good idea to read before bed😱

tessavi You finished in the evening! sweet dreams 👻 5y
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The Binding | Bridget Collins
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The world premise of people having their memories bound into books makes for a really fascinating read.
I wish there was more of that magic and what it entails, but it made a wonderful backdrop for the romance that unfolds.
It's not a perfect story and has many flaws,
but I just loved the story and was so immersed I could hardly put it down. It‘s beautiful, full of emotions and yearning and the first book this year that brought tears to my eyes.

Texreader Great review 5y
tokyoseg @Texreader had to chop off my goodreads gushing 😆 5y
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The Song of Troy | Colleen McCullough
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3/5. pick for mythology fans. Overall, an interesting somewhat realistic retelling of the Trojan War, from start to end. I enjoyed it, tho admittedly I liked the first half of the book better.
There are WAY too many POV characters and a lot of them sound pretty much the same. Also didn‘t like the portrayal of some, especially Helen, ugh.
I disliked how Achilles was portrayed in his relationship with Patrokles and the way that part was handled. 😒

Less: A Novel | Andrew Sean Greer
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Wow, never thought I‘d find myself relating to a 50 years old gay man, but I found Arthur Less SO so relatable, especially as I‘m approaching 40 and feeling like a lost little kid.
Anyway, loved this journey so much, I laughed and I cried, and I hoped and I looked at the dictionary a lot because it‘s very “magniloquent and spoony”.
I do wish it was just a little bit longer with a proper epilogue instead of cramming things into the last chapter.

Kindred | Octavia E. Butler
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Since February is black history month, I decided to read the first ever sf book published by a black woman.
I wouldn‘t call it sci-fi but more a dark historical fantasy. A black woman from 1976 time travels to a plantation in 1815 Maryland.
I could barely put the book down, it‘s very well written, terrifying account about slavery and how easy it is to ‘get used to it‘. I‘ll never understand the horror men do to others for the shallowest reasons.

AlwaysForeverReading I can‘t wait to read this novel!!! 5y
tokyoseg @ProfReader it‘s really good!!! 5y
BookNightOwl One of my top favourite books!!! 5y
Texreader I liked this one too! 5y
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The Song of Troy | Colleen McCullough
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Since I‘m still high on the Iliad, I think it‘s perfect timing to start reading this book. I hope it‘s good, bring on the pain again~~ Patroclussss😭

The Iliad | Homer

The thought I'm reading a story written about 3000 years ago is mind-blowing!
Fagles' translation is fairly easy to understand (English is not my first language so I was worried about that) and it uses the Greek names and not the Roman!
I was completely invested in the story. I know the mythology background, but I was surprised it felt like a fantasy story based on the mythology.
I really did not expect to love it as much as I have!
Patroclus 😢

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1. I was so emotionally invested in the characters and then (redacted for spoilers) , so I almost threw my kindle in the middle of the packed train 😅
2. Going to a different restaurant every lunch break with @tessavi 😋
3. So many 🙈 drive of shame out of paramount studios, getting into a stranger‘s car‘s backseat thinking it‘s my friend‘s, and lots more I want to forget 🙈🙈
4. Freshly baked pastries
5. Gray Iliad 🥁
#FRIYAYINTRO @howjessreads

Blackfish City | Sam J. Miller
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3.5/5 I spent half the book without a clue what's going on, but kept on reading because it was just so interesting and I wanted to know more. The next half when the story started to unveil was more disappointing, as the great elements introduced in the first half just didn't come together as great.
I certainly enjoyed the story, but it could've been so much.more.

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Wow, it really reads like a memoir instead of fiction. I could believe it true, if it weren‘t for the last couple of chapters, since of course the missing Romanov bodies were discovered a few years after this book was published. Still, interesting and horrific read about the last days of the Tsar and his family.

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I haven‘t posted my 2018 reading stats from goodreads, so here it is. 🤓 Not bad, considering in 2017 I only read 3 novels... #goodreads #bookstats #2018stats

tessavi 😱 so many! 5y
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The Wicker King | K. Ancrum
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1. Teleport! 💨 why would I need to read ppl‘s minds when I can just escape all of them in a split second??
2. Tagged.
3. Not really, just trying to get by day to day.
4. Crazy ex girlfriend 😂
5. 👍
#friyayintro @howjessreads

Karisa My teenage daughter and I are ❤ing Crazy Ex-girlfriend too! 5y
tokyoseg @Karisa it‘s wonderful isn‘t it? I‘m enjoying the musical numbers 👌🏻 5y
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Since I can‘t sleep....
1. Israel, but living in Tokyo.
2. I don‘t really do ‘authors‘, but Mary Renault... and will probably read any mythology story Madeline Miller wants to reimagine.
3. Not that big apparently; 100+ ebooks, 20sh physical.
4. Dunno, but I get most my reading done on my hour train rides to and from work.
5. You should continue Red Rising saga~! 🙃
#littenintro @tessavi

WhatThePuck I wish I could get through Iron Gold! 🤣🤣 5y
tokyoseg @WhatThePuck but it‘s so much better than the first book! 5y
WhatThePuck @tokyoseg hahaha. I started in last Jan. Got 200 ish pages in and just tried to restart it and couldn't remember anything and then gave up again 20 pages in. Maybe some day. 5y
tessavi Those bookss are definitely in this years plan! 5y
tokyoseg @WhatThePuck whatever it takes to get to Morning Star 🤷🏻‍♀️😆 5y
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Brilliant story, lovable characters, very imaginative. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. The ending was somewhat anti climactic for me, but overall great series with a promise of more adventures to come!

