Today‘s pairing is sponsored by NASA.
I grew up around NASA and had control engineers for neighbors and astronauts for school assemblies. I dig finding out what‘s behind the scenes. Mass is a goof.
Completed for “something inspirational” in #nonfiction2019. Mike Massimino was a regular kid from a blue-collar family in Long Island who dreamed of becoming an astronaut—and did. He writes about the hard work and dedication that it took to achieve his dream, and never ceases to be awed and amazed by the opportunities afforded to him. He certainly inspired me with his enthusiasm, humility and sheer joy.
I might want to kidnap Mike Massimino and keep him. Just a tiny bit. He comes across as such a nice guy. Really interesting to read about his path to becoming an astronaut (spoiler: it's really hard). 🚀
September wrap up. Back to my normal pace after a busy month. #septemberwrapup
This was another excellent self-narrated audio book. I had high expectations for this after hearing it discussed on NPR and hearing Massimino on Neil DeGrasse Tyson's StarTalk podcast, and it didn't disappoint. Being a science geek and space fan going back to watching Apollo as a kid I love true tales of space and this was right in my wheelhouse. Massimino comes across as a regular guy -funny, self deprecating, sincere, and is a good story teller.
The fate of a billion dollar space telescope in the hands of one man floating in space! Real drama!
Using brute force on a one billion dollar space telescope when technology fails.
OK Computer is one of my favorites! So cool to hear him say that he listened to it out in space. Radiohead‘s Kid A would also be great in space. 🎸
One asteroid or one medium-sized hiccup of the sun and it‘s over for us.
Hit B&N to check out the pictures in the paper version of Mike‘s book and grabbed some quotes along the way.
Wow, what an awesome story. This book made me want to go to space. The audio was a great choice. If you've ever been curious about astronauts or NASA, check this one out.
As a kid during Apollo, I so remember looking at the Moon in wonder, amazed that while I was looking up at it there were people walking around and riding the moon buggy on it. That, and later the space shuttle, inspired me to go in to aerospace engineering at the University of Minnesota. Spoiler alert: I'm not an aerospace engineer.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Massimino's story of a childhood dream coming true is extremely relatable. I hope his dream that this book rekindles curiosity for space exploration comes true.
Let's light this candle!
My next audiobook. Sticking with a space theme, just bumping the story ahead 55 years.
Reading Spaceman, while Cassini is crashed into Saturn. Seems appropriate.
My newest audio entertainment -- I'm enjoying it so far! I can stop singing Rocketman in my head though 😂🌕🌎🚀
Started this tonight, got to p9, and was like, huh, I know Mass' best friend...I went to college with him! Mike Q!! Then I realized how small this beautiful planet really is. Because it was @Oblomov26 who posted this book and made me want to read it. So a man from Australia, influenced a Jersey woman (born and raised Long Islander) to read about an astronaut who's best friend was a college mate. This is what makes life awesome! Litsy❤️
Well I needed this book. Massimino is by his own estimation an unlikely astronaut, the son of an immigrant civil servant, an engineer and baseball fanatic, who made it to space through a mixture of intelligence, hard work and the tenacity to solve any problems which got in his way. He is also a fantastic erudite storyteller who can inspire the wonder of space and science with his words. He now has a place at my fantasy dinner party.
I knew that listening to the section on Columbia was not a good idea. Tearing up on a train is a bad look
I can't breathe, I heart space dorks so much and this is a Right Stuff dork. 😂😂😂
🤤 I can't with this right now. The Columbia shuttle. So much sadness.
I just love Massimino's chapter titles. This is the most Everyman astro memoir. Or how-to. #Nasa #astronauts #nonfiction
This whole thing is so ridiculously cute and I love it. I need it right now. #NASA #nonfiction #nerdyreads #aboutrealnerds #astronauts
I absolutely loved this book!! It was so interesting to learn all about his journey to becoming an astronaut, and then his journey through his time with NASA. I learned so much. I definitely think Audio was the way to go with this, because his tone & inflection just made it all the more enjoyable! A must read if you like science, space exploration, or just great memoirs!
Starting a new #nonfiction, from a giveaway on Goodreads! Entering my nerdy happy place.
#NASA #outerspace #memoirs
This was such a great read! I couldn't put it down, my 11 y.o. Is reading it now and he is totally fascinated
Day 21 of #ReadJanuary
I have read quite a bit of fiction set in space, but I'd really like to learn more about real space. These two are on my tbr. 🚀
Arrived today
Excellent paragraph. never stop exploring.
1st of 2016.
Bust your ass CONSTANTLY, be lucky, make sure.your eyesight doesnt suck and you may be an astronaut too!
First book of the year! And cute little sprout bookmark!
Today's library haul!
comics: CHEW vol. 4 (John Layman, Rob Guillory) and WIC+DIV vol. 3 (Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and many others)
I nearly quit WIC+DIV after the way vol 2 ended, but I'm dying to know what happens anyway. hehehe.
nonfic: SPACEMAN by Mike Massimino and INTO THE WILD by Jon Krakauer.
#comics #nonfiction #library
such a great read, love all his movie and baseball references. mass, such a cool dude! so glad he wrote and he has confirmed that, yes, this is indeed a planet. 🌎💕
#BookMail! I'm also going to count this as my #NotOfThisWorld character. Because, you know, he was in space. #OctPhotoChallenge
PICK PICK PICK!! Story of a regular guy who works his ass off to overcome every obstacle and become an astronaut hero. Cool space stories + major inspiration. This book was so awesome that I think I have a lil crush on Mike now.