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The Man in My Basement
The Man in My Basement: A Novel | Walter Mosley
36 posts | 28 read | 41 to read
The man at Charles Blakey's door has a proposition almost too strange for words. He wants to spend the summer in Charles's basement, and Charles cannot even begin to guess why. The beautiful house has been in the Blakey family for generations, but Charles has just lost his job and is behind on his mortgage payments. The money would be welcome. But Charles Blakey is black and Anniston Bennet is white, and it is clear that the stranger wants more than a basement view. There is something deeper and darker about his request, and Charles does not need any more trouble. But financial necessity leaves him no choice. Once Anniston Bennet is installed in his basement, Charles is cast into a role he never dreamed of. Anniston has some very particular requests for his landlord, and try as he might, Charles cannot avoid being lured into Bennet's strange world. At first he resists, but soon he is tempted-tempted by the opportunity to understand the secret ways of white folks. Tempted to understand a set of codes that has always eluded him. Charles's summer with a man in his basement turns into an exploration of inconceivable worlds of power and manipulation, and unimagined realms of humanity. Walter Mosley pierces long-hidden veins of justice and morality with startling insight into the deepest mysteries of human nature.
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Great book! I had the audiobook and Ernie Hudson‘s voice is to die for.

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There are a few black authors that I like but if I have to choose one to highlight is Walter Mosley.

This books is about a man who wants to have a unique experience, this experience required him to seek out someone unlike himself to help himself to help fulfill it. I like this book because it make me think about life and injustice, and if give the opportunity what would be my response if I had the power.


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I had to brave my chaotic cellar for the photo but it seemed apt + you be relieved to know there are no bodies lurking. This was an interesting story focussing on the nsture of evil and the redemption of a troubled man. When Charles, down on his luck + abt to lose home and friends accepts a rich white mans offer of cash to keep him prisoner he does not expect the consequences. I now want to try the easy rawlins book as this was so fascinating.

Cathythoughts Great picture 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
merelybookish Yes, love the perspective of this photo! 4y
andrew61 @Cathythoughts @merelybookish thanks but no skill involved purely luck ☺ 4y
Anna40 Sounds veeeery creepy 4y
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Such a strange read, but I loved it! The premise is simple: one day, a man shows up on Charles Blakey‘s doorstep asking to rent his basement. It‘s a short but powerful book that brings up lots of questions about good/evil, repentance, and intent. Haunting!

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Walter Mosley's The Man in My Basement is a fascinating, twisted, and strange novel. (I recommend listening to the audiobook--Ernie Hudson does a FABULOUS job narrating.) Charles Blakely is desperate after being fired from his job. After digging farther into debt and depression, and in danger of losing his house, Blakely receives an odd offer from a white man named Anniston Bennet. (continued in comments)

UnabridgedPod Bennet wants to pay Charles $50,000 to live in his basement for a summer. Initially, Charles doesn't consider the offer, but eventually he accepts. What results is a strange relationship that causes Charles to reconsider his family's role in the history of Black Americans, his own strengths, and the nature of love and morality. I really enjoyed Mosley's mastery of storytelling and the twists of the novel's plot. 5y
Tamra It was weirdly absorbing! 5y
UnabridgedPod @Tamra I totally agree! I was so drawn in. 5y
MoniqueReads305 Mosley's non-mystery writing is really imaginative. If you haven't read it yet The Last Ptolemu Grey is really good. The audiobook version is awesome. 5y
UnabridgedPod @MoniqueReads305 Thanks for the recommendation! I had only read one book (a mystery) by Walter Mosley, so this definitely was a surprise. 5y
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#ChristmasinJuly package from my @LitMail buddy @Kerouacthedog Thank you!

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This book was absolutely nothing like I was expecting but also so very captivating! #24in48 One book down and onto my second book! @24in48

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Back from manners class. Flapjack graduated, he got a certificate and a treat, plus puppaccino at Starbucks on the way home. Now breakfast and back to reading. #24in48 @24in48

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Two more hours of reading in. I'm 152 pages into this one. About 100 pages to go. I'm taking a short break to take my dog to his last manners class. #24in48 @24in48

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I just woke up, time to continue reading this story #24in48 #readthon @24in48

bookishlyblessed I must still be tired because this looks almost identical to my picture last night, lol. 7y
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After an hour of reading it is time for me to hit the hay. I'm falling asleep and so far this book is too good for that to happen. #24in48 @24in48

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First up for the #24in48 just waiting for the strike of midnight! @24in48

Sweettartlaura GREAT BOOK! 7y
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Here is my #24in48 #tbr for the weekend. I am excited to start!! @24in48

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This book wasn't at ALL what I was expecting - less creepy and mysterious, more existential and questioning - but it was still interesting and the writing was great. I think I would've liked it more if I had gone into it with a clearer idea of the type if book it is.