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Untitled | Unknown
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@tessavi you count as a litten right? 🤓 This was definitely a bookish year! My goodreads challenge started at 27 and now (after extending it 3 times) I‘m about to finish the 108th book by the weekend 😂 #in2018 @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading Hooray!! 6y
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The Dream Thieves | Maggie Stiefvater
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The characters are EVERYTHING!! 😍😍 Love all of them, loved the writing style.. the story in this one was pretty imaginative too. The only downer (for me) that‘s been looming since the prologue of the first book is the ~true love~ nonsense, but it‘s still not big enough to take away from the great story and other themes in this book.

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3.5/5 - this is not a rating of the story, I find every holocaust memoir a unique survival story, and an important human document to treasure. Unfortunately I felt the writing was really lacking and it took away from the impact of Lale and Gita‘s story.

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I had eyes surgery on Saturday, so I‘ve been avoiding reading to not strain my eyes. I prefer reading because I have the voices and images of the characters in my head and can imagine the scenes playing out like a movie in my head, BUT I must admit it was very relaxing to lay down and listen to someone reading me a story 😉 This book was a good choice for audio! Quite enjoyed it tho even I‘m not really into romance.

Fat Fridays | Judith Keim
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1. Toy Story🦖
2. Yes, but rather not.
3. If manga counts, Attack on Titan live action movie.. otherwise I only remember I disliked Ready Player One, last one I watched 😅
4. Foreign books fair with @tessavi - hoping to find bargain books in English! 🙏🏻
5. 💙💚 #friyayintro

Krisjericho Yeah, I LOVED the book Ready Player One. The movie was pretty bad. I was so disappointed. 6y
tokyoseg @Krisjericho ugh yeah, they completely ruined my favorite parts of the book and also made it so much less.... well, everything. I couldn‘t even watch in one sitting. 6y
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This was a total waste of potential. Such disappointment. Also most of the POV were of men so misleading title. The story of the black builder turned janitor was the most interesting.

What If It's Us | Becky Albertalli, Adam Silvera
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Super cute. I absolutely loved the musical references and the setting of New York😍 The ending was surprisingly very realistic. (Would‘ve probably loved it more if it weren‘t 😅)


DNF at 25%. I just don't like the way it's constructed, and struggling to get through. It's not as interesting as I expected and I have too many books on my tbr list to waste my little free time on this. Maybe another time.

LiteraryinLawrence I bailed on this one too, for similar reasons. 6y
Sweettartlaura Do give it another go when you ‘re ready for it. I put it down for a couple months, and while it‘s not the best book I‘ve ever read, I just finished & I‘m glad I did. 6y
tokyoseg @Sweettartlaura thanks, glad you enjoyed it eventually. maybe I‘ll give it another shot after I finish the bulk of my tbr list... 6y
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1. Finish my 100 goodreads reading challenge, but not gonna happen because:
2. YES! My first since 2011, so it feels like the first time.. I‘m floundering 📉😱
3. Finally hoodie weather!
4. Happy November!! 🤗
#hellothursday (already Friday here tho..) @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! ☺️🧡 6y
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Thought provoking, enlightening, fascinating. I think anyone with interest in the world should read this book. It's not an easy read, it's certainly challenged my views, but I think it's important for us to know, as a species, where we come from and where we are headed. I will definitely be thinking about the points brought in this book for years to come. Also, it‘s written in an entertaining style with easy examples 😉

The Fifth Season | N. K. Jemisin
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Can‘t say I enjoyed the writing style, but once I figured out the world building it was more compelling to read despite the style. Glossary should‘ve been at the beginning of the book tho....

tessavi I expected a so-so. Glad it got better! 6y
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The Fifth Season | N. K. Jemisin
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I decided to play TBR Bingo to challenge the tbr list I have hard time choosing from. Of course the first square is a trilogy orz... oh well, challenge accepted. Hopefully I can manage it during nanowrimo!

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I liked this a lot more than I expected when I started it. It‘s very trippy, melancholic and bleak, but it‘s written in such a tantalizing way, almost as addictive as those drugs the MC is taking. The backdrop of NYC in the late 90s, early 00s was also wonderful.. it‘s almost historical fiction now?!

