My #Roll100 for May is Sophie‘s World.
Glad I am getting to this one, as my mum bought it for me after she read and enjoyed it ☺ï¸
Like much of everything else, WE MADE IT UP!
#josteingaarder #sophiesworld #kant #time #space #humanideas #wemadeitup #makingitupaswegoalong #philosophy #adventuresinphilosophy #westernphilosophy #deadphilosopherssociety #whereitallstarted
Intriguing fictional story of Sophie and the philosopher teacher that tells the history of philosophy in a elegant and easily understandable manner.
Anyone interested in diving into philosophy can start here with this book.
This book gave me so many new ways to look at the world, and people, and how we think and what we are made of. It‘s a truly fascinating and deeply meaningful read.
#SundayFunday @ozma.of.oz
Sophie‘s world is part introduction to western philosophy and part fantasy - I love the philosophy and hate hate hate the fantasy. So it‘s somewhere between a pick and so-so. It‘s a very good book for those looking to gently foray into philosophy ie learn key lessons from noted thinkers through history. The fantasy element interspersed within it is plain terrible (to me).
What a trip. This book has some really strange parts to the plot, but it‘s still well worth the read. It will definitely get you thinking in different ways. This is a book that certainly harbours open mindedness and free thinking, even rejection of parents‘ ideas and beliefs without proper examination, so I can certainly see why this book has been banned and challenged by some groups.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Do you feel like this book encompasses that many cultures, or are we seeing one path, or just a few paths, through history?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Who are the wisest characters in the book?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Astronomy as philosophy. What did you think?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
I am glad I did this as a buddy read- I think I enjoyed it much more. I wish I had also read this with my teens for homeschool a few years ago- I think it was a great way to get an idea of philosophy and history. Thank you for so many great discussions @ravenlee @kspenmoll @TheBookHippie and @GingerAntics your questions were thorough and engaging and I greatly appreciate the time you put into this group read 🧡🙌
This part of the song (the last part) is probably the part that fits best for us and this book, though.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
The last chapter REALLY made me think of this. I couldn‘t help singing the parts of the song as Albert/the major discussed them. (The whole song, not just the theme song/first verse.)
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
Just finished this book tonight.Don‘t know if I have the words to capture all the ways this study of philosophy, as seen through the eyes of Sophie,has challenged, stretched, delighted, exasperated, etc.etc., me. At times I felt as if my brain just couldn‘t comprehend what I was learning-or it that was so stuffed with new insights & knowledge that It might explode!This really was a STUDY for me-and to travel,explore,&share this path with Littens🔽
We have just one more chapter left. Who is excited?!
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
I felt like Albert‘s reaction to Hilde‘s letters and directions was interesting.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
🤣😂🤣 This part was actually quite enjoyable. 🤣😂🤣
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
??? 🤯🤯🤯
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
I feel like I do not understand the last two chapters at. all. I may have to read them a dozen or more times to figure this out.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
They hid then fled? They went into the cellar and came out… where? There was actually a lot of drinking at the party and this is all a drunken dream? Does anyone know what happened here? I feel so off kilter at the moment.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
This chapter, well really both of these chapters have just blown my mind. What on Earth is going on around here?! 🤯🤯🤯
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
This chapter was a real trip. I‘m still trying to figure out what just happened here.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
I used to teach a class called “critical thinking†and the curriculum not so artfully skirted and contorted to avoid philosophy or anything that could potentially be considered philosophical. Basically, I was teaching close reading and creative problem solving.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
In a matter of minutes she was pregnant and… WHAT DID I JUST READ?!
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Is there such a thing as a synthetic philosopher? Perhaps these are the people who think they‘re so philosophical and cleaver, but are really prejudiced, closed minded, idiots.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
This feels like a very convoluted question, so I figured we‘d start here. ðŸ˜
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
We‘re almost to the end. I can‘t believe how far we‘ve come. Next week is our second to last week with Sophie, Alberto, Hilde, and Albert. Hopefully we‘ll have some answers by then.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
And now, for those following along with Monty Python… ðŸ˜
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
This felt very twilight zone to me.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Do you agree? Is this true?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
I can certainly say I have a much different view of Freud after reading this book than I did before.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
This was an interesting discussion in the book. Did anyone else enjoy the discussion of human imagination?
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
I‘m not making the connection on this one accept in the incredibly abstract. Maybe one of you guys see it.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
This seems like another version of the discussion we had earlier in the book about how free a person is to advance their place in society or move up the social ladder. Maybe it‘s just me.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
Always gotta start with the questions that pop up in the book.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll
In search of my last post, I stumbled upon this one and couldn‘t help myself. I guess we can tell which one is the favourite child. 🤣😂🤣
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
Reading the Freud chapter made me think of the time this joke was created and a bunch of conservative parents crashed the site trying to buy it. I‘m not sure if I should laugh or cry.
(Yes, this is a real product. It‘s a medical device used when children need to be restrained for medical treatments. It‘s usually a last resort type of thing. I‘ve heard it‘s very helpful in an MRI.)
#sophiesworld #philosophy #falltreasures #19thcentury #Hegel #Kierkegaard #Marx #Darwin
Catching up on my reading for tomorrow while my son gets bloodwork done #readingincars #alwaysreading
Okay, NOW this is the correct post of next week‘s chapters.
#SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy #DeadPhilosophersSociety
@TheBookHippie @CBee @ravenlee @JaclynW @RavenLovelyReads @AlaSkaat @Chrissyreadit @kspenmoll