Ambam Off topic but is your dog part Vizsla?! It's beautiful! 7y
bookwrm526 @Ambam we aren't sure, she was a rescue from a pit bull rescue but I don't think she's full pitty 7y
brilliantglow Beautiful dog! 7y
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This book is creepy in all the right ways. Charles is having problems meeting his bills when he is approached by a wealthy white man to "rent" his basement. When he agrees he doesn't realize that he's not becoming a landlord but a warden. The relationship ends up revealing more about each man than either expected. This is an incredibly fast read and a great suspense novel! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

drokka That photo looks like the entrance to the police stations in Northern Ireland. (Or what they looked like in 2011) 7y
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Hmmmmm, lots to ruminate over: evil, race, identity, heritage, family, life purpose, cause & effect, etc. I did not "like" either central character, though they kept my interest.

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2 short chapters and I'm intrigued!

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Zipping through this book with my little lump of a dog.

AlaMich So this book sounds...odd. 🤔 7y
SharonGoforth 🐶🐶 7y
KarenUK What a cutie 💕 7y
LauraJ @AlaMich Less odd than I expected. 7y
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January's stats! 10 is definitely above my average, and I hope I get even more in February!

britt_brooke Nice! 👏🏻 8y
mcipher That's awesome! 👍 8y
M-D You forgot about that you had to take care of me the whole month too. Awesome job babe ❤️💋 8y
LauraJ 👍🏼Bravo! 8y
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Starting #diversathon with this interesting novel.

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I had the privilege of hearing Mr Mosley speak at BRL last year. It did. It did not surprise me that this book came from him. It was a great read! 😊

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Love when a book has a great setup and then takes a hard-right turn into wtf?!

mcipher Okay, sounds really really weird. Stacked! 8y
vivastory Bought this last month 8y
Kat_Reads Read this last weekend, and I couldn't agree more! 8y
Gissy Sounds interesting! 8y
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Creepy reads for the Megabus journey!


Not what I was expecting, but very good!

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First book of the year is a @Liberty recommendation! It fulfills one task on my #mmd challenge too

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I got book mail!!!

vivastory I got the Mosley a couple weeks ago 8y
Kat_Reads @vivastory have you read it yet? I'm trying to wait until 2017 so I can use it for a challenge, but I'm so excited that it's hard to wait! 8y
vivastory @Kat_Reads I haven't read it yet. I'll probably read it in the next week or so 8y
RadicalReader @Kat_Reads heart shaped box was fantastic love the chapter length that they don't drag on like most books tend to do. I try to read from chapter to chapter 8y
Kat_Reads @RadicalReader yay! I'll have to move it up in my tbr pile! 8y
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First Walter Mosley. Love uncovering a new author. Eager for more! This one was dark, compelling and hooked me early. A fast read.

BookishMarginalia Welcome to Litsy! It's a great place to be! 8y
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Starting this book after @Liberty kept recommending it on the podcast.

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I am devouring this book! I started it in the late afternoon and I am almost done. Warning though, the first half is character building, but it is worth it. Loving this. My first Walter Mosley book.

BookishFeminist Walter Mosley is a fantastic writer. He does characters so well. 8y
NerdyRev @BookishFeminist yes, he does. Loving it! 8y
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I was so intrigued by the premise of this book but it didn't really work for me. I just didn't get it.

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Because I couldn't be at Book Riot Live this time around and @Liberty told me to.

beagle.mama Her talking about it scared me! You're brave! 8y
Suzze Oh, I read this when it first came out. Weirdness. 8y
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Not traditional horror, but in the wise words of Joey Lawrence: WHOA. #halloween

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Read this in one day and it was so good. I am loving Walter Mosley the more I read of his. This one was so unlike his other ones and really made you think about what evil really is; the plot was gripping and at times sinister. brilliant book!!!

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Being unwell sucks but on the plus side it is the perfect excuse to lay in bed all day and read. have started reading Walter Mosley for book riot live and really enjoying his books. #bookriot

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