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The last part of the book was simply epic. The romance dragged the book down for me, I could do without it and all the soap opera drama. But overall, great tale, wonderful characters and I‘m looking forward to the rest of the journey!

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This part broke me. I cried with Reg. On the train. #titanic

Six of Crows | Leigh Bardugo
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I already love the main character 😆 This is going to be fun!

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OMFG I only got this book cuz it was free and goodreads was putting it all over my recommendations so I thought why not.. less than a week later and I‘m addicted to this series. The story is not a masterpiece but I just love those crazy ass characters so much!! Andrew looks and feels like one of my original charas so extra soft spot for that psycho midget 😍😅 already on book 2 now ✌🏻

Circe | Madeline Miller
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This was magic!! Really enjoyed this enchanting mythology retelling. Some parts dragged a bit but overall this definitely goes to my favorites!

Fangirl: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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1. Luke Skywalker
2. Ten will always be my Doctor
3. House Stark 🐺
4. 1
5. Statler and Waldorf (or Animal from the main ones)
@LibrarianRyan #FandomFriday (tho already Saturday noon here 😅)

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻⭐️ 6y
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The Persian Boy | Mary Renault
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This fictionalized book series about the life and death of Alexander the Great is fantastic and really well written. The reason I personally disliked the second book in the series is the POV is Bagoas and he was too annoying for me. I‘d have liked to read more about Alexander‘s relationship with Hephaestion instead.

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What a fun Broadway adventure!! It was better than the first book, and it was great to read a book taking place behind the stage of a new broadway musical, learning how it comes to be. It was also nice to see the MC finding his place, in all aspects. I‘m looking forward to the next book!

Tokyo Friends | Betty Reynolds
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Whenever I‘m making the trip to Tokyo‘s only(?!) used English bookstore, I can‘t resist taking a pic of the walk from the train station and feel like a tourist. Fun day with @tessavi ♥️(Was way too hot tho...) #tokyo #japan #bookhaul #bookswithaview

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1. The Emperor's New Clothes
2. Monsters inc.
3. It was a little after 7pm today I think
4. Tuna and sea food of any kind.
5. @tessavi and anyone who wants to~
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

This Is How It Always Is | Laurie Frankel
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This was a very touching story with some great insights about acceptance-- for me, not just sexual identity or gender identity, but self identity. I liked the multiple views and the writing style was flowing. There were a lot of cliches, plot conviniences and some missed opportunities with stronger side characters, but overall I enjoyed the ride and hopefully took some of the insights with me on my own journey of "becoming".

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The Bedlam Stacks | Natasha Pulley
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I enjoyed The Watchmaker of Filigree Street quite a lot and this writer‘s writing style was fun, so I pre-ordered the paperback version of her book without even checking out the summary! I only know it‘s again historical sort of fantasy. Hope it‘s as lovely... (tho not quite sure when I‘ll get to read it, my pile keeps getting bigger! 😅)

Untitled | Unknown
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1. The child was wakened by the knotting of the snake‘s coils about his waist.
2. 427
3. Firstborn
4. Philip
5. Black
6. Historical fiction
7. King, then?
8. Black
9. M.R
10. No
11. 1969
12. Hilary Mantel
13. Yes.
14. Not yet, but planning to!

tokyoseg Fire from heaven 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. ?(especially combined with?)
2. Going through “Friends” atm.
3. Oh a lot of them do, I get distracted reading related topics or biographies... Most recently War and Peace from historical references to Napoléon descendants and.... pigeons?
4. I don‘t eat those anymore, but usually mayo or chilli sauces.. hate ketchup ?
5. Doctors (not The Doctor sadly), pool, movies and books...?
#FRIYAYINTRO @jesshowbooks

Better Nate Than Ever | Tim Federle
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I only read the first line of the summary and it said BROADWAY so I had to get it 🤩 seems it‘s a bit on the young side with the main character being only 13, but oh well. Show must go on. Does anyone have rec for a novel with Broadway setting? Just musical theater also goes 🙏🏻 #Broadway #musicals

laurieluna I think this is quite a young one too, I read it when I was 17 but remember it having a musical theme and being very funny! 6y
tokyoseg @miralunasbooknook thanks! I‘ll check it out 😊 6y
Peddler410 I recently read this which has a musical tie in — it was published in 2009 but I found it wonderful even if a little dated 6y
tokyoseg @Peddler410 thanks! Does sound interesting, added it my want to read list on goodreads! 6y
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Red Rising | Pierce Brown
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3.5/5 The story and settings were interesting enough to keep me reading and entertained, but honestly I thought the writing was pretty bad... also didn‘t care much for the characters. Definitely will pick the rest to read if I come across them tho.

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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Beautiful and captivating reimagining of the Achilles legend. I usually don‘t like war descriptions (especially with horses...) but it made me really care for these two heroes and view them in completely new light. Loved it!